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brain 'freeze'

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  • brain 'freeze'

    Not an instance of suck, per se, but one of incredible - nay, CATASTROPHIC failure of the cerebral organ.


    I used to work for an auto-parts store (retail/discount), and back in those days you could buy that old R-12 refrigerant for your car's air conditioner in small cans for like a buck. The problem with retail/discount auto parts is it attracts all manner of self-proclaimed 'mechanics' - many of whom should be legally barred from owning tools, as we shall see.


    A long, long time ago, in a place not too terribly far from here, an incredible event of industrial-strength stupid took place.

    A very hot August afternoon, and the store is dead slow. Maybe five customers since the store opened nearly six hours ago. We'd pulled all the backstock we could, faced and fronted everything, mopped everything, cleaned everything, dusted off everything, and now we were actually playing cards at the parts counter.

    I'd gone to the restroom and was on my way back to the parts counter when the front door opened and in strode two gentlemen - one older, in his fifties I'd guess, the other younger, early twenties probably.

    I approach, as I'm the closest, and go into my own (distinctly NON-corporate) schpiel - "Hi, can I help you find anything today?"

    The older gentleman turns to me, says hi, and asks for 'freezon'. Now, I've gotten into this trap before - 'freezon' could be either 'antifreeze' or 'freon' (aka R12) - useful substances both, but hardly interchangeable. So I ask, "Freon for an air conditioner?" To which he replies, "Yeah."

    Well, out of coincidence, he happened to be standing exactly two feet in front of a case-stack of these little cans of R12, which happened to also be on special for like 89 cents (I'm seriously dating myself here, yeah?). I point this out, he picks up two cans, and starts toward the cash register at the front of the store. Per corporate policy (upsell, plus-sell, sell, sell, SELL!) I snatch up one of the little hose kits that allow you to hook this pressurized can up to the system (It's kind of necessary) and ask him if he needs the kit. He replies no, so naturally I assume (there's that word!) that he already has one. I ring up his purchase, wish him a nice day, and he exits the store. The end? What do YOU think?

    I'd returned to the card game at the back of the store, and we'd gotten in a hand or two before the front door flies open again - the younger fellow runs back inside, wide-eyed.

    "CALL 9-1-1! The can exploded, and he's hurt, hurry, call an ambulance!"

    SHIT! I think, he hooked that damned thing up to the high pressure side of the system (definitely possible, and definitely a no-no). I tell my coworkers to call 9-1-1 and I'd go outside to see what I could do to help.

    I sprint outside - and am very puzzled by what I see. I'm expecting to see this guy on his back with blood and shrapnel everywhere. Instead, he's sitting on the curb holding his face. No blood. No shrapnel. No screaming. No sign of anything more serious than a mild headache. Then I notice something even more odd. The can, very much in one piece, is lying on the ground. Next to the (wait for it…..) CAN OPENER.

    Now, anyone who's ever seen one of these cans will tell you it's nigh-impossible to get a can opener on them. They're designed that way for a reason - to resist efforts to open them with a CAN OPENER. You don't want to do this because Freon is stored in a liquid state under high pressure - if you puncture that can, it will go from liquid to a gaseous state almost instantly, and in so doing there's a very real risk of getting frostbite (gaseous freon isn't something you want to be breathing, either)

    You're supposed to use the special fitting (that hose kit I spoke of), which seals against the can and allows the contents to leave only via the hose, which would be hooked to the air conditioning system.

    This fellow had managed to defy all efforts to prevent his opening that can with a can opener. It could not have been easy. This is either a testament to human determination, or to monumental ignorance - I cannot decide which. But wait, it gets BETTER.

    To shorten up the story a bit (too late….), the ambulance arrives, and they put the older gentleman on a stretcher, preparing to take him to the hospital (good news: he wasn't badly hurt, they just felt he should get checked over to be sure), and as they're loading him up, he asks me to go close the hood of his car for him, so that nobody steals his battery.

    Sure, says I, but when I go to do so, I was once again greatly puzzled by the sight that met my eyes.

    There was no sign of an air conditioning system on the car. No compressor, no condenser, no hoses, no receiver/drier assembly, no brackets (empty or otherwise), no extra sheaves on the engine pulleys. The car DID NOT have air conditioning. It had never HAD air conditioning. Never EVER.. I did notice, however, that the radiator cap had been removed.

    Mind you, this took place nearly twenty years ago, and in that time I've not been able to figure out just what was going in that parking lot on that hot August day. Did he think that adding freon to a radiator would give his car air conditioning? At first, I thought that maybe I'd given him the wrong thing, that maybe he'd actually asked for antifreeze, but as I'd mentioned earlier, I'd been in that trap before and I had very specifically asked him if he wanted it for air conditioning. So, I'm pretty sure that he hadn't asked me for antifreeze.

