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Sure *twitch* I'll Kill Myself to Satisfy You

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  • Sure *twitch* I'll Kill Myself to Satisfy You

    Ok i had a a bad day. I'll tell you more about it later. But this one i got to say.

    At 8 o'clock this evening I alone, my nerves are shoot, im ready to kill someone one. Needless to say the lobby is closed up for the night.

    At 9ish, after i cursed to my boss on the phone ( i think i scared the poor man a bit) im dealing with a lot of cars in the drive thru. Right when my next to last car for the next 10 minutes the phone rings. My boss, in his infenate intelligence, forgot to finish next weeks schedule so al day ive been telling my coworkers "No Im not (one of 5 SLs), Its Slice. No schedule. Call Boss" all day. And i thought it was one of those calls so i answered if before i handled the woman at the window. It wasn't and took a minute longer than I thought.

    The woman at the window was pissed.

    When I finally got to her to take her money and get her food.

    Me- I am so sorry about the wait ma'am would you like some sause
    SW- You know if you didn't close the damn lobby an hour early you wouldn't be busy right now (Oh how i love that logic)
    Me- *Obviouse physical twitch and a glare that could kill if looks could kill, then a insane;y happy smile* Well ma'am I actually closed the lobby TWO hours ago and I am currently alone here right now, and you need two people to run both the lobby and the drive thru. But thatnk you so much for wanting to over well me with customers and bringing my stress level to the point where i can kill someone and get off for tempuray insanity.
    SW- Well it says 10 pm not 9 or 8 or what ever the hell. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CLOSED IT.
    Me- Ok, bye now, have a bitchy evening!! *thrust foods in her hands and slams the window shut. Turns to Al* I am Killing Elisa
    Al- *laughs* oK.

    ... i want to kill people..... please... let me kill people....
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 05-28-2007, 08:43 AM.

  • #2
    One of my old manager's had the best response to that 'you should have 'blah' open' thing.

    She'd smile uber sweetly and say 'Thank you for your suggestion, we're hiring right now would you like an application?' customer would say no and she'd death glare the woman 'Then don't complain, we have no staff and unless you're willing to jump behind the counter you don't get the right. Here's your food, go away, don't come back.'


    • #3
      One of my ways that I dealt with people who suggested things was for me to take off my traffic vest, say "Okay if you think you can do my job better than me then here's my vest and here's a flashlight. Send traffic that way." It never failed. The application one is great too, that was one of my favorites.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        I've been known for years to deflate those whiners by smiling and giving the "Well, we are taking applications if you or someone you know is looking for a job" line.

        Wanna cry over walking to the checkout line to find only 2 registers open and lines going down the grocery aisles? If anyone has a right to complain,it's the cashiers who are having to deal with this alone, for the other three who were scheduled all called out.

        Worst one was on an Easter Sunday at the Cone WD store. Head cashier is trying to finish previous day's close, I'm the only cashier on the front and lines out the ying-yang Not 3, but 4 cashiers called out (one later got fired for it, as it was her 3rd Sunday in a row calling in claiming she was stranded at the beach.)

        I'm stuck out there, fortunately most people were understanding as I would simply explain that everyone else called out. Of course, there's always that one who has to whine about the line about the time that Head Cashier finally made it from the office and opened up the CS desk.

        She simply said that HT was open down the street and he wouldn't have to wait in line there.

        Sometimes, you just have to tell it like it is.
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #5
          It all boils down to this......the second you offer the SC to actually spend a day in your shoes, they back down and cower like a scared little chuahuaha.

          They'll talk the big talk "A retarded monkey could do your job!" "I could do your job!"

          but the second you call their bluff.....

          Oh I lovez it!
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            It all boils down to this......the second you offer the SC to actually spend a day in your shoes, they back down and cower like a scared little chuahuaha.
            ha, pablo wouldn't back down!
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              I liked my responce better.... i think i scared her a little with the homicide talk.


              • #8
                i've done that; someone gets huffy or stupid with how long it takes, and i invite them to step behind the bar, with no training or direction.

                that shuts them up quickly; a monkey could do my job, yes, but the monkey still needs training.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  I used to work customer service for a credit card sompany and one day this total she-beast was giving me grief over her late fee, saying it wasn't legal and all sorts of other crap.

                  The last straw came when she said she would "have my job over this". I very calmly told her my work schedule and was just starting to explain the dress code when she hung up. I wanted her to be prepared since she was going to have my job....


                  • #10
                    This is how it was for me once, back when I was pushing carts @ WalMart. I was actually out pushing the carts at that moment. I was the only cart guy working that day, and of course I was on the later shift. So there was about 25 carts right there, and was looking like it was in a Rugby Pile.

                    D (Dummy)
                    Me (Me)

                    D- Would you mind moving the carts, I have to get back to the office, in a hurry.
                    Me- Just as soon as I get the last of these carts from right there.
                    D- No, YOU WILL MOVE IT RIGHT NOW:
                    Me- Just 3 seconds, please.
                    D- Proceeds to get in the car and start to back out, while I was still there.
                    Me- Just watching and thinking, that he could not be that stupid.
                    D- Gets out of car, and tells me that, he could do it faster & that he would have my job.
                    Me- Proceeded to take off my safety vest, and tell the guy, that they were taking applications.
                    D- Call me a dumbass
                    Me- No, I am not a dumbass, infact, I am a smart ass. All the while, moving the carts past him and his car.
                    D- Proceeds to leave real fast.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      I have yet to have someone threaten that they'll have my job. I have, however, had several people comment that they would NOT want my job.

