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Yes, closed means closed

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  • Yes, closed means closed

    Had this lovely gem of a customer today. Little background: a co-worker does the 10-to announcement, I do the official closing. Neither of us are quiet doing this, and periodically if we know there are a lot of customers in the store will use the "loud" phone (I swear, even whispering hurts on this one) so no one can mistake that we're closed.

    So this lady was getting a special order done. We don't find out until QUARTER AFTER that her order isn't done yet. She had apparently, walked in right before the 10-to, so she had heard both announcements. We let all the cashiers close and go home. So she finally walks up at 25 after...

    SC: duh
    C: desker who rang her in
    Me: Sup today..
    A: associate who had to help the lady with her order

    Sc: I though you closed at 6!
    Me: Actually, all our stores close at 5. And by looking at your orders, they need to be rung in separately (we can't do special orders at the same time are regular ones).
    A: *rolls eyes*
    C: *rings her in, then realizes scanner is broken* Can you read out the numbers for me?
    Me: sure
    C: to me: sorry this is taking so long
    Me: *so SC can hear* It's ok, I can't leave the store until you go home.

    Order goes through, SC gets ready to leave. Vengeance is mine!

    Me: By the way, you can't go out through the exit
    SC: Why not?!?
    Me: They were locked when the store close a half hour ago. You have to be escorted out the employee door by the manager. (this door, is on the complete opposite side of the store)

    A: She had the nerve to tell me at 5:20 that if it was so hard to do, she would go to another store to get the order.
    Me: Hopes she has fun finding a store open now (here, by law, all stores except wal-mart close at 5, unless you have a permit to stay open longer).

    I will give thanks to the two customers who wanted to returned discontinued stock today. I got called to deal with both of them, as they didn't have receipts and they couldn't be found in the system *duh, discontinued*. Anyway, as we didn't even have a record of the items at all for one customer, he willing went to the other store. The other person, wouldn't believe the item had been discontinued for a year, yet agreed to go home and find her bill.

  • #2
    Speaking of SUCK, all stores close at 5? How do you get shopping done if you have a job?
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      Speaking of SUCK, all stores close at 5? How do you get shopping done if you have a job?
      Wal-mart and lunch hours. Craptastic, eh?
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        Today is a Sunday:P Normally we're open to 9.


        • #5
          Today: 12-13 year old boys are banging on the doors and trying to pull them open after we closed. "we're closed!" says the ASM. "Are you sure?" yells back on of the boys, being a little smartass. "Well, " I reply, "The doors are locked, aren't they?"

          We get flipped off. Whereupon my 6'2" 220lb muscular fiance gets out of the car where he was waiting for me, yells "WTF?!" at them, and they scatter.

          The hours are clearly posted, I'm assuming they're posted at your store too. It's kind of fruitless asking why SCs can't read, though...
          Would you like a Stummies?


          • #6
            gawd ... all stores ahve to close at 5pm? sounds like the time i was in Brisbane....
            by 6pm EVERYTHING except the bars and restaraunts had closed. *sigh*


            • #7
              In the UK most stores close at 5.30. Only supermarkets tend to stay open later.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Oh Lord, if I had a dollar for every SC who thinks they're special and we will open the doors after closing for them. Closed is closed, and I want to go home after I get off of work just like everybody else does, and my employees do, too. I'm not a bit above walking over to the front door, flipping the lock, and cutting off the light switch right at 6pm (our normal closing time), even if you have SC's in the store dicking around like they have all the time in the world.

                I usually get this, "Oh! Are you closing???" (SC)

                (me) "Yes ma'am/sir. We close at 6pm, now, we reopen tomorrow at 10 am, we'll be glad to see you tomorrow!"

                (SC) "Oh, okay, thank you. I didn't know you closed at six, I thought you closed at seven/eight." (for clarity, hours are posted on the window beside the door in lettering so obvious Stevie Wonder could read it.)

                Once in a while, you will get this, either myself, or, whoever can get over to the door flips the lock and the switch right at six:

                SC: "Oh! I can take a hint, she/he already said you was closing at six, there's no need to be all rude about it."

