MMMMmmm... Barnes & Noble. Yummy B&N café serving Starbucks coffee. Now Luna doesn't like coffee - but the fun summer drinks, frosties, and whatever fancy names for the non-coffee beverages were always fabulous.
Every time a new one rolled out, the café and anyone trained to cover it had a sampling and training session on how to make the drink.
At one such meeting, LG nearly tweaked out. By tweak out - I mean - pitching a fit that is so much rage, they can't even express it - so it's more twitching and sputtering and incoherent rambling than your normal fit.
Everyone got a sample cup of whatever the new iced drink was. Happy times. LG drinks hers down in a single gulp and then jumps off her chair grabbing her throat.
Of course, people are freaked. I thought she was choking. Then she started to rub her temples. Then she started to yell/moan, "AhhhhAHHHHH AHHHHH!"
Once we realized she wasn't choking and not having a seizure, we got her to tell us what the hell was wrong.
LG: They should have warnings on those drinks!!! *smacks empty cup down on counter*
LG: They're so cold they burn your throat and hurt your head!
I remember another employee laughing and telling LG not to down her ICED beverage like it was a shot glass.
Someone asked her if she's ever had an "ice-cream" headache. She replied we were pulling her leg, and we should stop making fun of her b/c it wasn't funny. And then the funniest part:
LG: I was a nurse! People could DIE drinking this!!! Your throat can close up on you! It's not funny! There should be warnings on the cup!
She was pissed.
OOOOkkkkkaaayyy..end of meeting. It was a fun way to start the day though. Every time you passed someone in the aisle - they'd grab their neck and gasp and then buckle over laughing.
Soon we opened and lots of people were packed into the café. I was paged over. Not for change. Not for a pickup. Because LG was slipping over to "warn" the customers about how cold the drink is and not to get it. She apparently made it her top secret mission to prevent any ice cream headache deaths on her watch.
I even had one customer take up her mission and demand to speak to the manager about it. Mostly because after LG "warned" the customer - the barista was pissed and told the customer, "That's b/c we make it with dry ice!" They apologized to me after, but I couldn't be mad at b/c I was too busy laughing and trying not to piss my pants. The customer believed it. And the customer told me we should "use ice that isn't so cold!"
I wish I could say I'm making this up. But then, I would have been robbed of an entertaining experience in my life that I would never have been able to share with all of you years later.
I had to then speak to LG about her mission. She deferred to my managerial status only stating she would stop - but it was against her will and better judgement that she was doing so. :Lol: As soon as I sent her out of the office, I laughed so hard that I cried. Lobotomy Girl...better judgement????
Every time a new one rolled out, the café and anyone trained to cover it had a sampling and training session on how to make the drink.
At one such meeting, LG nearly tweaked out. By tweak out - I mean - pitching a fit that is so much rage, they can't even express it - so it's more twitching and sputtering and incoherent rambling than your normal fit.
Everyone got a sample cup of whatever the new iced drink was. Happy times. LG drinks hers down in a single gulp and then jumps off her chair grabbing her throat.
Of course, people are freaked. I thought she was choking. Then she started to rub her temples. Then she started to yell/moan, "AhhhhAHHHHH AHHHHH!"
Once we realized she wasn't choking and not having a seizure, we got her to tell us what the hell was wrong.
LG: They should have warnings on those drinks!!! *smacks empty cup down on counter*

LG: They're so cold they burn your throat and hurt your head!
I remember another employee laughing and telling LG not to down her ICED beverage like it was a shot glass.
Someone asked her if she's ever had an "ice-cream" headache. She replied we were pulling her leg, and we should stop making fun of her b/c it wasn't funny. And then the funniest part:
LG: I was a nurse! People could DIE drinking this!!! Your throat can close up on you! It's not funny! There should be warnings on the cup!
She was pissed.
OOOOkkkkkaaayyy..end of meeting. It was a fun way to start the day though. Every time you passed someone in the aisle - they'd grab their neck and gasp and then buckle over laughing.
Soon we opened and lots of people were packed into the café. I was paged over. Not for change. Not for a pickup. Because LG was slipping over to "warn" the customers about how cold the drink is and not to get it. She apparently made it her top secret mission to prevent any ice cream headache deaths on her watch.
I even had one customer take up her mission and demand to speak to the manager about it. Mostly because after LG "warned" the customer - the barista was pissed and told the customer, "That's b/c we make it with dry ice!" They apologized to me after, but I couldn't be mad at b/c I was too busy laughing and trying not to piss my pants. The customer believed it. And the customer told me we should "use ice that isn't so cold!"
I wish I could say I'm making this up. But then, I would have been robbed of an entertaining experience in my life that I would never have been able to share with all of you years later.
I had to then speak to LG about her mission. She deferred to my managerial status only stating she would stop - but it was against her will and better judgement that she was doing so. :Lol: As soon as I sent her out of the office, I laughed so hard that I cried. Lobotomy Girl...better judgement????
