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Entitlement Man-Whore

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  • Entitlement Man-Whore

    Warning: Involves canine bodily functions. Not as bad as some posts, but you are warned, anyway.

    My new job is in the back of a kennel. I don't deal with customers *Happy Dance* just their dogs and cats. Up until today, the only "sucky customer" I've had was a boxer who tried to climb in my lap while peeing in excitement. Wet ankles suck.

    Then today, I "help" with a get-together. (By help, I mean I got to clean the dogs' messes and answer questions the owners had about the center.) It was a group of small dog owners, mostly Yorkies and Maltese, with the occasional Chihuahua and Shiz Tu added to the mix. It was fun, mostly I just stood around and watched the dogs goof off. All the owners would try to clean up the messes as soon as they appeared, using the napkins they brought for the food. Some would tell me there was a mess "over there" and point to another owner keeping the dogs away from it.

    Anyway, this one guy noticed that his dog messed, so he got up, passed the table with the paper towels and napkins, walked up to me, pointed at the mess and told me to clean it. Then he turned around and went back to his seat. He and the woman he came in with were muttering about how slow I was being. I'm sorry, but I'm going to scoop first, then come back with the mop. It's your problem that you didn't walk your dog before you brought him inside. And, honestly? It was behind a line of chairs where no-one went.

    Sorry about the quasi-rant, but the way he talked to me just grated, like he was bestowing the privilege of cleaning up after his dog on me, but I wasn't really good enough to do so.
    What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?

  • #2
    What an asshole. People should clean up after their own pets because it's their responsibility. I wouldn't let ANYONE clean up after my doggie, I would be way too embarrased.
    Check out my cosplay social group!


    • #3
      i wonder what he'd say to the officer who writes him a ticket for refusing to clean up...
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        This happened in a playroom. Meaning indoors, with a linoleum-type flooring that simulates the feel of dirt, which encourages the dogs to go. Breeze to clean, too.

        Sorry I wasn't clear about that.
        What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


        • #5
          nah, i understood that (has used a kennel a few times for her 'kids'); i'm wondering what he's like outside with his dog.

          i doubt he feels 'obligated' to pick up there, or anywhere else.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            You know as a kid I learned that my pet is my responsibility, I didn't make anyone else clean up after it. Thats why parents get their child their first pet, to teach them responsibility I thought.
            Girls do not exist on the intarweb.


            • #7
              What am I missing here? Why wasn't this man told to clean it up himself? Or better yet, told to leave?
              For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
              Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


              • #8
                Whats the old punishment for dogs making mess, rubbing their noses in it. Surely that could have happened here to the anti hero of our story?
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  Quoth Fungus View Post
                  What am I missing here? Why wasn't this man told to clean it up himself? Or better yet, told to leave?
                  It was a club meeting that was held at my place of employment. My job was to make sure the people had what they needed, and clean up the messes.

                  That said, everyone else cleaned up the messes, except that guy.
                  What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


                  • #10
                    Are you suggesting there is a local ordinance which requires gentlemen to collect canine faeces?


                    • #11
                      Quoth SportinGoods View Post
                      You know as a kid I learned that my pet is my responsibility, I didn't make anyone else clean up after it. Thats why parents get their child their first pet, to teach them responsibility I thought.
                      I thought it was because the kids whined and cried and begged until mom and dad gave up and got them a pet. Oh, and they're just so cute, too!

                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        it might have been your "job" to do that but... yeah, courtesy is NEVER a bad thing to use, especially over your doggie's excrement.


