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A bad review for being a stiff

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  • A bad review for being a stiff

    I saw it coming and it came today. A bad review because of my attitude.

    The review said that I was rude and shouldn't work if I hated serving people.

    If you wanna judge me after this, go ahead.

    On some days, I am single-handedly doing five things at once and I really need to get everything done. I man the bar at my restaurant, so I need to take down the orders, make them and send them out. Often when I'm just lifting up the tray, my manager makes me take a group to a table. Take them, get their orders (and sometimes preceded by an argument to change seats) and repeat the cycle.

    Often when I get the drink order to the table, one person pipes up for something they "forgot" to ask for (e.g. glass of water). On a quiet day this isn't much of a problem, but on a busy one where I''m drowning in orders and my manager keeps pulling me away, this starts to really get to me.

    So after maybe around the fifth roundabout order, I start losing my cool and take it out on the customers. I take them to their seat and try to rush through the whole order process. If they want a drink list (we have a wine list, but the other drinks are also on the last page), I just run through everything that we have. And maybe they still "forget" something.

    I will admit that a lot of this is my fault. But I want to put forward something. If you treat the waiters with respect, then the waiter will also treat you with respect.

    I know this is a loose argument, but waiters are not slaves. We don't take everything you throw at us and expect to forget it. We have limits to our tolerance if you make us do things to cover for your absent-mindedness. So if you can't learn to fix that and keep costing us time for other things, you can't expect any form of respect from us.

    I believe the correct term to be applied here is, "The straw that broke the camel's back"

    I am a patient, calm person. But I will admit to being highly strung and a smothering perfectionist. While I do expect people to forget some things, I don't expect it to happen several times in a day. I guess a part of the problem is when I'm pulled away from a mountain of orders to seat a table. Seriously people, think of the staff for once and try to put in your orders all at once please.

    Now that I think about it, I guess the people that come in after I start losing it are the ones that have to face my wrath.

  • #2
    It always sucks when too much work gets piled on you and you're expected to cover a lot of stuff. It can definitely make it very tricky to be personable and patient.
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


    • #3
      Can you line up multiple orders so you're working several items at once? An old trick when I was bartending was to take as many orders as possible, pull the glassware, set up a couple Boston tins, and have at it. Pour the wines, scoop the ice, grab the beers, pour the liquor, shake drinks, dole out, and serve. Saved me a lot of time by assembly-lining it.

