Jesus, what an irritating final 90 minutes of my shift today...and I was only witnessing it. 
First off, my cashier had finished with one lady, and had rung in the first item of the next order while the lady's extra reusable bags were still on the belt. Said "lady" then roughly shoved the item back towards the scanner with a curt, "That's rude!" Then she walked over to the service desk to make a complaint.
A fairly new cashier, she then started to FREAK OUT when she saw the lady heading to the desk to snitch on her, constantly throwing nervous looks over her shoulder and going on and on to the current customer about how rude the first woman was, how she was sorry, etc., etc...
Sucktomer #2
Maybe ten minutes later, another "lady" got REALLY irate when my cashier needed to take a second look at some toilet tissue to make sure it was the right brand/size for the coupon she was using, essentially berating her with the usual "I don't have time for this, just move the line along and make the coupon go through!" bullying.
Cashier gets even MORE upset, is wiping away tears and looking around frantically for a manager to send her on her break so she could compose herself...
...and, of course, whenever you really need a front-end manager, one can never be found, so I had to listen to my cashier getting increasingly flustered and agitated for nearly an HOUR before my shift was up and I left to clock which point there was STILL no manager on the front end!
I felt a little bad for the poor cashier, as she's yet another co-worker who clearly has "issues" (much like the OCD carriage lady who's consistently 45 minutes late for shifts and does a shit job whenever she is there), and she had the bad luck to get two bad customers right on top of each other, but my empathy wore REALLY thin listening to her constantly freaking out, and the lack of ANYONE monitoring the front end for the better part of an hour was just the cherry on the turd sundae.

First off, my cashier had finished with one lady, and had rung in the first item of the next order while the lady's extra reusable bags were still on the belt. Said "lady" then roughly shoved the item back towards the scanner with a curt, "That's rude!" Then she walked over to the service desk to make a complaint.
A fairly new cashier, she then started to FREAK OUT when she saw the lady heading to the desk to snitch on her, constantly throwing nervous looks over her shoulder and going on and on to the current customer about how rude the first woman was, how she was sorry, etc., etc...
Sucktomer #2
Maybe ten minutes later, another "lady" got REALLY irate when my cashier needed to take a second look at some toilet tissue to make sure it was the right brand/size for the coupon she was using, essentially berating her with the usual "I don't have time for this, just move the line along and make the coupon go through!" bullying.
Cashier gets even MORE upset, is wiping away tears and looking around frantically for a manager to send her on her break so she could compose herself...
...and, of course, whenever you really need a front-end manager, one can never be found, so I had to listen to my cashier getting increasingly flustered and agitated for nearly an HOUR before my shift was up and I left to clock which point there was STILL no manager on the front end!
