One of our shift leads is moving in a few months leaving us with an opening. They approached one coworker about the job and interviewed her for it. Then they put up a note asking if anyone else wanted it. I very briefly considered it but decided for them I wouldn't be a good fit.
Two other people interviewed for the job.
Coworker 1-Been with company 12 years, worked a few different positions, has past management experience and despite having health problems is one of the hardest working people I've ever met. She also buys snacks and shares with everyone.
Coworker 2-Knows everything, nosy, bossy, rude, shares her social and political opinions, lazy. Eats everyone's food without asking. She was kicked out of the pharmacy because they didn't like her. Nobody likes her.
Coworker 3 (offered position)-Young, decent worker, gets annoyed easy, huff and puffs about stuff. Ha! That rhymes!
Ms. Bossy told Ms. Hufflepuff that if she was a betting man she would bet she got the job. At best these two are frenemies. Sometimes they're friendly than others but I'll leave that for Dr. Phil to deal with.
Yesterday I found out that Ms. Hardworker was offered the job. (Shh! Nobody is supposed to know yet!
But since we're all nobodies here...
I don't know for certain that Coworker 1 took the job but I'm hoping that is the case. I can deal with Coworker 3 and the huffiness because of the scheduling I don't work with one manager regularly. As long as the toxic one doesn't get it it'll be fine. There was and is a bunch of us, lead by me ready to walk if she was promoted. I'll know for certain when I go in tomorrow.
I probably could've started a whole thread about the toxic coworker but I don't want to get angry about her when I'm at home. And I don't think Cursing out Coworkers is a strong enough word for what I feel about her.

Coworker 1-Been with company 12 years, worked a few different positions, has past management experience and despite having health problems is one of the hardest working people I've ever met. She also buys snacks and shares with everyone.
Coworker 2-Knows everything, nosy, bossy, rude, shares her social and political opinions, lazy. Eats everyone's food without asking. She was kicked out of the pharmacy because they didn't like her. Nobody likes her.
Coworker 3 (offered position)-Young, decent worker, gets annoyed easy, huff and puffs about stuff. Ha! That rhymes!
Ms. Bossy told Ms. Hufflepuff that if she was a betting man she would bet she got the job. At best these two are frenemies. Sometimes they're friendly than others but I'll leave that for Dr. Phil to deal with.
Yesterday I found out that Ms. Hardworker was offered the job. (Shh! Nobody is supposed to know yet!

I don't know for certain that Coworker 1 took the job but I'm hoping that is the case. I can deal with Coworker 3 and the huffiness because of the scheduling I don't work with one manager regularly. As long as the toxic one doesn't get it it'll be fine. There was and is a bunch of us, lead by me ready to walk if she was promoted. I'll know for certain when I go in tomorrow.
I probably could've started a whole thread about the toxic coworker but I don't want to get angry about her when I'm at home. And I don't think Cursing out Coworkers is a strong enough word for what I feel about her.