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Just because YOU can't read doesn't mean I know what the hell you're talking about!

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  • Just because YOU can't read doesn't mean I know what the hell you're talking about!

    The Mystery of the $4 pie!!!!!

    Dumb old woman: Asshat
    Me: Still answering the phone...willingly. (I'm actually waiting for Apple Pie Without the Apples Lady to call back...)

    Me: Hello, this is <company> how may I help you?
    Asshat: Do you have pie?
    Me: Yes....(I know I'm in trouble when a conversation starts like this)
    Asshat: What about that $4 pie?
    Me: *puzzled* A $4 pie? We don't have a $4 pie...ever.
    Asshat: WELL, *gets huffy* there's a sign on your window.
    Me: A sign?
    Asshat: Yes, a sign that says you have pie for $4!!! It's facing <street>! I can see it when I drive by!!
    Me: We have a sign on the window, but it sure isn't for a $4 pie. I think it's actually for a breakfast special we have this month.
    Asshat: Well, you don't know what you're talking about!
    Me: Um....I know that we don't have any pie that costs $4. That's wishful thinking, actually. And I know we have a breakfast special that costs around that amount...that we happen to be advertising everywhere.
    Asshat: *gets angrier* Don't you have a pie on sale? For $5.99 or something?
    Me: Nope. You must be thinking of our old pie sales. This month we just have <pie> for $6.49.
    Asshat: I want one. $6.49? You sure it isn't $4?
    Me: I'm positive it is NOT $4.
    Asshat: I want <pie> for tomorrow.
    Me: Can I get a name please?
    Asshat: Why do you need a name? I just want a pie tomorrow. Make sure there is one there.
    Me: Um, in order to make sure you have one, I'm filling out an order form for you. That way you can defenately get your pie. *mentally adding: Get your pie, and get LOST!*
    Asshat: Oh! Well, it's Pissy Pie Woman.
    Me: Can I get a phone number for you too?
    Asshat: You don't need my phone number! It's for Pissy Pie Lady, who works at <company>!!!!!
    Me: Um, okay?
    Asshat: *rudely* Do you still want that number?
    Me: *thinking: Do you still want that pie?* No, that's okay.
    Asshat: Well, I'm coming to get it TOMORROW!
    Me: Lovely. Well, it should be ready by then.
    Asshat: It better!!!
    Me: I can't control when the pies are made, but you have an order, so it should be ready sometime tomorrow. Good bye.
    Asshat: We -
    Me: *hangs up*

    Oh how I love the open ended threat of "it better!!!"

    *MOD EDIT - We don't usually joke about food tampering.
    Last edited by Ree; 04-04-2008, 10:19 PM. Reason: Removing questionable comment
    check out my new blog!!!!

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  • #2
    Asshat: Oh! Well, it's Pissy Pie Woman.
    if i ate pissy pie all the time, i might act like that, too.

    two words: anger management

    additional suggestions: medication, perhaps anti-depressants or even valium, and therapy, long term therapy.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Ah passive aggression...I wonder why so many of it's sufferers keep forgetting the PASSIVE part??

