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Persistence is Futile

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  • Persistence is Futile

    After 3 weeks off thanks to surgery, I went back to work last week. I'm on light duty until next Friday, so I've just been in the cellhouse control rooms. But, that's not to say it's entirely boring. I get to be the eye-in-the-sky, able to monitor both sides of a cellhouse, and the inmates have a direct line to me via in-cell intercom, through which they can complain and whine, blissfully unaware that I don't give a rat's ass.

    IM - Inmate
    CW - Coworker
    SGT: Sargent
    ME - Currently Crippled Corrections Super Officer

    Aww, Poor Baby

    (The inmates in the Intake unit got a sack lunch for dinner on the 4th of July)


    ME: This is Control.
    IM: Yeah, uh, I didn't get no brownie.
    ME: .... Okay.
    IM: Can you let the floor officer know that I didn't get a brownie?

    I love it when they forget they're in prison and/or confuse us with the Marriott. If I had my way, we'd do things like in Tent City (an infamous Arizona prison run by the most inhumane hardass sheriff in the country - also known as my hero), and eat nothing but expired bologna twice a day. Although, like Tent City, our inmates in the intake units do wear pink boxers, as well as pink t-shirts and pink socks, all thanks to the lazy-ass inmates in the Laundry room who wash the whites with the red jumpsuits.

    Even Better than Fireworks

    A call went out over the radio yesterday by a Sargent in one of the Segregation units that an inmate was breaking his window. A Condition was called and, as the cellhouse was directly across from mine, I pulled out the binoculars to watch the fun out my window. No less than 8 Special Security guys charged in there, along with the regular Response officers, the Captain, and the Lieutenant. It turns out this asshat inmate managed to "spiderweb" his window by kicking it, but didn't actually break through the glass. Even if he had managed to break it, the exterior windows in the cells are about 6 inches wide, so unless he's a stick figure, there's not a chance in Hell he'd be able to get out. But if he did manage to pull off some amazing act of contortionism and get loose, provided he didn't get maced and pulverized into next Tuesday by Special Security, he'd have been brutally gunned down by the armed Officers in the 3 towers on that side of the facility.

    However, as they did not know for sure whether or not he might have a large shard of glass waiting for them when they entered his cell, I can give every assurance that he got a full blast of the Special Security Team's favorite toy: the Party Ball. It's a can of mace with a fogger nozzle, which can fill a cell with chemical in a matter of seconds.

    And I Care Because....?


    ME: Control.
    IM: Yeah, can you call the nurse? My tooth hurts.
    ME: Did you submit a Sick Call slip?
    IM: Yeah, this morning. But it really hurts.
    ME: Medical will respond within 24 hours.
    IM: 24 hours? But it hurts now! Just call the nurse.
    ME: I'm not able to request Medical staff to see you.
    IM: Then get a Lieutenant down here!
    ME: No one can make a member of Medical Staff see you. They will respond in 24 hours.
    IM: This is bullshit!
    ME: *calls OIC on phone*
    SGT: Yeah?
    ME: Hey, do you know if we have any violins in the facility?
    SGT: Violins?
    ME: Yeah, I want to play this guy a sad song.

    Actually, I haven't played my violin since high school so I'd be a bit rusty. But I'm sure I could manage something.

    Evil Little Pleasures

    You know what I missed the most during my Medical leave? There's a certain look in the eyes of an inmate that gets brought in from Admissions and Discharge after they are brought in by county and processed. They walk in and look around the house, and it's just this, "Oh my God. This.... this can't be happening to me," kind of deer-in-the-headlights-of-an-oncoming-tanker-truck-carrying-napalm look. And they always look at the control room and I just nod in silent affirmation of, "Yeah, you really screwed yourself. Welcome to Hell."

    Sheer Determination

    One of the two inmate phones in the Dayroom was not working. You were in the third group, and as you have nothing better to do than stare out your cell, you knew this already. Yet you still persisted, like so many other inmates who were also fully aware of this situation, to try it anyway. However, you were undeterred. Rather than clipping your ID to the functioning phone and waiting your turn like everyone else, you sat down at the stool next to that phone and unashamedly picked up the receiver every 3-5 minutes for almost the entire 55-minute Dayroom period. Not only did it never fully sink in that you would be met with utter failure with each attmpt, but the bitter look of disappointment washed over your face every single time. You, sir, truly won't accept "No" for an answer. Your refusal, as well as your iron-clad determination, were all for naught, as the phone simply could not be willed to overcome whatever technical issue caused its state of malfunction. However, as the clock ticked away, I have to concede that your unstoppable persistence was admirable, if not completely, utterly, fuckwittedly retarded.

    If you had been able to use that unfaltering determination for, say, success in the workplace/school/life itself, perhaps you would not have landed in prison, where hope goes to die.

    Helpful Advice

    I saw one of our Porters (an inmate Janitor, basically) come out of his cell with his belt fastened, but hanging around his neck. I called down to the Floor Officer.

    CW: Yeah?
    ME: Hey, tell [INMATE] that his belt is a little loose and he needs to tighten it.
    CW: *laughs.* Hey!
    IM: Yeah?
    CW: She says your belt is too loose and you need to tighten it up.
    IM: Wha-? *Looks up to control*
    ME: *Points at my own neck, then at him.*

    Another reason to love my job. I can subtly suggest that someone ought to kill himself without getting in trouble.

