EARTHRISE!!! I really meant earthrise. I think you got it because you are also older than dirt and have seen that picture so often that you instantly knew what I meant. I'll bet we managed to confuse some of the kids here, though. 
It was Apollo 8 and they were orbiting the moon. They were on the "dark" side, so the film in their handheld cameras was for low light conditions. They had to manually change the film, in zero-G, in a cabin smaller than my closet AND do it fast enough to catch that amazing shot.
Back to the thread topic, kinda...we just had a fully loaded moving truck pull up in our driveway to unload. The moving crew was rather confused because they thought they were moving the furniture into an empty home and we were confused because we hadn't sold our home.
The movers had house keys (which didn't fit our locks) our address and someone else's name.
They called their dispatcher who said that she had questioned the customer about the town name and he insisted that the zip code he had given her was correct. The customer was close, our zip code is 12343 and his is 12334.
Easy mistake to make when having all of your possessions delivered somewhere, who hasn't done that in the past?!?

It was Apollo 8 and they were orbiting the moon. They were on the "dark" side, so the film in their handheld cameras was for low light conditions. They had to manually change the film, in zero-G, in a cabin smaller than my closet AND do it fast enough to catch that amazing shot.
Back to the thread topic, kinda...we just had a fully loaded moving truck pull up in our driveway to unload. The moving crew was rather confused because they thought they were moving the furniture into an empty home and we were confused because we hadn't sold our home.
The movers had house keys (which didn't fit our locks) our address and someone else's name.
They called their dispatcher who said that she had questioned the customer about the town name and he insisted that the zip code he had given her was correct. The customer was close, our zip code is 12343 and his is 12334.

Easy mistake to make when having all of your possessions delivered somewhere, who hasn't done that in the past?!?
