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You're pissing off the mechanics and making me seem like an ass at the same time!

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  • You're pissing off the mechanics and making me seem like an ass at the same time!

    If you bowl in a league, PLEASE learn how the pins are numbered... it's not hard.

    (ignore the -'s)


    If you call and ask for the "center pin" and the two pins to the right of it, to be re-set. I'm going to give you the 5 (FIVE), the 6, and the 10. Given that the FIVE is the pin in the center of the stack.

    In order to avoid confusion, LEARN THE NUMBERS, if you want the 1, 3, and 6.... SAY SO, do not give me some arbitrary location for the pins and expect me to know, and if it ends up wrong, do not call back and have me change it again. If you do that you're just gonna piss off the mechanics who have to re-set the pins, and you're gonna make ME look like an asshole for having to make them re-set the same lane twice. I hate you.

    P.S. The mechanic didn't actually hold me accountable for this, he knew it was the stupid that was at fault.
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2
    I used to be an assistant mechanic at McKnight Lanes in Ross Twp., North of Pittsburgh. (for all yinz Picksburgers that may remember it ) Once while I was clearing a jam and standing in the pit I had some nimrod throw a ball down the lane and it smacked off my ankle. I never did find out who threw the ball. It wouldn't have been pretty had I known. I was off for a week because I couldn't walk.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


    • #3
      Quoth bigjimaz View Post
      I used to be an assistant mechanic at McKnight Lanes in Ross Twp., North of Pittsburgh. (for all yinz Picksburgers that may remember it ) Once while I was clearing a jam and standing in the pit I had some nimrod throw a ball down the lane and it smacked off my ankle. I never did find out who threw the ball. It wouldn't have been pretty had I known. I was off for a week because I couldn't walk.
      Our lanes have a crank on em where you can lower the rake down before you step out into the lane, that way if anyone throws a ball it just bounces off the rake.

      I love the people who call up something, then when the mechanics turn the lane off so they can fix the problem they call up again screaming "MY LANE JUST TURNED OFF!"

      Nah really!? You mean the FOOT that suddenly came down in front of your pins didn't tip you off that maybe it was turned off for a reason!?
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
        Our lanes have a crank on em where you can lower the rake down before you step out into the lane, that way if anyone throws a ball it just bounces off the rake.
        I don't remember the exact circumstances because this was 28 years ago but if memory serves, the rake could not be mechanically moved when there was no power to it. I was still doing something I shouldn't have though as there was a ledge that we were supposed to step/kneel on specifically so our legs/ankles weren't exposed.

        But still, who rolls a ball down an obviously closed lane, (lights off, no pins set) especially when they see a set of legs where the pins are supposed to be.
        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


        • #5
          But still, who rolls a ball down an obviously closed lane, (lights off, no pins set) especially when they see a set of legs where the pins are supposed to be.
          As someone who bowled most of his life ... I have to ask you: Do you honestly have to ask that question?

          The average bowler where I used to bowl TRIED to dent the rakes when they were down.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

