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At what point am i allowed to become a SC (Sorry. Long.)

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  • At what point am i allowed to become a SC (Sorry. Long.)

    Hi Everyone I have been reading stories here for a while (it paases the time at work) but this is my first post here so be nice.

    As the title suggests, at what point do i become a SC?

    Story is as follows:

    For xmas i got a game and controller for my xbox as a present. Excellent. It's what i wanted, and boxing day consisted of me playing it non stop. the game and controller worked fine right through until after new years. At this point i returned to work and didn't play it for at least week.

    Weekend comes around, i try to play it. Game works fine. But controller won't connect to the xbox. Now this is a game that uses a specific type of contoller and is no fun without it.

    I speak to my sister who got it for me to get the receipt. She can't find it. Great. I ring where she purchased it but they can't swap it without a reciept. I'm ok with that. they give me the number to the people who make it.

    I give them a call and explain the situation. The receptionist was nice, and she gave me the number to their tech support. She says any problems call her back. So i contact tech support. They troubleshoot the problem with me to no avail. They give me an email address to write too. So i shoot off an email. 1 week later, still no reponse. So i send a follow up. another week later still nothing so i call the recpetionist back. She says that she will take all of my details down and she will will get it swapped over for me (knowing that i didn't have a reciept). She says that there are none in stock though and it will be 3 weeks until they come in and she will contact me once they do. I'm ok with this.

    3 and a 1/2 weeks later still no news. So i give them a call again. Another person answers. I explain the situation. She says the old recpetionist no longer works there and as far as she's concerned they don't do swap overs. But she knows there is a list of about 10 names of people who are told they are getting their item swapped. She said she will follow it up with the supervisors and will give me a call back that afternoon or the next morning.

    These times come and go so i call her back. She says the same thing about not being able to swap them but she will contact the ops manager. It will be a week before she hears anything. I'm getting annoyed now but i say ok. A week passes still nothing. I call back. The old recptionist answers. I say WTF? She tells me it is her last day. She will pass my message onto the new receptionist to call me back. They day goes on i hear nothing so i once again i call back (number is now on speed dial). She says she has heard nothing from the ops manager but she will follow it up. Give her a week. By this stage i am more than pissed. But i say thats fine (i'm too nice) but please make sure she calls me back.

    Now if they had of said at the start "No receipt, No swap" i would have been ok with it. My mistake. BUt cause they said they would swap it i have waited. This has now been close to 2 months. So like the title suggests: When do i become a SC?

    Thanks for listening. I look forward to sharing stories form my work (an IT helpdesk for stores, i have also worked in a restaurant and a telecommunications retail shop) in the future.

    Send in the Squirrels!

  • #2
    I would call back & ask for a supervisor and/or manager & tell them you have been calling for 2 months etc & would like a response that day. Go from there. You don't have to be SC about it, just serious sounding is all.
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


    • #3
      Polite but firm, don't lose your temper. Just because you have problems and need to complain doesn't make you a SC.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        I don't want to make light of your situation BUT in all that time couldn't you have just bought another one from somewhere? That's what I would have done.
        After about a week or so doing the "phone tag" thing I would have stopped & just went & bought another one-provided I could find one of course.
        They're just handing you off from one person to another.


        • #5
          The game wasn't Steel Battalion by any chance was it?
          SC:What makes you think you can tell me how to do this?
          ME:Because I finished Pre-school, Elementary School, High School
          and College first time. Now: Red wire is positive.


          • #6
            Hey!! Howdy neighbour! You'll find there are a couple of us on here

            Anyways, I sort of agree with the others, be firm, perhaps polite, but also be very very pushy! If you ring again, don't even bother with reception - go straight to Ops Manager (actually - don't - get the Ops manager's name and direct number, and get her/his supervisor's name and direct number, and then ring that person!). Probably good to get the company heirarchy and the top dog - for when they waste more of your time, you've got the name and address and all contact details. I'd probably start with being nice to the receptionist as you ask for the details, then ask to be put through to OM's supervisor.

            I think you've been stuffed around far too much, and shouldn't have been so patient.

            Enjoy your stay here - and don't forget your stories

            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


            • #7
              My first thought on "special controller" is Guitar Hero...

              Anyway, you've been far too forgiving of these people. They've been giving you the run-around for something like 6 weeks, at least, so it's time to get a little pushy. But stay polite.

              Good luck getting your promised replacement.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                My first thought on "special controller" is Guitar Hero...

                You got it in one.
                I'll give them until Tomorrow. If i still haven't heard from them i will speak to their supervisor.

                And don't worry guys i won't lose my temper. unfortunately/fortunately i dont get angry or yell.

                Hey!! Howdy neighbour! You'll find there are a couple of us on here
                Send in the Squirrels!


                • #9
                  write them a letter

                  I find writing a letter can most times get a better response, in this kind of situation. You could detail all the calls you made, who you spoke to, and who led you to believe they would swap the controller. And it is more likely to get the managers attention. And you could always follow up with calls if it doesn't work.

