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  • #16
    Whadda brat.

    Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
    I carry my DL with me, hoping against hope that I'll be carded.

    Hasn't happened for a few weeks.

    I never knew I was vain like that.
    (Scene set, inside the Dragon's Lair bar)
    Becks (in a stunning evening gown in a 40s era cut): RW, I'd like to order a mixed drink, please.
    RW (impeccably dressed in his uniform and leather cabbie cap): Alcoholic or non?
    Becks: Alcoholic, please.
    RW: May I see some ID to prove your age?

    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #17
      I don't see why anyone flips out over getting carded! The server just said "You look very young!". Take it as a compliment!
      Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


      • #18
        I was kinda disappointed I didn't get carded last time myself. BF and I occastionally go to a local liquer store (called Specs, if anyone cares) to buy booze. I bought a nice white wine (for white wine sauce, I never drink the nasty stuff), while he bought blue triple sec and Irish Vodka (this was new to us so he bought a small bottle).

        Neither one of us got carded so either they do business slow enough to know who we are and how old we are or they just didn't bother. BF looks young fo rhis age when he's clean shavened and we didn't even realize we weren't carded until he almost walked out of the store with our things. Granted... I also gave them my phone number so they could look up my Spec's card... maybe that was it?
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #19
          My mom is now nearing her late 40's and she can't buy cigs (need to be 18) without an ID. I am beginning to experience this, but to a lesser extent since I don't smoke at all or drink often. The way I look at it, if I can manage to carry my ID on me (even when i have no pockets ) then they can damn well do the same. There has been a time or two where I have forgotten it, so I just put whatever it was I was buying back and try again later with my ID. Who the hell has time to get huffy over it?

          I do have one thing that doesn't make me sucky, but makes me laugh at what I think is a bit absurd. A few stores have a habit of not carding me on alcohol (which I don't get since I am 25 and look barely 20) but then they card me for buying an R rated dvd or M rated game.
          Sometimes the cashiers even look disappointed when I turn out to be old enough (they look like they were very smug with the "I need an ID" almost as though they enjoy taking the game out of the hopeful paws of a brat's hands).

          Has anyone ever been accused of having a fake driver's license when carded? This recently happened to my mom, who hasn't needed a fake license for almost 30 years. None of the jobs I have had would have let me question it, except in an extreme circumstance, and then I would have had to get a manager.
          The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury. - Marcus Aurelius
          If you're slower than me, stupider than me, and you taste're dinner - Anthony Bourdain

          Memento mori.


          • #20
            I really don't know why some people feel that they're exempt from having to show their id. Whenever I get lighters or go to an R-rated movie, I almost always expect them to ask me for mine.


            • #21
              I'm 27 and look about 18. Last year some of my customers tried to card me, to see if I was old enough to serve beer.
              I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

              This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


              • #22
                Quoth Fungus View Post
                Dear lord. Just show the ID or get the hell out. People are such drama queens. They'd rather argue and waste more time than it would take to show the ID. Morons.
                It's true. Seriously, how much effort does it take to extract a 2" x 3¼" piece of plastic from your wallet and show it to someone? Save the drama for your mama, you want to be treated like an adult, you can bloody well act like one.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #23
                  Wow, it's odd that she pitched such a fit over being carded, when she was actually of age. I expected it to turn out that she wasn't. The only time I ever put up any sort of argument was when I wasn't of age. And even then, I didn't really argue -- I'd say I didn't have it with me, and if they asked me to get it, I'd say OK, but then just leave and not come back. OK, maybe that was a little bit sucky, but nothing like the OP's customer.

                  Quoth Arcade Man D View Post
                  I don't see why anyone flips out over getting carded! The server just said "You look very young!". Take it as a compliment!
                  I actually got cared two summers ago, at the age of 37. I went into a bar that I hadn't been in before, ordered a beer, and got asked for my ID. I must have given her a strange look, because I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had been carded, except for places that carded every single person coming in, and usually those were concerts. But I got it out and handed it to her without a fight. She looked at it, looked it me, looked at it again, and then looked at me again. Then she apologized as she handed it back to me. I told her, "Don't be sorry, you just made my night!"
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #24
                    I know I've told this one before, but it's just too funny not to share again.

                    I was working the box office, and a lady wants to buy a ticket for a movie rated 18A. I ask "Can I see some ID please?"

                    Lady takes her card out of her wallet, turns around a bit, and calls to her friends on the other side of the lobby "HEY! I JUST GOT ID'D!!!!" Turns out she was in her late 30s.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #25
                      I've never really argued, I used to try to buy M rated games at the store I currently work at, because they only had 1 guy that checked IDs at the time(I always get carded now, being only a few months over the legal age, unless the cashier knows me, and I buy alot of R rated movies) but every time I went in there he was the one in electronics, so after a couple "can I pay for it up front with my parent?" "no" I determined that he was an asshole *note:they allow you to pay up front*, so if he was there I needed to just make my parent go back with me, or go to the store where they don't ID, but now I just show it, I'm barely old enough for R movies and M games anyways, and it's in the job descriptions(I read them, It has it's own paragraph) to check ID


                      • #26
                        Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                        (Scene set, inside the Dragon's Lair bar)
                        Becks (in a stunning evening gown in a 40s era cut): RW, I'd like to order a mixed drink, please.
                        RW (impeccably dressed in his uniform and leather cabbie cap): Alcoholic or non?
                        Becks: Alcoholic, please.
                        RW: May I see some ID to prove your age?


                        You rock hardcore.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #27
                          I kinda of like appearing a lot younger than I am. It goes well with my personality and the way I dress. When I started dating my boyfriend(who was 23 at the time), his friends were upset with him for dating a 15 year old. I was actually 20.
                          The only times it's ever been a problem was when I had my purse stolen and couldn't buy cigarettes for ages. I couldn't even ask a friend to buy them for me, since all my friends were also friends with my boyfriend, who wasn't supposed to know that I was smoking.
                          I have been accused of having a fake ID. That's why I carry both my old Virginia ID and my New York ID. The NY ID is very colourful and can bend enough to rub together(that's how you can tell it's real, if it makes that whurshing sound). The VA one is a lot more plain and stiff. The last time I bought smokes in VA, I gave up my NY ID. Seems like the clerk had never seen a NY ID before, and thought it was fake.
                          "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                          "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                          X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                          • #28
                            I got carded at Blockbuster a few years back. I don't remember how old I was, 19 or 20, but definitly old enough to rent the R movie and M game. It was a very sad day for me...

                            Clerk: Can I see some ID?

                            Me: <Thinking she's checking it to see if the name matches my Debit Card>

                            Clerk: Oh! <hands ID back> I thought you were 14!

                            Me: But...but...I drove here...

                            Yeah, I know she had no way of knowing the last part, I was just very distraught (I mean, seriously, 14!). I'm use to being carded by now. Sigh.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Mordecai View Post
                              Whenever I get lighters or go to an R-rated movie, I almost always expect them to ask me for mine.
                              I go to Rocky Horror Picture Show every week, and not only do the cast recognize me on sight now, most of the theater workers do too. One of the cast members who was carding one week, looked at me, and then my ID, and said, "I don't know why I check every week, I know you're here all the time. You're obviously over 17..."
                              I just kind of shrugged and guessed, "Habit...?"
                              "I call murder on that!"


                              • #30
                                i must be weird, when ever i buy something and i notice "a see id prompt", im practically shoving my id towards the clerk, asking, "Did you need to see ID?"

                                Cyberpunk mayhem!

