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Stupidity and Celebrity

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  • #16
    I'm kinda surprised that the King of Pop actually managed to lift the receiver to call you.


    • #17
      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
      Did you know that June bugs hiss? I once had one of the things get caught up in my hair in the middle of the night. I woke to this weird hissing sound really close to my head and I totally flipped out.

      Well, I sat up, pulling my hair out away from my head yelling, "Get it out! Get it out! It's in my hair! Get it out!" to my then-hubby. Yeah, I was a bit agitated.

      Yeah, I found that out last summer. I leave the door onto the porch open in the evenings and sometimes the bumble on in. Well I'm sitting on the couch and I keep hearing this hissing sound. Since my hair is very short, it wasn't in that, nope. It had crawled into my t-shirt! You have never seen anyone pull a t-shirt off faster! The little bastard's feet scratched my back, too!

      I also had one manage to get itself into one of the woofers on my stereo. Naturally, it being too stupid to get out, I tried to get it, but couldn't. That speaker was it's final resting place.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #18
        And here I thought this was going to be a thread on stupid celebrities......

        Of course, if it were, I would have had two nominations.

        Stupid as in no personality? Toby Keith. Dude's got the personality of a door knob.

        Stupid as in a really bad, evil personality, and an entitlement whore thinking the world revolves around her? Vanessa Williams. Total diva bitch. Worst celebrity I have ever met, and one of the worst customers I have ever had on any level....and I have been in customer service on various levels for 21 years.

        Most of the rest of the celebrities I have met/dealt with/served have been pretty cool.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth Pagan View Post
          It had crawled into my t-shirt! You have never seen anyone pull a t-shirt off faster! The little bastard's feet scratched my back, too!
          When I was still in high school, I was sitting on the couch one summer, eating barbecue and listening to music. I had a June bug fly down into the back of my pants! Luckily I realized what had happened as soon as it happened, so I just reached back and pulled it out (there wasn't much of a gap), but I can't imagine where that thing thought it was going.

          .... as for getting a t-shirt off faster, I once dumped an entire quart of scalding-hot egg drop soup into my lap. I was out of my chair with my shirt off before the container had time to hit the floor.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            Quoth Pagan View Post
            People laugh at me because I *will* run, screaming, if I see a cockroach.
            When I first moved to Florida I stayed with my step-father and his co-worker until I found a place. Now, NO place in Florida is bug free, but this was just a shack right on the nursery grounds. So it was no surprise to see a cockroach on the wall of their living room. I was new, so when I commented on its size (HUGE!) they told me to kill it. I looked around and not seeing any shotguns or cinder blocks, decided that a shoe might do the trick. Pulled mine off and approached. (If Draggar and Jester are reading, I'm sure they see this coming.) I got about three feet away and it turned, jumped off the wall and FLEW at me. Right at my face. To say I screamed like a girl would be an insult to brave women everywhere. I was lucky to stay dry. The two old timers couldn't say the same. The tears of laughter streaming down their cheeks hopefully obscured the jumping and dancing I did to get that damn palmetto bug off my face.

            So yeah. I'm a little leery of teh cocka-roaches.


            • #21
              Quoth sms001 View Post
              I got about three feet away and it turned, jumped off the wall and FLEW at me. Right at my face.

              So yeah. I'm a little leery of teh cocka-roaches.
              What happened with me is kind of embarrassing. I was in grade school and was getting ready for school. Well, I was sitting on the toilet with not a stitch on a felt something tickling my upper thigh. I had long hair at the time and thought it was that....until I looked down. My mother thought I was being murdered from the screaming I did. So I think I'm justified in my phobia!
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

