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OH the STUPID was strong tonight

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  • OH the STUPID was strong tonight

    I present mixing pizza delivery and NEW YEARS EVE and lots and lots of booze

    Hotels are the bane of our exisistance

    In keeping with this hotel thread
    I present this gem of a delivery.

    Order is going to a hotel, which in our opinion, is going downhill with the clientel it is renting rooms to (the same hotel as referenced by the above link)

    I arrive at the hotel, stop at the front desk to say hello to the desk clerk and head on up to the room. I get the and knock. NOTHING. I can hear the TV on and maybe some actual humans talking.

    I knock again a little harder cause maybe they are in the bathroom. Again NO responce. I wait.

    I knock a THIRD time almost cop knocking. Again no repsonce.

    I head down to the desk and ask the clerk to call the room. No answer. Screw this, we are slammed to the max tonight and I do NOT have time to futz around waiting for some idiot. I call the store to let them know I am coming back with the order.

    About an hour later some woman calls wondering where her order is. YUP it is the person/room I attempted to deliver to at the hotel. Another driver gets the run. Repeat the process above WITH COP KNOCK. Same result and the order goes right back to the store AGAIN.

    A little while later the woman calls back wondering where here order is. SHE "CLAIMS" that they have been in their room "ALL NIGHT LONG and no one as knocked or tried to contact her. It is explained to her that there have been 2 ATTEMPS to deliver the order. OK one more time.

    Third driver gets dispatched. This time there is a "note" on the door that says "Pizza driver Please KNOCK LOUD". The order is finally delivered.

    I smell a the very foul stench of scammer with this one.

    Make up your mind what you are going to do

    We got SLAMMED BIG TIME tonight. we were running 60 - 70 minute delivery times.

    I get dispatched on an order. I arrive at the residence. I knock on the door. The person that answers loooks at me really funny and says "OH they (meaning the person that ordered) called and did not want to wait an hour for the order so they (alledgedly) called and changed the order to carry out.

    CUE me just wanting to beat my head against a brink wall just to feel better.

    OHHHHHHHHH there were a LOT more stupid things that happened tonight....... By 10pm I had a really nice headache going.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    Customer #1 should count herself lucky your store was willing to make the third attempt. By that point I'd have told her "It's waiting here for you; drop by and pick it up anytime you like."

    As for Customer #2 ... I hope they got charged for both the delivery and takeout orders ... ?


    • #3
      Quoth Pixilated View Post
      Customer #1 should count herself lucky your store was willing to make the third attempt.
      Yes that's a surprise.
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


      • #4
        I think on the third attempt I would have been tempted to kick that door so hard they'd hear it across the street.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          By the third attempt, I would be hungry enough to keep on making these failed deliveries with no customers wanting to answer the door for the pizza so that I'd end up EATING the pizza and letting those idiots choose a "carry-out" order next time!

