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angry clearance lady

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  • #16
    Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
    That sucky lady refused a manager? That's a first since SC's always demand a manager. If it weren't for professionalism, I would've told her "If you like shopping at Macy's or in NJ so much, why didn't you go there, you miserable hag?"
    Here's my opinion : if the employee suggests they should ask a manager, the SC will refuse to see a manager. if the employee doesn't suggest they should ask a manager, the SC will demand and require to see a manager right there, right then.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #17
      I think she didn't ask for a manager to get me to lower the price myself. She really threw quite a temper tantrum, but not the loud kind...more of the huffy puffy, muttering, and whining kind. It was really quite annoying more than anything else.

      I still don't know why she called me a douche. I've never had anyone call me that before and I think it's a hilarious insult. Call me a jerk or stupid, and I would have gotten riled up. Douche? I still think it's weird that a girly cleaning-down-there device's title is now used by some as an insult. It's like being called vacuum cleaner or an ear wax remover. I dunno. I just find it funny.

      The real thing is...she wasn't nice about it from the get go. Basically she demanded that the prices be the same. If she had calmly asked me about it, I would have made sure that she would have gotten the price she wanted. Because, I DID agree with her. But she through such an attitude about the whole ordeal that I didn't want to do a damn thing to help her.


      • #18
        I hope she visits a francophone country and needs a shower.

        (In French, shower = douche)
        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS

