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How to nearly burn down a building 3 times... in 2 days.

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  • #16
    My dad actually told me about how to do that. I always carry a lighter with me in the car and some kind of spray. He said if you need too, just use that as a get away weapon. I do not need it, seeing as I know how to wrestle and know how to box. And also I carry a small wooden baseball bat in the car with me.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #17
      I have done things like that. But I don't aim it at anyone or anything
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #18
        Quoth powerboy View Post
        My dad actually told me about how to do that. I always carry a lighter with me in the car and some kind of spray. He said if you need too, just use that as a get away weapon. I do not need it, seeing as I know how to wrestle and know how to box. And also I carry a small wooden baseball bat in the car with me.
        FYI, (and I'm not sure this hasn't changed) if you have a baseball bat and no baseball glove and maybe a ball, too, you're breaking the law here in California. I can't remember if it's a misdemeanor or a felony, but having just a bat by itself is not legal to just carry around with you because there's no other purpose than mayhem.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
          FYI, (and I'm not sure this hasn't changed) if you have a baseball bat and no baseball glove and maybe a ball, too, you're breaking the law here in California. I can't remember if it's a misdemeanor or a felony, but having just a bat by itself is not legal to just carry around with you because there's no other purpose than mayhem.

          In Tennessee, I had to register all of my axes, swords, daggers, staves, etc.

          You register what it is, how long it is, and if you're trained in how to use it. Then, to be seen carrying a blade bigger than 1 1/2 inches long, you have to have a liscense to hold, and a permit for the three days you're allowed to carry it. Bleh t-_-t


          • #20
            Quoth unholypet View Post
            In Tennessee, I had to register all of my axes, swords, daggers, staves, etc.

            You register what it is, how long it is, and if you're trained in how to use it. Then, to be seen carrying a blade bigger than 1 1/2 inches long, you have to have a liscense to hold, and a permit for the three days you're allowed to carry it. Bleh t-_-t

            It used to be that in California, any bladed weapon beyond a certain length (either 6" or 8", I can't remember) was legally classed as a dirk. And carrying a concealed dirk was a felony. A dirk in a sheath worn openly could be considered concealed because more than 50% of the dirk was hidden from view. Switchblades and any other type of blade that could be opened quickly or mechanically, as well as any double edged blades were strictly illegal.

            But a concealed gun is only a misdemeanor ticket.

            The city of Lakewood, CA, however, had a law on the books that any bladed weapon that did not have an actual sharpened edge to it was not a dirk, but legally classed as a probe, which was perfectly legal to carry.

            That all changed in 2001.

            The law as it currently stands makes a whole lot more sense.

            Any fixed blade weapon that can be used as a dirk or stabbing weapon can be worn, but only as open carry. There is a separate line that specifically states that a sheathed blade is part of open carry.

            If you wish to carry a concealed blade, it has to be a folding blade that requires effort to open and some device that makes it so that even if you can flip it open using centrifugal force, it will have a tendancy to want to close when not locked in the open position.

            There are no longer any restrictions regarding blade length. There are also no longer any restrictions based on number of edges.

            As for switchblades, they are still illegal unless they are less than 2" (which was how it was before as well). But they are illegal to import into the state, so there is quite an industry in California for the manufacture and sale of 1.9" switchblades.

            More on the baseball bat thing. Checking around a little more, it looks like carrying a baseball bat is pretty much not legal anywhere unless you have the rest of the gear or can reasonably show that it was not there for use as a weapon.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #21
              Quoth jerkface11 View Post
              Tanasi are you in the USA? If so did you have to register your flame thrower as a destructive device?
              Actually no, when they were surplused they were declared agricultural devices, for the purposed of clearing land. Now if I had napalm that would have to be registered.

              Quoth iviles View Post
              Hy Tanasi you need to get with my husband! Hes in the army and one day while bored they figured out how to make cs gas with their MRE's. Between that and the air riffles him and his brothers cleard out the back yard last thanksgiving. He says that you and your flame thrower would be a welcomed addition.
              I spent 25 years in the US Army and I've learned to make a lot more devistating stuff than CS, I can also put in some blister agent and a very crude nerve agent. My middle brother makes air-rifles and we've clocked some 30 caliber bullets (using a chronograph) from one of his inventions at +4000 fps. I only have one rifle that shoots faster than that.

              Quoth unholypet View Post
              In Tennessee, I had to register all of my axes, swords, daggers, staves, etc.

