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Like, hello? Some manners would be nice! (Anyone else?)

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  • Like, hello? Some manners would be nice! (Anyone else?)

    The lack of manners people have these days really does baffle me.

    I work in a convenience store and the number of people who cannot seem to muster a 'please', 'thank you' or 'excuse me' is just beyond a joke. I had about 50 of these asshats on Friday alone and it was getting to the point where I was looking round for Ashton Kutcher or Jeremy Beadle or you know, someone like that, who'd jump out and tell me how it was really a set-up.

    I mean, I've lost count of the amount of people who don't say please. Like this one woman:

    W: Rude woman.
    Me: Yours truly.

    W: Ten Lambert. [for non-UK folk, 'Lamberts' are cigarettes]
    Me: Sorry?
    W: Ten Lambert.
    Me: [seeing as my 'whats the magic word?' prompt fails to work, I give up and hand her the cigs.] There we go. That'll be £2.62, please.

    I ring up the cigarettes and hand her the change, including a couple of £2 coins.

    W: I want pound coins.
    Me: Pardon?
    W: Don't like £2 coins. Can't stand 'em.

    As I handed her the change I giggled to myself in disbelief. I think she noticed, but even if she asked what was so funny, I would have told her the truth. I'm blunt, but nicely blunt.

    Then I get some guy who comes in, some really snobbish man with his nose in the air who obviously thinks that cashiers are beneath him.

    Guy: 'Fiiiive.'
    Me: 'Five what?' [I was sure to mock him slightly and really put on my posh voice]. I have five of many things. Toes? Lottery tickets?'
    Guy: 'Five Hamlet cigars.'

    You could just tell he was irritated. Still no 'please', either.

    And I hate to say this, but its mainly the smarter, older folk who appear to have a lot of money, that are the worst culprits. The ones who should know better. Not even so much as a 'thanks' emerges from their lips. I mean, I'm not asking for a demonstration of an etiquette book here, just general, everyday manners would be nice.


    When I was younger, I was taught that if I wanted something, I'd have to say 'please'. And afterwards, I'd say 'thank you'. And if I needed to get past, or wanted to ask a question, then an 'excuse me' would be in order. It costs NOTHING to use manners, nothing at all. Heck, if my three-year-old brother can say please and thank you with genuine sincerity, why the hell can't a 40-year-old do the same?

    There are some regular customers who I abhor. The kind who slap their stuff on the counter, snatch it back when I've scanned it as though it's the end of the world in five minutes, and are horrifyingly rude. one girl in particular does not only this, but just comes up to staff and goes, 'Got any [insert brand of wine here]?'

    We're all so accustomed to her rudeness that we all just go: 'Nuh.' and walk off.

    Sometimes, when I'm putting stock out, I can sense a customer behind me. Now obviously they wish to reach something and I'm blocking their way. Do they say, 'Excuse me, could I just get that milkshake?' so that I can gladly move for them?


    Instead, they make a series of noises. Grunts, sighs, 'eh!' noises as though they're trying to reach but can't. They'll stand behind me making said noises expecting me to notice them and figure out that they're trying to reach. Sometimes they'll do it for about five minutes, because to prove a point, I don't move.

    It's almost as though 'excuse me' is an evil phrase that will banish them to some fiery depths. They'd rather stand there for ages making all manner of noises than say it.

    Either that, or they'll see something they can't reach, and say to a freind/family member beside them: 'Pity we can't get to it. Maybe that girl will get it for us?' loudly, so that of course, I can hear them, and go and obey.

    Sorry - no can do!

    Why do people go to so much trouble when all they have to do is say 'excuse me?' Because seriously - if you don't ask me properly, I won't do it. Simple as that. I'm an assistant, not a servant (contrary to popular belief, it's NOT the same thing! ), and obeying orders is totally not my thing.

    Ask nicely, and you get my attention.

    Anyone else have to deal with bad-mannered customers?

  • #2
    Where I live, the mountains and wilderness of North Georgia, if a kid doesn't say please or thank you they get a "whoppin' "from their parents. Whenever I go to Atlanta or somewhere up north, it's not like that. No one says please, thank you, or excuse me. It's all grunts. I guess I'm too used to living in a small town.
    Check out my cosplay social group!


