Wow. I know customers in gas stations can be rude, especially in the neighborhood that I live in. In my store I have seen SC's, and even the children of SC's, do many things with money that make me wonder what is wrong with this world.
I have seen SC's throw money on the table, push crumpled bills onto the table, put wads of bills on the table expecting it to be counted as it is. I have seen SC's that don't know how to count money, I have even seen SC's throw a bunch of change on the counter. Yes, it pisses me off.
Tonight, however, this scumbag SC didn't have enough money so he went to his car to get the rest. Another customer wanted a product and the rest of their changer in gas. As I was punching in the numbers for the gas, this MF came back in with the extra dollar.
He held the dollar one inch from my nose as I was finishing the gas transaction. How f*cking dare you!
I was a split second from breaking this MF's hand. What gives a customer the right to stick their money in a cashiers face? I'm human too, and my time is just as valuable yours! So screw you! 
On a funnier note: A guy came in to buy red game cigars, and tried to use FACEBOOK for ID! I have to give him props for that one even though it's not legal tender. Hilarious!!
I have seen SC's throw money on the table, push crumpled bills onto the table, put wads of bills on the table expecting it to be counted as it is. I have seen SC's that don't know how to count money, I have even seen SC's throw a bunch of change on the counter. Yes, it pisses me off.
Tonight, however, this scumbag SC didn't have enough money so he went to his car to get the rest. Another customer wanted a product and the rest of their changer in gas. As I was punching in the numbers for the gas, this MF came back in with the extra dollar.
He held the dollar one inch from my nose as I was finishing the gas transaction. How f*cking dare you!

On a funnier note: A guy came in to buy red game cigars, and tried to use FACEBOOK for ID! I have to give him props for that one even though it's not legal tender. Hilarious!!
