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Toilets, customers and other black holes (gross part)

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  • #16
    We used to have this lady comde in to the store that all the maitnence workers hated. She not only leves shit all over the bathroom, but it looks like she drew cave drawings all over the wall with her shit.

    EEEWWW, I think I'm gonna vomit.
    "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,


    • #17
      Quoth ktopmil View Post
      We used to have this lady comde in to the store that all the maitnence workers hated. She not only leves shit all over the bathroom, but it looks like she drew cave drawings all over the wall with her shit.

      EEEWWW, I think I'm gonna vomit.
      Sounds like she had some kind of mental problem, playing with excrement is usually a sign that not everything's right up there.


      • #18
        Quoth Toujin View Post
        Sounds like she had some kind of mental problem, playing with excrement is usually a sign that not everything's right up there.
        *Twitch* Or maybe she's just Fucked in the Head*. Not everyone who does stupid/gross stuff has a mental problem. 99.9999999% chance she's just a bitch who makes a choice.

        *Stolen from jester.... I think.


        • #19
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Some people are basically shaved apes.
          I deny that I'm shaved!



          • #20
            Speaking of messed up bathrooms, I once walked into one in a local fast food emporium, and was greeted with the disgusting art work. I left and informed the manger that the restroom had a mess in it that needed immediate attention. I have never seen such a look of horror on anyone's face before or since, even in the movies. I suspect it had happened before.
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #21
              We used to have a woman who'd come into the store, go to the bathroom, take a shit, and write on the walls, the toilet and the floor with it.

              We called her "The fingerpainter"

              Luckily she has been banned from the store.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #22
                At my cigarette store, we don't have running water (most of the cigarette stores around here don't) so we have to use Porta Potty's.
                Unfortunately for me, the bathroom doesn't have a lock on the outside of the door. So anybody needing to use the facilities can do so.
                On day last winter, I went into the bathroom (keep in mind, we also don't have heaters) and discovered that somebody had peed on the seat, and guess what? DIDN'T WIPE IT UP.
                Therefore, it froze and I had to scrape it off with a piece of cardboard.
                Then, just a couple of weeks ago, I go into the bathroom, and there's crap on the floor!
                It looked like a guy who'd been taking a leak accidently crapped at the same time and then stepped in it on his way out.
                Effing gross.
                Sorry to thread jack, btw.


                • #23
                  Mr. Dips' coin shop doesn't have a public restroom, but they do let the occasional customer use it. It's usually not a problem, but...

                  About three years ago, some guys came in to the store and claimed to find $100,000 worth of old paper money buried in their back yard. It later came out that they had found it in the rafters of a barn belonging to one of their construction clients. The story made the national news and reporters did a few live spots in front of the store.

                  Anyway the boss was allowing reporters and crews to use the restroom and one well-known female reporter (who is not going to be named here) left water and pee EVERYWHERE.

                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.


                  • #24
                    wow, gotta love customers who keep their kids in check. i hate it when the brats run around behind the register and everything. then you get yelled at if you bump into them. kudos for good parenting!!
                    See you kids in the stars...


                    • #25
                      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

                      I ended up cleaning up your messes. No need to thank me. Nobody ever does anyway.
                      Um... would you really want them to?

                      Stupid Shit Customer: "Hi, I'm just wondering, who's job is it to clean up shit in the bathroom?"
                      Worker: "Ugh... mine... thank god nobody's left any on the floor in a couple weeks..."
                      SSC: "Oh, well... um... er... that was my bad... thanks!" pats your back and quickly walks away
                      W: "Sonofabitch!" gets hazmat suit, approaches bathroom. "How the hell did you manage to get it on the ceiling?!?"
                      "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


                      • #26
                        GAAAH! WHY ME!

                        WHY GOD WHY? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!!

                        This is another gross story. Please avert your eyes if bodily outputs make you squeamish

                        I came down from lunch today to find one of the service desk clerks making a beeline for the women's public bathroom.

                        SDC: The fingerpainter was just here so I need to check the women's bathroom.
                        Me: I thought she was banned from the store.
                        SDC: She is. We didn't catch her coming in. I just saw her walk out of the bathroom.

                        SDC went into the bathroom and emerged a short time later, with her shirt pulled up over her nose and mouth. Off I went to the maintenance room for rubber gloves, cleaning supplies and a mop and bucket.

                        I went in there and there was shit smeared all over the stall walls, all over the toilet and on the floor. I ended up spending about half an hour mopping, wiping, disinfecting, fumigating, cursing to myself and wondering what about my presence was causing folks to empty their bowels in all the wrong places.

                        Just when I though I was done, I could still smell poo. Turns out it was coming from the sanitary napkin bin, where Fingerpainter dropped the turd in. At least all I had to do there was pull out the bag and put a new one in.

                        At least I did get a thank you, in the form of a STAR card from the service desk. So if I'm really really lucky cleaning up crap three shifts in a row will earn me a $10 gift card.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #27
                          SDC went into the bathroom and emerged a short time later, with her shirt pulled up over her nose and mouth
                          haha I kept seeing the bottom of her shirt pulled up over her head covering it a I think I need food.

                          In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                          She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