              You register what it is, how long it is, and if you're trained in how to use it. Then, to be seen carrying a blade bigger than 1 1/2 inches long, you have to have a liscense to hold, and a permit for the three days you're allowed to carry it. Bleh t-_-t
              I'm in East Tennessee and that's news to me. Is that a Memphis thing or do you have a TCA site? Not doubting just wondering. I have real US and CS calvery, infantry, and artillery swords (not the dress up stuff either), bunches of knives both pocket and fixed and several axes and hatches. Heck even the knife in my pocket as I type has a 3 inch blade and none of my bladed beauties are registered. Again just wondering.
              Bow down before me for I am ROOT

              Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


              • #22
                Quoth unholypet View Post
                In Tennessee, I had to register all of my axes, swords, daggers, staves, etc.

                You register what it is, how long it is, and if you're trained in how to use it. Then, to be seen carrying a blade bigger than 1 1/2 inches long, you have to have a liscense to hold, and a permit for the three days you're allowed to carry it. Bleh t-_-t
                .......................that's news to me............I'm in deeeeeeeeeeeep crap if I gotta register all my swords....

                .....come to think of it, I think I should probably register the rifles.....
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #23
                  Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                  .......................that's news to me............I'm in deeeeeeeeeeeep crap if I gotta register all my swords....

                  .....come to think of it, I think I should probably register the rifles.....
                  I know for a fact you don't have to register firearms. In TN the Second Admendment is considered an individual right. So unless the BATFE requires the firearm or destructive device to be registered you don't have to register it. My Class 3 stuff is known to the sheriffs office and the feds but AFAIK the city PD doesn't know. It's not that I'm going to go on a rampage but I figure the less that is known about me and mine the better.
                  The edge-weapons requirement that UHP referred to is unknown to me but I'll try searching TCA later.
                  Within a certain group of friends I'm packing the least amount of heat. One friend has helicopter gun ship, another has mini-guns (yes real honest to gosh mini-guns just like in the movies only real), another friend has a British Challenger Tank. I can no way afford the armor I would like to have.
                  Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                  Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                  • #24
                    When I was 16 years old and driving my first car I was stopped at a traffic light. In the car to my left there were a couple guys I recognized from school that were nothing but trouble. Anyway I basically ignored them and just before the light turned I noticed something moving in my peripheral vision. As it turns out, they had loaded up a Redneck Cannon* and set it off directly facing me. My window was down and I took the direct brunt. To this day. some 38 years later, I have a constant ringing in my left ear and it has gotten increasingly loud as I've aged. I also have a 20% deminishment in the hearing in that ear. The audiologist says that there is nothing that can be done.

                    The moral? Don't let dickheads have access to flammables and/or fire.

                    * Redneck Cannon: Take 3 or 4 large metal coffee cans (these were back when a large coffee can held 3 lbs. of coffee) cut the end off one and poke a hole in the intact lid. Cut both lids off the remainder of the cans. Tape together with duct tape to form your cannon barrel. Squirt lighter fluid liberally into the barrel. Shake vigorously covering the hole. Aim at will and stick a flame to the hole. The resulting explosion is not that large visually, but the sound is deafening.

                    Disclaimer: In no way did I describe this so anyone can go out and do their own experimentation. This is meant as an explanation of the term. We also used to call the same contraption a different name but in the interest of decorum I choose not to degrade people from any particular country in Eastern Europe that begins with "P."
                    Last edited by bigjimaz; 03-29-2008, 02:34 AM. Reason: Visually separating different paragraphs. ;)
                    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                      FYI, (and I'm not sure this hasn't changed) if you have a baseball bat and no baseball glove and maybe a ball, too, you're breaking the law here in California. I can't remember if it's a misdemeanor or a felony, but having just a bat by itself is not legal to just carry around with you because there's no other purpose than mayhem.

                      Note: he said he had a small baseball bat, so I'm assuming it's one of the slightly over 1 foot long, one-hand grip models.

                      Just when I thought I'd heard it all - California makes it illegal to have a tire gauge in your vehicle. Yep, those mini-bats are a common item at truck stops, used to "thump" your tires as a quick check that you don't have a flat.
                      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Tanasi View Post
                        Not many practical applications for a flame thrower in today's society
                        Says YOU.

                        I could use it for a Spee-Dee BBQ place.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #27
                          Last fall our store tried to burn itself down. Once it was a fluorescent light ballast, then a cooler fan motor, then a CRT monitor, then a frozen sprinkler pipe that burst, then a sprinkler head broke with no one around it. Our GM got to know the local FF's on a first name basis.

