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10 Things to remember once your 18

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  • #46
    Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
    Do you live in Texas? .
    No I live in Utah they started doing it about 5 years ago. When they first started doing the paper ID's they where not accepted anywhere which really pissed me off. They started doing it the year I turned 21 I still had my expired ID and the paper drivers license, I was so mad when I couldn't get into a bar a couple days after my birthday. Most places have lossened up since then realizing that it's not the person with the paper ID's fault. Also last time I renewed my license I got the plastic one about a week later so the turn around time had improved as well.


    • #47
      ugh! i had a friend who worked at a pornshop to. she would constantly try and help people. some would accept her help with much thanks. others, not so much.....

      i remember being in the store one time visiting when this snooty 30 some lady came in. she wandering around looking at stuff with a confused look on her face. my friend tried to go help her and the lady screamed "what do you know? your to young to know anything! i demand someone who actually KNOW what goes on inside the bedroom!" needless to say my friend let the lady know she was the only person in the store and allowed the lady to buy the cheapest lube that would probably equal to that of car grease.
      it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.