    That's about all for the week.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara View Post
    the most inhumane hardass sheriff in the country - also known as my hero
    I think he might have an opening in the fangirl area of his clique.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      (OT: Aya kicks all sorts of ass!)
      As to your stories: Nice. Sounds like you love your job.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Hehe, your thread title made me

        Glad to see you're back to work. How're you feeling?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          I am glad to hear your surgery went okay. Thanks again for the entertaining read, I really look forward to your stories.
          "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


          • #6
            you know kara, you're stories almost make me want to respond to those ads the UDC has recruiting corrections officers
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7

              Welcome back! Oh, how I have missed your tales from the darkside. I hope your recovery is going well.

              "Damn, I'm good!"-Dr. Who


              • #8
                This reminds me of the prison letters. Prisoners write to the library, mostly for:

                1) Addresses of friends/relatives/baby's mama. We, of course, are afraid that so-call friend is really a victim of their crime they decided to harrass. A co-worker tells me that people being released need to provide an address to the parole officer to where they will live. The prisoner is probably trying to find someone who will let them live with them after they are realeased.

                2) Want the lyrics for about 20 songs.

                3) Want the pictures of our director. Also want to be her friend. They do apologize if she is offended by these questions. She never sees any prison letter addressed to her. Her staff makes sure a librarian handles all requests.

                We did have one guy, who never seen any of us, decide to draw a picture of one of us. Now usually one person handles exclusively the prisoners' letters (until tranfered to another library or dept.). So this guy draws in crayon a blonde, curly-haired woman, who looks exactly like X, who was doing the letters.

                Also, The letters contains a lot of references to Jesus, and they are all the worst spelled letters I have ever seen.
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  Even my bf laughs at some of your stories Kara, and he was an inmate a couple decades ago. Yeah, the brownie story got an eyeroll.
                  Last edited by Spiffy McMoron; 07-06-2008, 04:47 PM.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!


                  • #10
                    I work in an office in the Business School of a University. I was sorting mail one day when I saw a letter that had been opened and taped back together. The envelope was stamped with "This is correspondence from an inmate at X correctional facility blah blah blah". I handed it to my boss with a look. This letter had already bounced around several offices of the school (thus the opened/retaped envelope). We figure out that this inmate was asking about information on our Entrepreneurship program. Boss and I had a bit of a laugh - not that a poor soul who'd made a few mistakes was trying to better himself/herself, just that it was the strangest piece of mail we'd seen.
                    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                    • #11
                      Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                      I work in an office in the Business School of a University. I was sorting mail one day when I saw a letter that had been opened and taped back together. The envelope was stamped with "This is correspondence from an inmate at X correctional facility blah blah blah". I handed it to my boss with a look. This letter had already bounced around several offices of the school (thus the opened/retaped envelope). We figure out that this inmate was asking about information on our Entrepreneurship program. Boss and I had a bit of a laugh - not that a poor soul who'd made a few mistakes was trying to better himself/herself, just that it was the strangest piece of mail we'd seen.

                      I understand the letter gets open by the corrections facilities before it leaves. I don't know why.
                      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                      I wish porn had subtitles.


                      • #12
                        Security, can't have certain types of things or info leaving the jail. Have to make sure said inmate isn't "running a business" from the inside, or harassing anyone, etc. Bet Kara could tell you some stories of weird letter room happenings.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          Quoth jerkface11
                          You work in a California prison don't you? If so what do you think about the upcoming desegregation?
                          A Kansas state prison, actually.

                          To clarify, "Segregation" is just a kinder, gentler term for "Solitary," or "the hole." They are separated from the General Population inmates because they don't play well with others. Inmates can voluntarily enter Segregation if they request Protective Custody (like, say, another inmate is threatening to kill them).

                          Now, if a convict has a cellmate, it will be someone of the same race. This isn't discriminatory, it's actually safer. When we process inmates that come in, if we find at least 2 identifiers of gang/hate group affiliation, then we monitor them for the duration of their confinement. But, we still don't want to accidentally pair up a Crip and a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. We do break it down even further, as putting a Crip and a Blood together would be extremely bad.

                          Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                          I understand the letter gets open by the corrections facilities before it leaves. I don't know why.
                          zzap is right about certain things we don't want getting through. Also, inmates will write a lot of things in code, and we have specialists that know how to read those codes. For example, most White Supremacists follow old European traditions, rituals, and religions (since they believe it to be the origin of the "master race"). They primarily stick to Norse religions, and thus, they write in runes.

                          All mail that comes in and goes out is opened and checked in the mailroom first. The only thing we can't check is Legal Mail, and that is opened in the Inmate's presence by a member of Intelligence and Information, so the inmate can't sue us for reading it.
                          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                          • #14
                            While I'm not one to be overly nice to convicts ... that Tent City sheriff goes too far. I've seen interviews with the guy. He's definitely a guilty until proven innocent type. I hate those.
                            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kara View Post
                              A Kansas state prison, actually.
                              I used to deliver for a hospice pharmacy to Wyandotte county, and i'm sure that i've come across some of your "customers" a time or two. always thought it was funny when they'd try and sell me drugs.

                              did anything else ever get reported about the dog trainer and her prision lover that she smuggled out? I moved before it was concluded.
                              Last edited by Ree; 07-06-2008, 02:53 PM. Reason: Fixing quote tag
                              They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

