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summer stories...

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  • summer stories...

    So I've been away since I've been working all summer and taking two classes...

    During this time we got a new CIO (chief information officer), lost power 3 times, enough that we had to close the lab, and opened later then during the normal semester and close earlier then normal lab hours during the term.

    CIO short story:

    So this new guy was hired from off campus, meaning that hes never worked for the college before. I was not working the day that he came through on an inspection tour with the president of the college.

    But apparently he decided that the labs are to dirty, and that we managers must now be in charge of cleaning the place at least 3 times a week, and that we shouldn't foist this off on our minions.

    The problem with this is a long list, but I'll hit the high points:
    1. the lab is falling apart. it needs a SERIOUS upgrade, with new working machines.
    2. the bathrooms resemble waterfalls when it rains because some GENIUS built them under the back road with poor drainage. This causes the tiles to form mold, rot, and fall.
    3. the carpets are as old as the building and have more runs in them and holes then a golf course.

    he DID bring us cleaning supplies, and i haven't seen him since.

    He also determined that we (the managers) are unprofessional in our mannerisms, he lumped all of us into this category, but has only met one of us.

    Oh and this time next year its finally been determined that they are gonna renovate the building we're in, but in doing so they are going to move the 100 seat computer room (that I work in), to the library...the multi-million dollar 10 year old building (younger then the building i currently work in that's 4 stories, and really NO room to put a lab like we need. oh and what are they putting in our old place? meeting rooms that apparently enough students demanded that they needed, even though they hardly EVER use the ones that are currently available for usage.

    Freshman orientation:

    So I understand that freshman need attention for getting into classes and learning the campus, and I'm forgiving of the stupid questions they tend to ask, because they honestly don't know....

    the FRESHMEN aren't the ones that this rant is pointed at....its the upperclassmen and orientation leaders. The ones who think that WE are there for their personal minions, that we can fix EVERY little problem that comes up for things we have complete control over....things like...
    • student account locked out
    • student not able to register for classes due to holds on account.
    • students unable to print due to account being not registered.

    This doesn't even cover the head orientation leader that isn't even technically allowed behind the counter, actually no ones allowed behind the counter unless you work for us. But we're not allowed to tell her she can't come behind the counter, and she takes over the manager's desk then complains when it runs so slow and doesn't do what she wants it to do.

    and she got an attitude with me when i said "I'm sorry I don't know whats wrong with this computer, so let me get someone who can handle this properly."

    You'd of thought I slapped her in the face, pulled her overpriced pants down and shoved her out into the public view.

    Students in general:

    So during the normal school year we open at 8am on the dot, and close at 2am. During the summer terms, we open at 10am on the dot, and close at 10pm.

    These hours are posted PLAINLY on the door, fall term hours are covered up showing only the summer hours so its not like we can get them confused. When i opened during summer term, I'd get there between 9:30 and 9:45, to turn on everything, computers, printers, etc. and get myself set up for the day for homework or whatever. The door is locked behind me when i open the lab and won't unlock without my key from the outside. The only people I let in are my workers.

    WITHOUT fail, there would be people trying to open both doors almost as soon as I walk in the door and turn on the lights. They would then get pissy if I tell them they have to wait till 10, then get more pissy when *I* make them late for class because they needed to print something off and have to be at class at 10 am.

    Then there are those that can't get into their accounts, because they haven't registered for classes or aren't registered for summer classes. This only presents a problem because the passwords reset every 90 days, and if you aren't registered for classes you can't reset your password the normal way. it can only be done once registered for classes, and this can be done through a lengthier process and slightly more complicated.

    When you are a registered student you get a $25 printing credit on your student account to be used for printing. This is good for the entire semester that you are registered, and renews each semester. People can't grasp this concept, they think just because they are students that they can print anytime they want, and they get pissy when i tell them this.
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  • #2
    Well, I can't say it's good to see that students are the same everywhere. Though wow, your's really act entitled. Mine are just dense.

    When does your semester start? Ours starts tomorrow, and we had the entire departments schedule changed last Friday by order of the college president.

    Glad I have classes tomorrow, and work Tuesday. :/
    I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
    In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


    • #3
      I suggest that you urge the college to create a manners and common sense course for all departments and make it compulsory. Or pay the instructors more money to teach all of this to their students.
      cindybubbles (👧 ❤️ 🎂 )

      Enter Cindyland here!


      • #4
        Quoth Sarlon View Post
        WITHOUT fail, there would be people trying to open both doors almost as soon as I walk in the door and turn on the lights. They would then get pissy if I tell them they have to wait till 10, then get more pissy when *I* make them late for class because they needed to print something off and have to be at class at 10 am.
        All together now, "Their lack of planning is not your problem."
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


        • #5
          Quoth Sarlon View Post

          You'd of thought I slapped her in the face, pulled her overpriced pants down and shoved her out into the public view.

          I don't know why, but i imagined you screaming "This Is SPARTA!!!!" when I read this line
          Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.