    Car was gone the next morning, never saw either of them again.
    Last edited by xaenon; 03-05-2008, 12:03 AM. Reason: added 'long' warning

  • #2

    Wow, you hit the hammer on the head with "catastrophic brain failure" there. Dear Lord! I know jack shit about cars (odd for a 20 year old male, but it's true!) and even I know better than trying to open FREON with a can opener!
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


    • #3
      Wow the epicness of that failure is mind boggling.

      Also great use of a quote from "Clue"
      "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

      Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


      • #4
        omg...a CAN OPENER!....LMFAO!!!


        • #5
          It was pretty obvious he thought he was asking for (and receiving) anti-freeze.

          What I really want to know is how anyone could know enough about a car to know that it would need anti-freeze and yet not know enough that it comes in large-ish bottles with easy-to-open tops.

          Oh, yeah, and don't forget that not only was the old guy a complete and total vehicular dipstick, but the younger guy was just as clueless!

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I'm sure that old fart is in the Darwin Awards somewhere. There is NO WAY he has gone the last 20 years without offing himself. Too bad he already sired offspring (I assume the younger man was his son).
            I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


            • #7
              R12 for $.89 a can!!!! If you'd bought a couple hundred bucks worth of that you'd be rich today.


              • #8
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                It was pretty obvious he thought he was asking for (and receiving) anti-freeze.
                Not necessarily.

                Most of us know that this was failure in the most epic form, but for the unknowing it would be possible to believe that if the heater works off the antifreeze running through the heater core, that conversely, the air conditioning would as well. Combine that with some people's knowledge that they need "Freez-on" and there you go.

                What gets me is the can opener.

                Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                R12 for $.89 a can!!!! If you'd bought a couple hundred bucks worth of that you'd be rich today.
                Actually, you wouldn't. R12 is illegal to sell in the US unless you are a certified mechanic with a special permit from the government. Private individuals in possession can face heavy fines and imprisonment if caught with it.
                Last edited by bigjimaz; 03-05-2008, 02:09 AM.
                This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                • #9
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  It was pretty obvious he thought he was asking for (and receiving) anti-freeze.

                  What I really want to know is how anyone could know enough about a car to know that it would need anti-freeze and yet not know enough that it comes in large-ish bottles with easy-to-open tops.

                  Oh, yeah, and don't forget that not only was the old guy a complete and total vehicular dipstick, but the younger guy was just as clueless!

                  That was the concensus of my coworkers that day (one of which I still hang out with on a regular basis). However, everybody there also heard him confirm that the 'freezon' he was asking for was indeed for his air conditioning. So he missed the clue twice - once when I'd asked him, and again when he'd taken a can opener to that very difficult to open container.


                  • #10
                    Quoth bigjimaz View Post

                    Actually, you wouldn't. R12 is illegal to sell in the US unless you are a certified mechanic with a special permit from the government. Private individuals in possession can face heavy fines and imprisonment if caught with it.
                    I think you're able to have it *IF*you can prove it was purchased prior to the cutoff date and also provided you are not trying to sell it. Of course, since the cutoff was quite a long time ago, your chances of still having a sales receipt are pretty slim, and you might have to deal with ordinances regarding the storage of hazardous materials, if you have enough of it.

                    We sold the hell out of that stuff in the few weeks prior to the cutoff date. One fellow came in and dropped more than a GRAND stocking up. We all knew he was going to be selling it (and at a premium, too, knowing this guy) but so long as he was buying it prior to the cutoff there was nothing we could do to stop him. Even if we'd been even remotely INTERESTED in stopping him - which we weren't.


                    • #11
                      I saw those cans the other day at my grandmothers house. My grandfather used to work on his vehicles when he was able too. They are just sitting there in the cabinet.
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Quoth bigjimaz View Post
                        Actually, you wouldn't. R12 is illegal to sell in the US unless you are a certified mechanic with a special permit from the government. Private individuals in possession can face heavy fines and imprisonment if caught with it.
                        Actually...per the wiki page, it's no longer being MADE, let alone sold in the United States. As for buying freon, it's not just for cars. Most appliances (Fridge, Air conditioner, etc) that have a compressor have freon. And thus, heating/cooling repair specialists can buy it (provided they are properly certified, of course.)

                        (Sorry, I come from a long line of refrigerator and air-conditioning repair people.)
                        "Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is." - Steve Martin


                        • #13
                          Holy crap...from the way you described it (can opener, hands on eyes, ect.), I thought the old coot had flash-frozen his eyeballs. I guess he got lucky. Yikes! Always read the instructions, kids.
                          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                          Hoc spatio locantur.


                          • #14
                            wow, that's a monumental case of stupid; pressurized can + can opener = darwin award.

                            he is lucky, but not that lucky; i'm sure there's a darwin story on him somewhere...

                            look! it's ghengis khan!
                            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                            • #15
                              Oh you so pegged that...what a HUGE failure in the cranial department! I'm a total doofus at mechanics and even I know not to do that!!!