                Me: "Ma'am/sir we are cutting the lights and locking the doors so no one else can come in, since we are actually closed. If you want to look for a few minutes, that is fine, but, we will reopen tomorrow at ten, and, we cannot count the tills while customers are in the store, that is why we lock up at closing time."

                SC, whose dim little light bulb finally kicks in a little bit: "Oh! So you think that I'm a thief! Is it because I'm (insert ethnicity/persuasion/perversity/whatever here)?????"

                Me: "Nope, I couldn't care less about that, and it wouldn't matter if I'd known you for years, you don't work here, so we can't do closing procedures while you're here." (subtly walking them to the door.)

                SC, starting to bitch some more about rude people who won't extend their store hours, because, after all, it's all about them, blah blah blah, I started tuning out after a minute.

                Me: "Well, I"m sorry you feel that way, you have a wonderful evening, and do come back!" *smiling ear to ear, opening the door, showing them out*

                Then, too, sometimes you get the mouth breathing idiots who think if they beat the fire out of the door, you will let them in, then, when you flatly ignore them, and they give it up, the next day they call up raising holy hell. I just tell them the truth, we have video cameras, and, neither I, nor anyone else, wants to risk their job over letting someone who isn't an employee in after closing. That puts paid to it.


                • #9
                  This brings me back to a moment last summer. My boyfriend and I went down to Guitar Center because he had found an amplifier on sale for a really good price.

                  When we got there, we saw that OH NOES! the store closed at 8:00, and it was about 7:58, and the doors were locked. It had been pretty stressful driving there (I ALWAYS get lost in Manchester, CT!), so I was disappointed that they were closed.

                  However, an employee came to the door and said, "We're closing very soon, so you can come in if you know exactly what you want." Well, we did, so we came in.

                  However, whenever my boyfriend sees really expensive keyboards and digital pianos, he has a primal need to play them. So, after we had located the amp he wanted to buy, he dicked around and played on the keyboards for twenty minutes. Now, there were other people in the store as well, so I only felt mildly uncomfortable that he was doing this.

                  Were we sucky? We did make a large(ish) purchase at the end...
                  "When life gives you lemons, you give life a f---ing paper cut and then squeeze f---ing lemon juice on it, because life should give you something better than f---ing lemons."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Finduilas View Post
                    Were we sucky? We did make a large(ish) purchase at the end...
                    Technically? I'd say yes. You found what you were looking for, and then continued to hang around anyway. Especially with him playing, that might have made other customers say the same thing you did. "Oh, there's other people still here, so it's okay that I'm still here too." Every person that leaves puts that much more pressure on the next person to do so.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Quoth Finduilas View Post
                      Were we sucky? We did make a large(ish) purchase at the end...
                      Had you not bought anything, yeah, you would have been sucky.

                      That being said however, I'd say you were the diet coke of sucky. Not quite sucky enough to bitch, but a meh sucky. They were other people in the store, but the guy did say basically please be quick. But in general, I'd say meh.
                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        I'll make sure to nag him more vociferously next time we get into that situation, then.
                        "When life gives you lemons, you give life a f---ing paper cut and then squeeze f---ing lemon juice on it, because life should give you something better than f---ing lemons."


                        • #13
                          I love the SC's who upan being informed that the store is closed and say " but my watch says 8:58 and you close at nine, so you have to let me in." I love informing them that for closing/operations purposes we use the time the phone system gives us which is set daily to the US atomic clock.


                          • #14
                            the favorite part of my shift is leaving and watching like 5 cars pull up at 10:10 (or 11:05 in the summer) and having them all try and open the doors. a few will even try all three of them.

                            what DQ is open past 11pm?!


                            • #15
                              My store (well site, but I'm security) closes at midnight. Yet the owner is an *** and still makes me lets one guy come in to fill his perscription, which can only be filled AFTER midnight. I usually lock the doors at 11:55 so no one else comes in or sneaks in the exit. This guy will bang on the windows and shout "It's not midnight yet, let me in." Sadly he's right and since it's a perscription the owner would have my head if I turned him away. BUT he has the AUDACITY to SHOP at 12:10
                              God I hate him soo much.
                              Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
                              Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
                              -Automan Empire

