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Nice Quiet Day...

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  • Nice Quiet Day...

    So far this year, haven't had any real storyworthy folks. And honestly, most of my stories are accumulated from several different shifts, different days, different weeks sometimes.

    But this post is interesting, as every single one of these things happened during my shift today (Friday).

    Usain Bolt? Slowpoke.

    So as I'm getting a small rush at the bar, one of the servers asks me to ring up a t-shirt for a customer. (The manager was gone momentarily, and the servers don't have access to his register, whereas I have my own register behind the bar.) Anyway, I said "No problem," and finished filling up soft drinks for two of my bar customers, which took approximately three seconds. And then I reached for the shirt that had been left upon my bar, and as I did so, the customer said, "Can you move faster? I don't have much time." To which I simply replied, "Darlin', I'm moving as FAST as I CAN." In other words, try letting the poor peon bartender breathe and actually do his job before you complain. I'm not your bitch, bitch.

    Precision Parking and Defensive Driving Modes, Off. WAY Off.

    I noticed a guy in a van trying to park in front of our entrance. Which is a yellow curb. There are two metered spots in front of our place, one directly in front of and one directly behind the yellow curb, which is directly in front of our entrance. We don't like our entrance blocked, but as I said, it's a yellow curb, hence not a legal parking place. We deal with this crap all the time. So, as I was heading out to polite inform the wayward parker that he could not, in fact, park there, we notice him back up close enough to the vehicle behind him to actually hit it with his rear-mounted bike rack. Probably scratched the paint. Great. Can't see a yellow curb, can't park worth a damn. But certainly, at the very least, he will appreciate my helping him avoid a ticket, right? Riiiiiiight.

    ME: "Excuse me, sir? I thought I should tell you, this is a yellow curb, and if you park here, the City WILL ticket you."
    DRIVER: (defensively) "Okay, okay, I'll move it!"

    Hey pal, just trying to help...don't jump down MY throat.

    Naturally, as he was maneuvering to leave the space, he once again scratched up the hood of the vehicle behind him with the bike rack. Idjit.

    He's a Professional.

    Many places in Key West contract out deliveries through a delivery service. We are no different. A driver shows up to pick up such an order.

    DRIVER: "Hey, I left my wallet at home, can I get you later?"
    JESTER: "Um, I guess, as long as you understand I'm only here till 7."
    DRIVER: "Okay, I'll go home right then!"

    And he leaves.

    It was only about 3.

    Which means, I guess, that he thought I would just float him until next time, whenever that would be. Um, no.

    Besides, if you need to make change for people, why in the delivering HELL wouldn't you think to have your wallet on you?

    Dessert Funnies

    Group of four is dining and drinking at the bar. We have a rapport, and are exchanging witty banter back and forth; the wives have told me the guys are smart asses, I have explained that I am the King of All Smart Asses. And as I said, there was much merriment. And then, one of the women ordered dessert. And when I brought out her key lime pie, and she saw the strawberry sauce that was artfully drizzled on the plate, this happened:

    HER: "Is that ketchup?"
    ME: "Ex-CUSE me?"
    HER: "..."
    ME: "Yes ma'am, that's ketchup. Would you like some mustard or steak sauce for your pie?"
    ME: "Perhaps some Tabasco?"

    Sweet lady, I'll admit, but like many of us have had happen to us, she opened her mouth, and The Stupid came out. And there was nothing she could do about it other than suffer the consequences.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    First one - since he hit the other car and left that is technically a hit and run in most if not all states.

    2nd one - No - he figures he'll show up after you are gone. and you will forget he owes you by the time you see him again, so he will have 'made' extra money this shift.
    (yes i am Cynical)
    Last edited by MadMike; 01-06-2013, 10:21 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


    • #3
      Quoth Jester View Post

      . Probably scratched the paint. Great. Can't see a yellow curb, can't park worth a damn. But certainly, at the very least, he will appreciate my helping him avoid a ticket, right? Riiiiiiight.

      ME: "Excuse me, sir? I thought I should tell you, this is a yellow curb, and if you park here, the City WILL ticket you."
      DRIVER: (defensively) "Okay, okay, I'll move it!"

      Hey pal, just trying to help...don't jump down MY throat.

      Naturally, as he was maneuvering to leave the space, he once again scratched up the hood of the vehicle behind him with the bike rack. Idjit.
      Did he at least leave a note?

      sorry forgot what site I was on.

      Did one of the bar staff leave a note on his behalf?
      Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


      • #4
        To be fair, the prongs from the bike rack hit the trunk of the van behind his, twice, but it was unclear if there was any actual damage done. It merely looked like it might have.

        Should we have checked on this? Perhaps. If there was actual damage, should we have left a note? Don't know about should have, but I do not that I would not have. Why not? Well, the dude was gone and we didn't have his information. And the last thing we need is some yahoo coming in and yelling at us for damage some other yahoo caused to his car that he had not part in. I mean, really, what could we have said on the note? "Some jackass scratched your hood." That would have been fairly obvious. So, um, no.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          You could maybe have got the plate number and just left a note like... Hey ###### hit your car when parking illegally on the yellow line then left the scene. No signature or anything.
          Edit: but then no witness = no proof that guy did it.


          • #6
            Quoth VenomX View Post
            You could maybe have got the plate number and just left a note like... Hey ###### hit your car when parking illegally on the yellow line then left the scene. No signature or anything.
            Edit: but then no witness = no proof that guy did it.
            No evidence except forensics. Hit-and-run is a serious enough crime (and the fact that it happened outside a bar would suggest to the police, even though the guy left before he could buy anything, that alcohol was involved) that the police would be likely to at least take a look at the vehicle identified by its plate number in the anonymous note.

            Scratch marks on the "got hit" vehicle are consistent (height, spacing, etc) with the prongs on the bike rack? Bottom of the prongs show signs of being scuffed? Paint chips on the prongs match the colour of the "got hit" vehicle? That's enough to be worth sending the chips to the lab to verify that they actually match the paint they're believed to come from. The scratches where one item rubs against another aren't called witness marks for nothing.
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #7
              Quoth VenomX View Post
              You could maybe have got the plate number and just left a note like... Hey ###### hit your car when parking illegally on the yellow line then left the scene. No signature or anything.
              Edit: but then no witness = no proof that guy did it.
              That's pretty much what I was thinking I agree with Jester that it probably would have just caused more the bar.
              Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


              • #8
                I may not have been clear that this was more of a bump than anything else, and may or may not have caused damage to the parked vehicle. If any was caused, it would have been minimal at best.

                And Wolfie, while I like what you're saying in theory, the reality is that for something as minor as that, the local PD might not even bother coming around; if they cam around, they might not even bother filing a report; either way, I guarantee that they would NOT bring out the forensics team for THAT.

                "But Jester, what if it were YOUR car?" Honestly? I wouldn't want to waste the time and effort of the local PD on that. It really was amazingly minor.

                I related the story more to show what a douchebag the guy was, rather than to suggest that some crime had been committed. The only real crime here was one of consideration and conscience.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."

