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I get that you're stressed...(warning: one big ol' F-bomb within)

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  • I get that you're stressed...(warning: one big ol' F-bomb within)

    ...but that doesn't excuse your behavior.

    I work as a student tutor. That means I am an engineering student and I work in the tutoring center for some extra cash. I am NOT a teacher, but I have taken all the classes that I tutor in. Now that that's out of the way, on to the main suck.

    Today was rather busy for the first week of the semester (think 3 students for each tutor). Not sucky in and of it's self, but that means I didn't get to eat. This particular girl came in 2 hours early for her appointment during the only slow time I had so help her since I don't have another student at the time.

    I can tell she's nervous and I try to help her relax by giving her a big smile and trying to make her laugh. She just glared at me and told me she has a "very serious issue and she'd appreciate it if I got serious". Ok, humor doesn't go over well with everyone, so we start in on her Physics chapter.

    Let me say this first; I love it when people ask me questions, but please let me finish talking first. Once I explain how things go, you are free to fire off your questions with both barrels. Just please listen first.

    Right from the start she constantly interrupts me (I hate this) with "Why?" while I'm trying to explain the concepts and when I tell her it'll become clear when I'm finished, she rolls her eyes (I loath this).

    When we work through the examples in the book, she CONSTANTLY interrupts with "How did you do that?" and "I don't understand, but ok." When I pause to get her to explain what she doesn't understand, she refuses to say what she'd not getting and wants to keep going.

    We finish with the examples and I start to explain the next session when she says this little gem:

    Her: Aren't you going to help me with my homework?
    Me: I'm not really supposed to...(and before I can say that I'll help her set up some of the problems she, again, interrupts)
    Her: Well why not?!?!
    Me: For one thing, I'm here to help you get the concepts and homework is you do to prove you understand the material.
    Her: But my teacher doesn't teach!!

    So I make the suggestions that she go talk to her advisor about the teacher or maybe talk to the head of the department, both of which she shoots down. I get her calmed down enough to agree to my initial plan of helping her set up some problems. Things are going well until after a few problems she gets stuck. I walk her through the problem and she has the balls to say this to my face.

    Her: You're just making this up! You don't know what you're doing. You HAVE to help me!!

    Fuck. You. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! I may not have passed that class with an A+ but I did well enough to be able to tutor in it (I did not actually say this but it must have shown on my face because the waterworks started up again).

    I told her to go compose herself (while I calm down and resist the urge to have her thrown off campus) and when she returns my next appointment has arrived and my coworker has come in for his shift so I foist her off on to him.

    Thankfully, for her, my coworker was able to help her enough to her satisfaction that she made an appointment next week with him.

    Thankfully, for me, that means I don't have to deal with her.

    I understand that the subject matter is difficult. I know that the book doesn't explain the material very throughly and that the teacher didn't explain the material well enough to you. But that doesn't give you the right to behave like that. You are old enough to be in college so please, act like it.

    Now I'm off to go eat, watch Mythbusters, and play Skyrim. In that order.

  • #2
    Wow, sounds like a spoiled brat used to getting her own way. Everybody has "serious issues" at some point in their life. She's not as special as she thinks she is.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Her "serious issue" was probably being thrown in the OMG!Real world, without Mommy and Daddy holding her hand twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. It seems to me that she would have worked up to you actually doing the work for her if you hadn't stopped her. Glad you don't have to deal with her anymore!
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


      • #4
        Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
        It seems to me that she would have worked up to you actually doing the work for her if you hadn't stopped her. Glad you don't have to deal with her anymore!
        No, I wouldn't have. I'm given a rather large leeway in how I conduct my session and my supervisors will back me up 100%, so if that happens, I can put my foot down and end the session. I still need to attempt everything else first.

        The closest I would have gotten to doing her homework for her would be to alter the problems so they still convey the necessary knowledge but be different enough that she would have to still do the original problem herself.

        I had a student last semester who would try to get the tutors to hold his hand and walk him trough each of his homework problems. As soon as we all refused to use his homework as examples, he stopped coming in.


        • #5
          You know, I'd bet money the teacher did do what they were supposed to, but she didn't listen.
          Some people just need a high five...

          In the face with the back of a chair....


          • #6
            Quoth Eevie View Post
            You know, I'd bet money the teacher did do what they were supposed to, but she didn't listen.
            I'm not taking that bet. I'm keeping my money and buying stress reducing chocolate.
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              I wonder if the coworker helped her by doing the work for her.
              You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer! - Pinkie Pie


              • #8
                Quoth MoonCat View Post
                Wow, sounds like a spoiled brat used to getting her own way. Everybody has "serious issues" at some point in their life. She's not as special as she thinks she is.

                i understand bad moods but ... some people need to pull their heads out of their asses and understand that "bad mood" does NOT mean they have a right to be entitled little shitheads - especially to people who are donating their time to help.

                times like that you wish you could say "you're an adult now. start acting like one if you want my help"

                In my experience people who pull that shit are usually EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL. THEIR bad moods = nuclear bombs and you'd better not "push that button" ... but everyone else's bad moods are just "childish".
                Last edited by PepperElf; 01-19-2013, 04:28 PM.

