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The Epic Tale of Miss H.

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  • #31
    Quoth MrDelirious View Post

    My question is: Who the hell gave him year-old, unworn, 2XL (he was not that big) sweatpants?
    Sounds Odd!!! first WHo gives a gift with the tag on? I say they were stolen( by him a years ago) and figured He go to One the stores They belong to and get SOmething for it! jokes on him the value DIED
    Last edited by Ree; 11-17-2007, 01:11 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


    • #32

      More details AS SOON AS I GET THEM!!!!
      "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


      • #33
        ugh, covered in food? And you have to take them? I'd think that the policy would be void if the product could obviously not be resold.
        We Pick Up the Pieces


        • #34
          Ooh, I bet this is going to be a good story. I can't wait to see it.

          Off on a bit of a tangent--here's the front page of a grocery store chain that's looking into building a store here. I bet they get a lot of problems with people returning anything and everything they can and store personnel has to suck it up and take it. They've basically stamped "The customer is always right" on their Web page.

          Under our previous regime, this grocery store was the CEO's model for how we should provide customer service.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #35
            At my store we have a pretty lax return policy.. if you have your receipt, everything's all well and good, if you don't have your receipt you get store credit for whatever the item is currently selling for.

            It's amazing the amount of people that come in to return something, explain the situation, and automatically start arguing with me even though I just told them "Not a problem".. takes them a few times of me telling them that for them to get it.

            Specifically one guy bought a knock off mp3 player, and the kid he bought it for wanted the "real deal". The guy kept telling me that it wasn't open, and he had his receipt.. he blushed an awful lot once he finally heard me say "Not a problem, you can and will get your money back"


            • #36
              The St0oped


              lol.. it wasn't meant to be posted here. Sorry.
              Last edited by AnqeiicDemise; 02-12-2008, 03:27 AM. Reason: clicked the wrong button. I'm a dork.
              "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


              • #37
                ms. h sounds more like a passive agressive scammer to me; nice, yet doing something unethical/amoral.

                hooray for the ban; wish we could do the same to the verbally abusive idiots at our store.

                i'm thinking of carrying in my chem text and slapping it on the counter the next time one of these jerks calls me stupid (in one way or another).
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #38
                  Quoth MrDelirious View Post
                  My question is: Who the hell gave him year-old, unworn, 2XL (he was not that big) sweatpants?
                  Oh, you have no idea >_<
                  I have an aunt who's famous in the family for buying stuff, regretting her purchase, and then pawning the stuff off to family members as gifts.
                  One year for my birthday, she gave me a floor length night gown (I don't wear night gowns) and five pairs of plain white underwear, out of their original package, that were size 5X!
                  That's right, she bought underwear about six sizes too big for her, tried them on, and then regretted it (wonder why) so gave them to me.

                  The real kicker?
                  She stands right there as you're opening her present and expects you to be oh-so-happy about her absolutely crappy gifts.


                  • #39
                    Ok, here's what happened. I posted the last post on my break yesterday and didn't have time to write the whole thing. This has been in the works for a LONG time, and I haven't updated because I basically, well, forgot.

                    Miss H.'s account was presented to the store manager. Of course, our return policy is super-lax, but the amount to her account troubled him. He put her on a kind of probation where he'd basically keep an eye on her account and her to see exactly what was going on, because if there was nothing she was doing that wasn't within corporate policy, then there would be nothing we could do.

                    So we watched and waited. Every return made by her was reported.

                    In that time, she returned:

                    -a year and a half old jug of olive oil, already a year past it's exp date, because the handle was broken
                    -several broken appliances, still with food all over them
                    -dvd's she had bought the day before that she didn't want, that were otherwise saleable, if she hadn't ripped off the packaging and WROTE IN MARKER all over the case
                    -a scrapbook cutter machine kit that was very obviously missing all the stencils (but she had bought another one that came with different stencils, 5 bucks says she kept them for the cutter)
                    -and a whole bunch more that I can't remember

                    While it was extremely sucky behavior, it wasn't criminal. The manager finally said that there wasn't much he could do, but still keep an eye out, but she was no longer allowed to have price adjustments on anything, or make any return without a receipt.

                    A couple days later, she came in and was looking at a George Foreman Grill. It was the last one on display, and she demanded we give her a bigger discount on the already discounted from full price grill. We said no, as per the store manager, but she still bought the grill.

