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I'm first, no I am, no me

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  • I'm first, no I am, no me

    It is a normal Saturday afternoon until CUST1 comes up the register in my dept to buy a coffee. As I am ringing up the coffee, SC2 approaches states they are runing late and have cake to pick up. I tell them I will be w/ them in 1 minute. While I am waiting for CUST1 to had me her money SC3 come up in line behind CUST1. I finish transaction then it starts.....

    SC2: Yes, the cake is under J...
    SC2: NO I was
    SC3: (to me) Sir, you will ring up my coffee NOW! I am in a hurry.
    Me: SC2 was first, I have to serve people in the order that they come.
    SC2: My cake!! I ma running late.
    I tell SC 3 to wait while I help SC2. While I am helping SC2, i hear SC2 going "Hellooo, Helloooo" A few second later i her the register start to beep. I look and SC3 is randomly hitting buttons.
    SC3: That's it, Your rude and don't know how to treat customers. Were walking out and WILL give our business to COMPEATOR Y.
    I finish up with SC2, who was on her phone the ENTIRE time and go back to the register where SC3 (who should have been long gone is still standing)
    Me: How may I help you?
    SC3: Yes, a small coffee.
    Me: Okay, that's 1.29.
    SC3: You know you should treat you custoemrs better. WE WERE HERE FIRST!
    Me: I'm sorry you fee that way but I have to serve who I saw first (if un-sucky I will serve customers in the way that is quickest for me and them)
    SC3: Well, it is rude and we will report you for this. *finally places money on counter, I give her change. Since she dosen have her hand out, but is still staring at me I place money on counter w/receipt."
    Me: Have a good day!
    SC3: fuck you asshole!

    A few minutes later the MOD come down and said he had "two assholes" tell him how horrible you were. I explained the situation, he sad they are constant complainers. He also mentioned that they wanted a $100 to make them come back for the "awful" service they experienced. He offered to refund their coffee by they declined and went about their shopping as usual. when I left I found out that they tied to get the cashier to give them $100 in free groceries because the MOD said to. The cashier called the MOD. When they saw the same MOD they quickly swiped their debit card and left before they even got the receipt.

  • #2
    Quoth mattm04 View Post
    I tell SC 3 to wait while I help SC2. While I am helping SC2, i hear SC2 going "Hellooo, Helloooo" A few second later i her the register start to beep. I look and SC3 is randomly hitting buttons.
    SC3: That's it, Your rude and don't know how to treat customers. Were walking out and WILL give our business to COMPEATOR Y.
    Sounds to me like they are working together trying to scam the store. The first time they reached across to the register, I would have told them I was calling the police for attempting to get into it. There is no excuse for that.

    Eric the Grey
    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


    • #3
      The register was secured, i had signed off so their was no way they could open it without a key and I did mention it to the manager when they come down. The SC's did not appear to be related (no physical relation) and they probably did it to get my attention. The layout for my register is just inviting for customer abuse. The keyboard is in FULL view of the customer, so every button you puss can be seen, including Sign on ID's and passkeys. The cash drawer id directly under the keyboard. Think standing to the side of your keyboard, about 8 inches away at standard kitchen counter height. They no longer design store like this for obvious security reasons. We are one of the few remaining bastard stores.


      • #4
        personally i think ... anyone who tries to touch your register.... needs to be kicked out immediately

        SC3: That's it, Your rude and don't know how to treat customers. Were walking out and WILL give our business to COMPEATOR Y.
        "You tried to fuck with my register... Go. I won't miss you."


        • #5


          • #6
            Quoth mattm04 View Post
            SC3: I WAS FIRST!
            SC2: NO I was
            SC3: (to me) Sir, you will ring up my coffee NOW! I am in a hurry.

            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              If they are known as chronic trouble makers, why did the MOD even offer a free coffee, for gods sake?
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                I once had a guy trying to get into the register to ring his stuff out. I am sorry, if you came in while I was helping this customer first. Couldn't kick that guy out, cause the owner didn't want any bad press
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Yeah... any attempt to get into my register when I was at the record store would have been an immediate ejection. Argue, and the cops get called and you can explain to them why you were trying to get into it. Being charged with attempted theft might just be the wakeup call you need, but more likely, the SC will blame everyone but themselves for it.


                  • #10
                    I often tell people 'I don't take who's next, I take who's ready'.

                    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                    • #11
                      SC2: Yes, the cake is under J...
                      SC3: I WAS FIRST!
                      SC2: NO I was
                      SC3: (to me) Sir, you will ring up my coffee NOW! I am in a hurry.
                      Me: *Punch SC3 in the face* "Right, WHO was first?"
                      SC3: "WTF!"
                      Me: *Punch SC3 in the face* "WHO was first?"
                      SC2: "Um...I...was first...?"
                      Me: *Punch SC2 in the face* "WHO was first?"

                      Wash, rinse, repeat until they both STFU. Again, this is why I no work in retail.

                      SC3: fuck you asshole!
                      Me: "'Fuck your asshole?' Assuming there wasn't a 10 ft. steel rod all the way up there, I might indulge that fantasy, of course, that's also assuming you weren't skanky, and you are, so no dice this time, toots."

                      I tell SC 3 to wait while I help SC2. While I am helping SC2, i hear SC2 going "Hellooo, Helloooo" A few second later i her the register start to beep. I look and SC3 is randomly hitting buttons.
                      Me: *Slams SC3's fingers into buttons with my gigantic fist, hammerpunch style*

                      SC3: That's it, Your rude and don't know how to treat customers. Were walking out and WILL give our business to COMPEATOR Y.
                      Me: "You're doing me a favor, really, GTFO."

                      I often can't stand people sometimes. They think you're just a monkey in a suit. Now obviously, if you conform to that and are absolutely useless, then yes, people may treat you like that. In your case, though, that was a scam attempt and absolute airheadism/snobbitude. Fun, lovely, and bite size. BTW, this is why I don't work in retail anymore.
                      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

