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Too Trusting

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  • Too Trusting

    This lady came in the store a few weeks ago and was distraught because her debit card "wasn't working" (she swears she JUST HAD SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!, and she needed gas and was stranded and blah blah blah....

    So I felt bad for her, hey, she was a little bit convincing, and I was having a good day and had just gotten a nice quarterly bonus check so I said I'd loan her 10 bucks to get home.

    Then she goes on about how she's really poor and couldn't accept it because she'd never be able to pay me back.

    So I said in a good natured way "Well, if you ever think of it, maybe you can call the company hotline and put in a good word for me."

    She was all into that, even asked me to write down the phone number, wanted my name, etc, so I was like, that's cool, so many people complain on me it'll be nice to hear a nice comment for a while.

    She never left me any comments. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  • #2
    She may still have been telling the truth...consider it your good deed for the week
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      She may still have been telling the truth...consider it your good deed for the week
      Especially since she tried to refuse the money when you first offered. Scam artists go immediately into "pathetically grateful" when money is offered, and don't try to hold on to some shred of dignity.

      Sounds like a woman kvetching who happened to run into a Good Samaritan exactly when she needed one, and just forgot her gratitude before she got to the phone.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Oh oh, I have audacity for you:

        When I first started working downtown, years ago, when I was naive and good natured.....I'd usually drop some change on the panhandlers downtown. But back then they were actually homeless. Not the lazy ass kids and meth heads we have now. Anyway...

        Some guy asked me for some change for food. Fair enough. I give him a couple of bucks. He looks at it and asks if he can have $5 more so he can get some smokes to go with I tell him absolutely not. He takes this to mean I have no more change and tells me "It's ok, you can just run to an ATM, I'll wait."


        I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of that idea. But still, what the effin hell? How much nerve can you have?

        and people wonder why I'm bitter and uncaring when I'm downtown. =p


        • #5
          I've never been fond of folks who beg for your change outside of store. Even (especially) when they're with some organized charity.

          During a rough patch in my life, when I was sharing a hotel room with 2 adults and 2 preschool children, and only there about 6 hours a day anyway so I did most of my sleeping in my car, I happened to be leaving a grocery store when someone on a charity drive tried to guilt me with, "Donate to the homeless?"
          Before my brain could engage, these words left my mouth: "I am 'the homeless".

          (Folks who just stand there near a collection pot ringing a bell are nice, it's the folks who actively beg that annoy me.)

          That said, I make it a point to give money to folks with a sob story when I can. I just never give more than I can afford to part with (I don't believe them when they promise to repay me, and rarely am I wrong), and I don't give if I'm sure they are lying. Good for the karma and stuff.