    • #3
      journochick i think you would love me. i always say please, thank you, excuss me, and will take just about any amount of change possible. and if the person is stocking what i need/want i will touch their should and ask nicely, "excuss me, do you think i could grab a -x product- real quick please?" I now under stand why people love me though


      • #4
        Sigh, how I long to hear a "please" and "thank you" from my customers, but that that would be dreaming the impossible dream.
        "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


        • #5
          I've mentioned this in other threads, but I'm very polite as a general rule--I was raised well, so I always say please and thank you, even when I'm in a rush and just stopping in for cigs or a drink. Most of the local 7-11 and gas station guys know and love me, because I'm always polite and pleasant.

          What's amusing to me is I'm the type who was looked down on by strangers, moreso in college than now, as I've toned down my dress and hair since I got my "corporate" job. I would be the one in fishnets, leather jacket and boots and with neon colored hair holding the door for strangers and always saying Please and Thank You. Love shocking people like that.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            I hate that basic manners have gotten so rare that they stand out. If you want a good deal in my store you just have to be polite. I'll be so shocked I'll probably give you whatever you want.

            It works both ways as well, I usually seem to get good service because I'm [almost] always polite (and because I never figured out tipping properly when I was in the US and apparently over tipped more often than not).
            "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
            "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


            • #7
              THANK YOU!!!! And no, I wasn't being a smartass, I was thanking you for covering a topic that I have been meaning to cover for the longest time, but never got around to it.

              The hospital I work in has a cafe' and in that cafe' is where I meet my rudest customers. The patients are very well mannered for the most part and if they aren't, I can cut them some slack, as I'm not sure how pleasant I would be in their shoes. But the people who work there... good LORD, it's like pulling teeth to get a polite human word out of some of them. And, surprisingly, or not, depending on how you look at it, the doctors and nurses are the rudest of all. I understand that they are busy people, but honestly, how hard is it to say one syllable? It's like, a split second out of your life and off you go. Also, a smile every now and again would be nice too.


              • #8
                I was at a hockey game with my ex-boyfriend a few months ago where they were giving out free tee-shirts. No one said please or thank you. Just barked out the size and went. I made sure to be polite and cheerful to them.
                I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


                • #9
                  I can't stand rudeness...but I guess I'm used to it since I basically live in the rude capital of the U.S.

                  I think it physically pains people to be nice around here.

                  And at my cell phone store- the people that get the discounts are the ones who are nice to me. If you're a jackass, I might do something for you to shut you up...but it sure as hell won't be jack compared to what I'll do for the nice person.

                  I had a guy ask me once why I took 10 bucks off of something he was buying- I told him it was the "nice guy" discount. I'm a terrible salesperson (but you bet your butt he'll come back to buy from me, and he'll probably continue to be nice to boot)
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                  • #10
                    "Whenever I go to Atlanta or somewhere up north, it's not like that. No one says please, thank you, or excuse me. It's all grunts. "

                    That is because Atlanta is the Hellmouth. If you don't belive me, try driving around downtown sometime.

                    I'd rather take a punch in the chops.

                    I tend to ignore people who do that passive thing of suggesting to their companions what they'd like me to do instead of asking me. And I tend to ignore the idiots who would rather sit there and do a very badly acted skit about how annoyed and put out they are instead of addressing me, too.

                    I HATE that. How hard is it to freaking communicate?


                    • #11
                      I say please and thank you, myself. I mean it when I think about it, but most of the time it's completely meaningless from my end. It's something I do so often, that it's just a habit, now.

                      Of course, it would still be nice if more people would be in the habit of adding polite noises to their requests and transactions.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Rude customers are in for a surpise at my beer stand. They come up, demand their beer and slap the money down on the counter. I nicely pour the beer and wait for the constant breeze to blow their money away. Nice customers get warned so they don't need to go chasing the cash. Of course, nice customers also hold onto the money and hand it to me directly, so its not a problem.

