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I'm totally not equipped for this.

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  • I'm totally not equipped for this.

    This isn't really about suck, but I'm not sure where this would best fit. You'll understand when you read further.

    I had a woman call in last week upset that upon checking her credit report, there appeared to be a phone account set up in her Social Security number at an address she's never lived at. OK so far. Identity theft sucks, but it unfortunately happens. It's a pain in the ass, but once the process is started, a lot of the damage can be fixed. All the person has to do is file a police report.

    However, the woman bursts into tears and proceeds to tell me this probably started from 10 years ago when she as brutally raped and her purse was stolen with all her info. She can't even think about it without having an emotional breakdown.

    Meanwhile, I'm just sitting there with the largest face possible wondering how the fuck I'm supposed to respond to this information. I mean, offering any consolation seems so ridiculously lacking that it would almost be an insult to attempt it. At the same time, I don't want to be a heartless bastard to someone in such obvious emotional trauma. I've always been the shoulder-to-cry-on-when-female-friends-get-dumped-guy, but this is quite a bit above my pay grade.

    Ironically, my wife would have been the ideal person for this lady to talk to, since she's actually trained and has experience with traumatized people. I felt horrible for this woman, I just hope that she's able to fix what was done to her not only financially and credit wise, but personally as well.
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes