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Where in a Fuel driver threatens his customer

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  • Where in a Fuel driver threatens his customer

    OK.. at my store I usually park in the lot. 2 spaces away from one of the exits.

    NOW we have our fuel tanks in the general area. The stuff for the tanks is not in teh parking spaces. just a little out side the spaces.

    Every other driver we've ever had has not had a problem with that. Hook the truck up to the fueling area's and start dumping the fuel into our tank...


    First time he ever shows up I'm there by myself. I've never seen him before. He says I need to move my car so he can get to the tanks easier. I lock my register, make sure no one else is in the store and go out to move my car. Luckily a police officer had come to the store and I felt safe enough to do it. The next day I tell my bosses and they get pissed that the guy asked and not so much that I did it. I was told that under no circumstances am I to move my vehicle for him cause I'm not causing any sort of problem getting to the tanks.

    3 weeks ago. This guy comes back just after I've gotten out of my registers and closed the shift/day (while this is going on no one can use the pumps and I can't ring on the register till the print outs start) I'm out and the printouts are spitting out of the main register and I'm running on the second register waiting for the midnight shift. He shows up. Tells me to move the car. I tell him I can't. My bosses said I'm not allowed till my replacement comes. He fights me for about 5 minutes and then tells me he's calling "the boss" about this... of course my boss wasn't called. Midnight shift clerks shows up 3 minutes later. I go out and move the car so he can maneuver his truck into such an awkward position that it's laughable.


    I park my car in a different spot cause a Dodge Magnum is in "my" spot. Guess who shows up. COmes into the store. Asks who owns the Dodge, I tell him I don't know. It was there when I came in at 3 pm that day. He gets mad and tells me I need to get it moved.... Never mind the fact I don't know who owns the damn thing. I tell him I can't help him. I tell him "Everyone else can deliver..." he cuts me off and says "I DON'T WANT TO ARGUE!" goes out pulls the truck up, fills the tanks.

    Like it's MY FAULT he can't fucking drive the truck and pull it close enough to make the drop.

    Comes back in after it's done and I'm signing the work orders for him he says "You've been warned twice before. Next time I'm just leaving and you're not getting anything!" I call my boss immediately and tell him he threatened me (he literally did) and she rushes down to the store in time to catch him before he leaves.

    They argue in the parking lot for about 5 minutes. she comes in the store and immediately calls the tank company. Long story short. He's bluffing out of his ass. He cannot refuse to dump the gas unless there was something like 10 cars in the lot and all 10 are refusing to move and its' impeding his work. But we're talking about a single car in a single parking space that isn't on top of ANY tank inputs and 6 other drivers have not had a problem reaching.

    My boss talks to me after she gets off the phone. Basically I have no problem parking somewhere else. I usually take the spot I take cause it's convenient for me to just swing in, park, and walk into work. So I'll try parking elsewhere.

    What he intends to do if someone is parked there and tells him THEY won't move... I'm not looking forward to it.

    And I know my boss will be on his ass if he comes after me or if he sees someone parked in the general area and just drives around and leaves...

  • #2
    I love how people who always claim to know the boss usually either A: don't know him or her at all, or B: The boss hates them.

    At least that's the way it was at the gas station. When an EW or Regular SC would throw a tantrum and the "Ye manager ALWAYS does it for me!" line failed them, they'd try the "I know the owner!" card.

    We had one diesel pump at the gas station, and a lot of EWs and Regular SCs were men who worked for local businesses with accounts at our store, and would get furious and demand I force customers to move their vehicles if they were in the way of their enormous cement truck or dump truck. I do admit to rolling my eyes at that a few times.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      As I understand it... the guy in question isn't even afiliated with the company who does our fuel deliveries. He's part of some outsourced company they use.


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        I love how people who always claim to know the boss usually either A: don't know him or her at all, or B: The boss hates them.

        At least that's the way it was at the gas station. When an EW or Regular SC would throw a tantrum and the "Ye manager ALWAYS does it for me!" line failed them, they'd try the "I know the owner!" card.

        We had one diesel pump at the gas station, and a lot of EWs and Regular SCs were men who worked for local businesses with accounts at our store, and would get furious and demand I force customers to move their vehicles if they were in the way of their enormous cement truck or dump truck. I do admit to rolling my eyes at that a few times.
        I get the i know the owner card a lot. Which is strange because if you actually knew the owner, you would know he is a little bit cheap. The most you would get is a coffee. Nice try.


        • #5
          I will occasionally get the "Some type of Relationship of Owner/boss" card. If you know the owner, then you would know that he will tell us that you would be coming in.
          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


          • #6
            The most recent one of those I've had was

            SC: "I know the owner!"
            Me: *presses button that rings a bell in the office*
            owner: *comes to counter, sees who it is* "I thought I told you not to come here again."
            SC: *leaves*


            • #7
              This guy wasn't saying he knew the Owner of the Store or MY Boss.

              He was saying he was contacting the boss of HIS company. Not Mine.

