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Just wait till you work in food...

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  • Just wait till you work in food...

    My girlfriend got a job last week in the cafeteria here at the college we attend. The cafe is just downstairs from our dorm, so it's convenient. Anyway, they have her doing 1 of 3 jobs on any given shift. I'll outline things she's said to me. Sometime maybe she'll get an account here.

    1.: Card Swiper (Probably the easiest and best)

    Luckily she has no stories from this one yet. All she has to do is sit in a chair and swipe people's cards as they come in to eat.

    2.: Taco World (Moderate)

    No real complaints about people at what she calls Taco World. However, she told me about the food, particularly the re-fried beans. Apparently they got dry so the sup just told her to add water and stir. Ew.

    3.: The dreaded dishroom (The bane of existence)

    This is the place where baaaad things happen. In the dish room, it's my girlfriend and 2 other guys. Her and another guy are collecting trays people bring up. People put their trays in this tunnel window that's comprised of maybe 20 compartments. The tunnels are probably 2 feet long and my girlfriend is about 5'4", meaning she has to lean over the table and reach to get the trays. I've gotten much better about this and I try to shove my tray further back.
    Anyway, there's 2 stories she's told me about.

    GF = my girlfriend
    SG = stupid girl

    GF: *struggling to reach a cup that someone has put practically at the entrance of the tunnel window.*
    SG: *walks over, sees my GF struggling, and positions her tray at the very end of the tunnel and smirks* Have fun with that. *walks off*

    First off, do people not believe it's a difficult job? Do they think these people in the back sit about and do nothing? I'd like to see them work a day. But she was probably one of the snobby bitches on our dorm floor who only went to this college to be close to daddy's wealth. Eugh.
    But on to story 2...

    GF = duh
    SB = stupid boy (hahah... shoes.)

    GF: *doing her job as usual*
    SB: *walks up, puts cup at edge of tunnel entrance. as a result, it spills on the floor. SB stops and looks in to my GF* Good luck there. *walks off*

    Now, I don't think my GF had to go get that or clean it, but that a-hole just made a mess for someone else to clean up. It makes me sick to think of all those lazy dicks doing nothing and thinking everyone's just going to clean up after them. Grr.

    Also, they're not customers, but the girls on our floor are lazy and disgusting. In the past month I've been here, it's been bad. Our RA has yelled at us for it, but some of the girls (just one girl, I think. it's the same dark hair everytime) keeps leaving her hair on the walls of the shower. Ew.
    And we have a small kitchen area, and even though the stove doesn't work, girls use the sink in there regularly. I looked in once on my way to make popcorn to find macaroni noodles just sitting in there. As if it's so hard to realize those noodles need to be thrown away, not rinsed down the drain.
    Last edited by phoenix_rising; 02-10-2008, 02:43 PM.