I'd make a dramatic point of cleaning it while I was in his eyesight.
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The Coronavirus Panic Thread
I was able to refuse to ring up a guy who came through my line without a mask...like the Plexiglass shields at the latest debate, what we have are no better than salad-bar sneeze guards especially if people insist on reaching around them to load their shit on the belt (despite clear signs saying "DO NOT REACH AROUND"). We need guards at the end of the belt as well, with openings only tall enough for items to come through (like a lot of shops have at the counters). It can be done; just leave large items in the cart or hold them up for me to scan."I am quite confident that I do exist."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor
Quoth Food Lady View PostI'd make a dramatic point of cleaning it while I was in his eyesight.Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
~ Mr Hero
Quoth Food Lady View PostI just tried to like Pix's post lol. This isn't twitter.
I've tried to hit Like on posts here myself."Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit
"Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77
Somebody on day shift tested positive. I'm on 2nd, so I would've been around this person for at most 30 minutes each day.
Nothing is changing for now, outside of some company coming tomorrow to effectively bug-bomb the plants with some kind of cleaning solution. Every 4 hours everybody is assigned to clean various items around the plants with alcohol.Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
"I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily
At my partner's work...this phrase "Somebody on day shift tested positive." means that day shift drops everything and goes home. And at least 14 other people quarantine for 2 weeks. Which means swing shift people, like my partners, get to work a shit ton of overtime to make up for the loss of bodies. All because someone had to have a gathering.https://www.youtube.com/user/HedgeTV
Great YouTube channel check it out!
I've heard that gatherings are the problem. People in mine and Irv's state can't seem to stop doing so, though I see them outside oftentimes. Still, they aren't 6 feet apart. I've skipped a couple of midweek church gatherings at a friend's home because of that. He contracted Covid. I haven't been there in 2 months.
Mom and Bro are sick, both digestive issues and he with stuffy nose, her fever. She just tested negative for Covid a couple of weeks ago but who knows. She's resistant to testing again. Bro is an EMT so he's going to pick up stuff. He won't get tested unless his management team makes him. He's not a hoaxer but he just isn't all that worried about it. I move into the house Sunday. I still have to go back to the apt. to move out small stuff and clean and I have until the 31st. I am just worried if I'm carrying virus without symptoms that I infect the manager or other staff. Most of my stress over this comes from that worry, not so much me getting sick but infecting other people. It all just sucks."Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably
Gatherings are definitely the issue here, the mayor of Boston is considering shutting the city down again. I figured this was going to happen once restrictions were eased, and students coming back (no matter how few) made it worse. I'm taking every precaution that I realistically can at work, but we're still a tad concerned especially now that colder weather is driving everyone inside (I won't be able to take my breaks outside).
Quoth Pixelated View PostAnd if he comes storming back to scream at me, I'll have the nozzle adjusted to a thin line of liquid, rather than a scattering of spray ... much better for bouncing off vertical surfaces onto people standing too close ..."I am quite confident that I do exist."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor
Apparently one of my coworkers got one of those customers who started to lecture her about how wearing masks is violating your rights ...
I think CW tried to get out of it politely. Kudos to her for that.Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
~ Mr Hero
I had a boomer say he thought we were refusing service to people without masks. I gave my usual response of "We're not turning people away." Which is true, we don't have the staff to stop people coming in without a mask. He and his wife kept giving me and the unmasked couple behind them the stink eye. Hey, nothing I can do. We can't even stop people stealing so how can we stop people who don't wear masks?I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.
Yup. I need to be even more careful now (mom's considered high-risk), so I need to talk to my manager about refusing to help people with no/incorrect masks when there's not a barrier....distancing is literally impossible when helping someone at SCO. Since it's technically the law that masks must be worn in public places, a store has the right to deny service...but as it's all about not offending the customerthey don't do anything (and the union hasn't stepped in why?). I think the problem lies in the wording "masks must be worn to enter" and SCs know that nobody will say boo inside the store so some of them mask up to come in and then either have their nose hanging out or the mask is around their chin.
I was working with a compromised CW earlier today, she leaned down to say hello to a kid in a stroller (kid didn't have a mask) and the kid actually spit at herCW felt it more effective to complain to me rather than getting a manager.
*wonders if I should just start carrying a water gun loaded with disinfectant spray*"I am quite confident that I do exist."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor
Quoth Dreamstalker View Posthave their nose hanging out
On a lighter note ...
I had a woman come through my line the other day wearing a black face mask with a small graphic in one corner. I squinted at it. Hmmm ... a shield shape that appeared to be divided into quadrants ...
Me: "Hey, you've got a Harry Potter mask!"
Turns out it was actually the logo of a local high-end country club ...
Oops.Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
~ Mr Hero