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no means no

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  • no means no

    Today I returned to work after my 2 days off. 3 of our 4 systems were showing signs of crashing and the chemistry on our film processor screamed a warning that said not to process film unless the customer really, really wants all pink pictures. That being said I called in the 2 issues that had not already been addressed and put up the "We are unable to process film at this time. Please us the send out service for your photo processing needs - this includes digital orders"

    We have to remain open so people can pick up film orders and so we can help them on the instant printers and such.

    Not a single person read the sign.

    Every time someone came to the counter with film I had to explain to them we did not have service. That the issues were being looked at but there was no set time to be up and running and they had a choice of using the 3 day service or trying another lab.
    They would try and leave it with me for "whenever you get back up" I would explain once we were down for 2 weeks. Better yet they would argue with me about "I want one hour I don;t see why that is so hard."

    Next door to me is a Walgreens, one block over a CVS pharmacy with a one hour lab, one blook behind me, a Target, across the street another generic lab. If we were the only lab in town I could see it. but we aren't so if one hour is so important walk 5 minutes and you are at another lab!

    I am not killing them by not doing their film there are Photo Labs EVERYWHERE.

    I got called a c*nt, a b*itch, told to f*ck myself.
    Seriously? and every time they told me they would NEVER shop here again I asked for it in writing because these people are the same ones who try and scam their pictures for free.

  • #2
    Quoth Aislin View Post
    They would try and leave it with me for "whenever you get back up" I would explain once we were down for 2 weeks. Better yet they would argue with me about "I want one hour I don;t see why that is so hard."
    What a bunch of idiots. I know a bit about photography and it's not that simple.

    A more interesting take on this - who the heck still uses film for photography other than professionals who develop their own photos?!


    • #3
      Quoth Can I have a cheeseburger View Post
      who the heck still uses film for photography other than professionals who develop their own photos?!
      Students who take Photography as a course in college... *shudders* But they usually have access to a dark room... By the by, THAT was a mistake for me.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Can I have a cheeseburger View Post
        A more interesting take on this - who the heck still uses film for photography other than professionals who develop their own photos?!
        Um...I do. I've got a very good camera, I don't see any point in not using it.

        Some folks can't afford good digital cameras (even though they are coming down in price, you can still get a decent 35mm camera much cheaper), or they need to use a disposable camera for one reason or another.

        So yeah, film isn't going to go away for a while.

        Back on topic -- yes, folks, the sign means you, as well. We don't have Magical Photo Phaeries who can wave a wand and *poof* your film turns into developed photos. If the equipment is on the fritz, we can't help you, period.
        Last edited by XCashier; 08-23-2008, 02:41 AM.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          By any chance are you using that old chain driven Noritsu equipment? Back in the day, that was a doozie having the chain break and you've got 10 rolls in your old Model 900 minilab. One of those moments.


          • #6
            Quoth Aislin View Post
            They would try and leave it with me for "whenever you get back up" I would explain once we were down for 2 weeks. Better yet they would argue with me about "I want one hour I don;t see why that is so hard."
            "The problem is that the one hour equipment is not working and my proctologist warned me against trying to pull another one out of my ass after the damage this one caused me. I was in the hospital for weeks getting my asshole put back together."

            Once again, things we wish we could say.

            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              How big is the sign, and where is it placed? If no one is catching it, that might be part of the problem. I know SC's don't read signs but if nobody is, maybe they can't see it or passed it by. You could always get a nice big posterboard and hang it right behind the register, trim it in red with big black letters. I would if I had to put up with that for two weeks.

              Of course, there are folks that would miss a sign even if you were dancing naked right beside and pointing to it while singing the 'machines are out of order' ditty set to polka music. "That's nice, now why can't I get my pictures in an hour??"
              "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

              "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


              • #8
                Quoth Aislin View Post
                Seriously? and every time they told me they would NEVER shop here again I asked for it in writing because these people are the same ones who try and scam their pictures for free.
                and did any of them agree to put it in writing?
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Quoth Aislin View Post
                  I got called a c*nt, a b*itch, told to f*ck myself.
                  Wow. There would be footage on the evening news of me, reacting to that, if a customer ever DARED called me any of those names, particularly the C word.

                  Let's just say my friends and family would be rounding up bail money, because I'd surely be in jail for assault, or worse.
                  "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jack Doe View Post
                    By any chance are you using that old chain driven Noritsu equipment? Back in the day, that was a doozie having the chain break and you've got 10 rolls in your old Model 900 minilab. One of those moments.
                    thank god no, ours is a 970 fugi, it has it's moments but is not too bad, somehow the chemistry got a bit off (maybe some ran some film that was not compatible and did not log it or splashed some chem while cleaning)


                    • #11
                      Quoth Snowbird View Post
                      How big is the sign, and where is it placed? If no one is catching it, that might be part of the problem. I know SC's don't read signs but if nobody is, maybe they can't see it or passed it by. You could always get a nice big posterboard and hang it right behind the register, trim it in red with big black letters. I would if I had to put up with that for two weeks.

                      Of course, there are folks that would miss a sign even if you were dancing naked right beside and pointing to it while singing the 'machines are out of order' ditty set to polka music. "That's nice, now why can't I get my pictures in an hour??"
                      HUGE sign, middle of the counter. They look at it, look at me, and ask.

                      my boss says maybe they can't read...
                      They all can't be illiterate, some of them ask if it really means what it says.

                      no I like being bored out of my head and not having pictures to make fun of (24 pictures of your thumb is funny)


                      • #12
                        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        and did any of them agree to put it in writing?
                        no not a single one.

