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Old man

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  • Old man

    There's an old man from a foreign land who always tries to pull false price matches when he comes in. I used to let him get away with it more, because I felt sorry for him because he walks everywhere, is elderly, and is on food stamps. There's also a significant language barrier. He knows a little English, but very little, and no Spanish, so no one at the store can talk to him in his native language, so for a while it was just easier to give him what he wanted as he was getting cheap things anyway. He was also really nice to everyone and would say thank you a lot. I've gotten a little tougher on him and I don't let him have everything he wants anymore, although I'll try to help him get whatever is legitimate. I didn't want to get in trouble for letting him get away with the false ones.

    He came to my register today, he got every price match he wanted except for one. There's a little sign at the top of the register that says we have a maximum fee of three dollars for check cashing. He pointed to the sign and said it was a coupon and he wanted three dollars off of his bill. I told him it wasn't a coupon but that's how much it COSTS to get a check cashed. I had to explain this two or three times before he gave up trying to argue me into taking an extra three dollars off of his total. This wasn't a language barrier problem, he knew better than that. He just loves to haggle.

    After I got him taken care of, he went to the side and read his receipt over and over, and the next thing I knew he was at the customer service desk, talking to the employee there. He claimed I had double charged him. He had bought three frozen bags of corn, and three of something else (I don't remember what). The person over there looked over the receipt and informed him several times that he hadn't been double charged at all. He was charged for exactly what he had gotten and nothing more.

    When I found out he had done this I felt a little betrayed. After all the (inexpensive) deals I did cut him in the past because I felt sorry for him, he shouldn't have gone and tried to get me in trouble just to save a couple of more bucks.

  • #2
    Give them an inch and they'll rip your heart out, burn a convent, and sneer mildly at people from overseas.

    How often have we heard that story before, eh?



    • #3

      What surprised me about his behavior is even though he's always been a bit annoying, he was always friendly and nice to everyone. I liked him and he would usually go to my line and would wave and smile when he saw me.

      I felt kind of frustrated at him for acting the way he did yesterday after I've been nice to him back and even saved him money.


      • #4
        That's what you get for being nice to someone--it will always bite you in the ass.


        • #5
          I wish you could live around here. We have lots of Hmong immigrants from Laos, they've been coming for over 20 years, and they are nothing like the other stories I've read on these forums.

          They either already come here with good English skills, or they learn them really fast when they get here. They speak their native language amongst each other, but are extremely professional and polite. They don't pull scams because they are foreign and they can.

          They excell in busines....well...except that one asshole and his gas station, but that's just one bad apple.

          Of course, where I'm from, we have ignorant rednecks and they have their own negative opinions about them, but I feel that they are just a dear to be around. So pleasant, so polite, and such good business people. They don't cause any trouble for anybody around here.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            As my hubby always says...."No good deed goes unpunished".

            I hate it, but it turns out to be true more often than not.


            • #7
              Quoth Pinkie View Post
              "No good deed goes unpunished".
              "That's my new creed.
              It's where road of good intentions seems to always lead.
              No good deed, goes unpunished."

              Not sure on the wording there...
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #8
                "No good deed goes unpunished".
                My exact words at my last job. Apparently at that company if someone wrongfully adds services to a customer's account and they call back to complain, the poor slob (namely me) who has to fix the error gets their sales stat penalized, not the idiot who made the mistake in the first place.

                The day after I said those words of wisdom I was fired. I was soooo broken up about it, really
                Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                • #9
                  I've generally had good experiences with East Asians, the ones who don't speak English seem to be accomodating of the fact you might not understand everything they're trying to say. Of course, not all of them are nice (believe me I've dealt with some idiots of all races), but I haven't had a particurlarly bad time with them like I have with some other groups (which shall remain unamed in this post).

                  Speaking of them I have another story, well this isn't a sucky customer per se, just a bit annoying. There's this short little Vietnamese lady who must be close to 70 or over 70 who always pays in coins, and she always has the coins wrapped up into little wads of paper towel. She counts out a dollar in coins at home then wads them up in the little piece of paper towel, then brings them to the store and pays with the wads. I don't really mind, but not knowing how clean or dirty the paper towels were did bother me at first. I don't think there's anything to worry about with her though because I don't think she wipes her nose with them first or anything like that. They've always looked/felt clean.

                  As for no good deed going unpunished, it seems like that's true sometimes. I sometimes go out of my way to help people and a lot of times it has come back to bite me. I still want to try to help people though.
                  Last edited by Rubystars; 06-17-2007, 01:56 AM.


                  • #10
                    I am normally quite forgiving when it comes to immigrants, as my people came from Germany, originally. My wife and I lived in California for a while, however, and when we were going to leave to come back to Arizona, we had a big moving sale. We were immediately overrun by about 90 Mrs. Swans (from Tracey Ulman), and the only English they knew was "two dollah." I had a bookcase stereo that I had marked $75 (originally about $199), and had at least twenty of these Viet women offer me "Two dollah.' I had one give me the two dollah, then turn and tell another woman that I was going to gyp her IN ENGLISH!! I told her to get off the property right now.


                    • #11
                      There was one and only one time I ever tried to sell stuff at a garage sale. I had some cheap bracelets that looked real but weren't. They were being sold for five cents a piece. An immigrant family came up, a mom, a dad, a little girl, and a grandma.

                      The mom and dad were asking me some questions, trying to distract me, while right in front of me the grandma started slipping the bracelets onto her arm. I looked down and told her they were five cents a piece, and she paniced, sliding them off her arm as fast as she could, and the little girl that was standing next to her looked really scared.

                      I knew what was going on then and I told them all to leave, put my things away and never tried to sell things like that again.

                      I felt really sad for the girl because I knew they were training her to be a thief.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Juwl View Post
                        "That's my new creed.
                        It's where road of good intentions seems to always lead.
                        No good deed, goes unpunished."

                        Not sure on the wording there...
                        Juwl, I went there right away, too...

                        He loves the world...except for all the people.
                        --Men at Work

