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Now Serving - A Generous Helping of Fitting Room Madness and a side of EWWWWW!

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  • Now Serving - A Generous Helping of Fitting Room Madness and a side of EWWWWW!

    So, anyone who's worked the fitting rooms knows how much it sucks. Last night, we had a real winner at the fitting room. Thank GOODNESS this didn't happen to me, but my poor, poor co-worker - who is a new guy, only been with us a few weeks and is a nice fellow - he didn't deserve this 'baptism by fire'.

    The Players:
    CW: the new guy
    SC: Self-important asshat
    MGR: Spine-ectomy complete

    Me - (wanders by fitting room to pick up some reshops) 'Hey CW, how's it going?'
    CW: 'Oh hey, MiddleofNowhere. You're not going to believe what just happened.'
    Me: 'What?'
    CW: 'See that pile of shorts? - (gestures to a pile of about 10 pairs of different types of shorts laying on one of the Fitting Room chairs we keep for customers waiting for someone with them trying on clothes.)
    Me: 'Uh-huh...'
    CW: 'Well some guy came over and wanted to try them on. I told him about only taking in 6 items at a time and the guy had a fit.'
    Me: 'Seriously?'
    CW: 'Yeah. I explained that I would switch them out for him when he was ready and the guy threw them on the chair, said if he couldn't take them all in he wouldn't buy them and stomped off.'
    Me: 'Well, don't worry about it, bud. You're only following policy. Don't let it bother you.' (I could tell he was a little upset/shocked by it - again, he's new to this gig)

    He and I start gathering the shorts up to reshop and lo and behold comes one of my managers with (as I find out in a second) Mr. Asshat customer.

    MGR: 'That's no problem sir, you can take them all in...'
    SC: 'I didn't think there'd be... - (I cannot begin to describe the smug, self-satisfied look this cretin had on his face as he scooped up his pile of shorts)
    MGR: 'CW, could you let this gentleman into the fitting room?'

    Me: 'MGR, we're okay with someone throwing a fit about taking in more than the mandated number for loss prevention?' (wanting clarification not only for myself but to have this MRG acknowledge his lack of spine)
    MGR: 'MiddleofNowhere, it's better we let him in than have him upset'

    Oh, yes. Better we let this self-important, puffed up waste of skin feel that he 'got one over on us' and ignore our LP mandates and set an early example of why retail can be so draining at times to an impressionable new associate. And the best/worst part? Customer came out just a few minutes later and didn't buy One. Freaking. Pair. of the all-important shorts. Sucky Customer, sir, you are a turd.

    Oh, and the ewwwww? I was walking past my shop when I notice two young boys - approximately 8 and 10 years old and I also immediately notice the funk of hard-playing, younger child B.O. - literally laying on my table of high $$ fleeces, getting their stink all over everything. Where was their freaking mom???? (I literally had to go and get the Lysol spray we keep on hand and spray the table and product.
    Last edited by MiddleofNowhere; 08-23-2008, 01:29 PM. Reason: forgot the side dish...
    Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy

  • #2
    Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post

    Me: 'MGR, we're okay with someone throwing a fit about taking in more than the mandated number for loss prevention?' (wanting clarification not only for myself but to have this MRG acknowledge his lack of spine)
    MGR: 'MiddleofNowhere, it's better we let him in than have him upset'
    That's easy to say when you won't be responsible if any theft comes out of the big wad o' clothes people are taking into the fitting rooms.

    Spineless managers, especially those who show up their hourly employees, make me want to punch things.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      That was one fantastic thing about my old company. The fitting room limit was LAW. Like God's Law. No mere mortal or manager could revoke it. If LP caught you letting someone in with too much or not counting each item, you'd get a nasty phone call and possibly get written up. If the auditor caught you doing it, the store would probably fail the audit. It was serious business. Yeah, customers complained,
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        that's like giving candy to a kid that won't stop screaming, tsk tsk, only reinforces their awful behavior...