                    Not less than 5 minutes later, she walks in.... with a George Foreman grill... that looks similar to the one she walked out with, but she HAD her receipt... that was bought over 2 months prior, when she bought it for full price.

                    Called the MOD, but him not really understanding the situation, he just said to do the return. (grr.)

                    I later asked the SM, who was not there that day why we let it through. He explained that we all knew what was going on, but there was no way to really prove it because they had bought it in the past.

                    Yesterday, her husband walks in. He returns this mini shelf, with a receipt from before Xmas, that the price has gone down on. We do the return, thinking that we no longer have the product, so it's okay, right?

                    Well, I wouldn't be telling you then if it was otherwise?

                    The door greeter comes over and says, "She was JUST in here, and she bought that." The husband's in on it! Call the SM, now he's mad that they've done that... but what happened next really got him angry...


                    We pull up the account, they've bought 5 of the same shelf when it was full price before Xmas, and how much you wanna bet those were given as gifts away?

                    They were returning it with the old receipts to get a full refund on the full price, even though they had really bought the product just seconds earlier for a discount...

                    That was IT for the SM.

                    "Block the account, under NO circumstances are they allowed to return ANYTHING for now on, and to shop, it MUST be reported by a supervisor to ME immediately!"

                    Dang. When an account is blocked, a sup must key ALL purchases made at the register, and NO returns are physically possible.

                    This is big... and something the whole STORE has been waiting for.

                    When the announcement was made to the break room, cheers erupted. We're all sick of this woman. Sick of her bartering, sick of her returns, and sick of her fake smiles as she does all this crap.

                    IT'S FINALLY OVER.

                    Now, let's see how they take it. I'll update the response as soon as it happens.
                    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


                    • #40
                      My guess is: he/she/they go absolutely ballistic.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #41
                        Im glad it finally happened, but I still find it absolutely disgusting that it was allowed to go THAT far before she was banned.


                        Please make sure to come back and report it when she tries to come in.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #42
                          YES!!!!! Ha ha ha! I can't wait to hear about her reaction!


                          • #43
                            I think I'm going to make popcorn for this one.
                            Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                            • #44

                              That took some major cajones for her to do that - and I'm glad she did, because it means you're done with her!

                              I also can't wait to hear what happens when she is informed of the new situation!


                              • #45
                                Another update:

                                Here's what happened since the last time I posted. It's a combo of all the employee's statements that witnessed the historic event.

                                The husband and wife stayed away from the store for a good 2 weeks. This is a long time, usually they'd be in there SEVERAL times a day. I guess they were suspecting something was going to go down, and wanted to wait til the heat died down.

                                Oh, hell, no. We were waiting for them, ready to go.

                                They eventually came in again, and filled up their cart with a bunch of discounted items, overflowing the cart. They pulled up to the register, handed the cashier their card, started going on the whole "we want a discount" thing again... the card was scanned....
                                BEEP BEEP BEEP
                                ADMINISTRATION BLOCK!
                                A supervisor ran and got the SM, while the other sup took their time in keying the block off. The SM came out, came over to the register, and said, "I'd like to speak with you both. Come on into my office."

                                A couple minutes passed behind the closed doors. At this point, I'm in the main office, outside the door, shredding some papers when I hear "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO DO THAT?" bellowing through the door. I jumped, then snickered a bit, walked away.

                                Later, some employees see them walking out the door, with their full cart of junk, minus their discounts. The SM followed them out, then walked back to my department and stated,
                                "Under no circumstances are they allowed to return ANYTHING for now on. They are more than welcome to shop, but a supervisor must approve their shop everytime, and they are not eligable for additional discounts whatsoever. If they even attempt to break these restrictions, inform me immediately. I doubt they will though, because one more strike, and they're banned from the store entirely."

                                I love my SM.

                                I see the husband in from time to time, shopping. Because his shops have to be approved and keyed, he throws a loving fit at the till every time the BEEP BEEP BEEP block comes up. He keeps complaining, and every time we tell him he "needs to take it up with SM because we're NOT taking the block off".

                                Hopefully this is "the end" of this story, but we all know SC's. They'll be back. They'll always be back. But this time, we're ready for them!
                                "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

