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10 Things to remember once your 18

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  • 10 Things to remember once your 18

    This is a list of the top ten things that I have learned under my employment at an 18 and over adult store.

    1. "But she's only two, she doesn't know what she's seeing"

    Just because you assume that the sign on the door etched in big red letters saying "NO ONE UNDER 18, ID REQUIRED" Doesn't apply to the 6 month old in your stroller and two year old perched on your hip. There are state laws, and even common laws of decency for a reason. I don't care if your child can't understand what they are seeing, they are under 18 and not allowed in side, no matter how much you whine and complain about your spawns obliviousness. No, you can't leave your child in your car unattended in the middle of summer while you look for something to get your jollies off. No, I'm not going to watch them at the counter while you shop.

    2. "But it's from the DMV!"

    A paper printout, school ID card, grocery discount card and your buisness card do not prove your age, and I wont take them as evidence of it. Yes, you may well have four kids but that doesn't amount to a state ID.

    3. "It's my Wife/Girlfriend/Mothers/Partners/Brothers/Daughters card"

    To cover my own butt where I worked, I routinely carded people with debit cards. Not because I wanted to make their lives horrible, but because our company had been sued in the past for suspicious transactions. Chances are if your a 6'2" man and I take your card and the name reads "Elizabeth" I'm probably going to ask for your ID. Yes I can see it's the same last name, but your name isn't on the card anywhere. If you intend to use the same account maybe you should get a joint card.

    4. "What do you mean you can't take it back? I paid $9.99 and I want a refund!"

    Just eww. That was our policy on returns. In strenuous circumstances, they might get a replacement of the same product, but our items didn't come with any sort of guarantee other than the manufacturer's.

    5. "The movie I rented skips, can I get a free rental?"
    "What are all these late fee's"

    The following conversation usually takes place after I've put the movie into the overhead dvd player to scan through the scenes, and checked the surface of the DVD for defects.

    DCumb Customer

    Me: Can you tell me where the movie skips sir?
    DC: Halfway, toward the end.
    Me: Do you remember what scene?
    Me:Unless you can tell me what scene so I can see the defect, I can't give you a free rental.
    DC: I've been renting here for 10 years! I want my free rental!
    Me: It shows in our records that you signed up two months ago. I'm sorry but I can't give you a free rental.

    This usually ended with the guy begrudgingly spending another 3 dollars for another rental, and me leaving the tenth note on his account that he'd tried to get a free rental.

    With late fee's, it's more like I'm explaining to the renter for the first time in history what a late fee is, how it works, and why they are responsible for them. When someone signs up for an account the late fee policy is stated in bold lettering in the middle of the card. Real hard to miss. It was never they guys with 100+dollars in late fee's that gave me guff, it was always the 4 dollar ones for one day late.

    6. "Can I have your number?"
    "Do you swing?"
    "How freaky are you?"
    "Do you like it dirty?"

    Out of all the depraved idiots we had come in night after night, I actually felt sorry for these guys. I'd like to know in what world they live in where they think that a clerk at a porn store will go home with them. The last thing on my mind while doing a shift in that cesspool was "Hey, maybe I'll get lucky with a 45 year old creepo tonight! Maybe he will put some great moves on me and ask me if I like it dirty"

    The delusions of perv's.

    7. "Do you have a place where we can try this out?"
    "Do you like this one?"

    I can explain features, warranties, and "heresay" testimonials all I want, but these people just cant get it through their head that I don't sit there all night and try the product. Not to mention the items people wanted to try out were often display items, that get handled day in and day out, heavens knows how many germy grimy hands have been on it.

    8. "Honey, you people like this don't you?"

    It's one thing to be racist, but to be dumb as a board, pretty, and racist in a sex shop still confounds me. This white woman came in, dressed to the nines for 3 am in designer jeans, carrying a knockoff handbag. She was accompanied by her african american boyfriend who looked like he was just trying to get her home to get lucky. The woman picks up a watermelon flavored lube off the rack and holds it up in her hand stating pretty loudly that he would love this because "you people like watermelon". I wasn't aware that I was staring at the poor girl completely dumbstruck that she'd even said something like that. The statement that came next completely threw me for a loop. "What are you looking at honkey?"

    Some people are just flipping ridiculous.

    8. "You mean I have to pay for this?"

    These are what I call bookstore critics, they hover around the magazine racks and duck down to tear shrink wrap off of magazine packs and read as quickly as they can before I throw them out. The worst part about this is it was usually the 80's magazines, which were priced at maybe two dollars to begin with. What kind of society are we when people won't shell out two bucks for smut?

    9. "Can we use the restroom?"

    Now I say we, because it was never just one person who had to use the toilet, but always a couple. When I explain to them that we don't have a bathroom open to the public they respond with shock and awe about 90% of the time. Should I really have to explain to these people why an adult store doesn't have a public restroom?

    10. "What do you know? Your a woman"

    I'm very happy that our male customers liked to point this out like it's some kind of unknown bit of trivia to me. This usually was said when I "tried" to help a male customer get something that he would like. These were the indecisive types, that would rather pick up a 10 dollar item that looked like it would leave a nasty rash then spent 20 on something half-decent.

    This is my first actual post so I tried to keep it as PG-13 as I could. Hope I didn't offend.
    Girls do not exist on the intarweb.

  • #2
    Quoth SportinGoods View Post
    This is my first actual post so I tried to keep it as PG-13 as I could. Hope I didn't offend.
    Well, there's a drink dripping from my nostrils from laughing, but it didn't offend



    • #3
      I got ID'd in an adult store once. It was awesome. The employee comes up to me, bff and bff's bf. Asks me "can I see ID please." I proudly handed over my license: "I'm 20." I like getting asked for ID because people genuinely don't think I'm over 18. Anyway, adult stores are awesome & I look forward to more posts from you. Welcome to the forum!!!
      Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
      Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
      <3 Arrested Development


      • #4
        Ohhhh man I feel ya. I had a roomie once who worked at a Castle Superstore.

        Cue clueless me asking about question #9: "Cece, why are there signs all over the store saying people can't use the restroom, don't dare even ask?"

        Cece: "Do you really want me to go into all the nasty things people do in adult store restrooms with purloined merchandise?"

        Me: My imagination does a Jesse Owens impression
        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


        • #5
          Ugh, you poor thing. I would KILL to be able to tell people that I work in an adult store, only for the reaction I would get. LMAO!!!
          "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,


          • #6
            Quoth SportinGoods View Post
            6. "Can I have your number?"
            "Do you swing?"
            "How freaky are you?"
            "Do you like it dirty?"

            Out of all the depraved idiots we had come in night after night, I actually felt sorry for these guys. I'd like to know in what world they live in where they think that a clerk at a porn store will go home with them. The last thing on my mind while doing a shift in that cesspool was "Hey, maybe I'll get lucky with a 45 year old creepo tonight! Maybe he will put some great moves on me and ask me if I like it dirty"

            The delusions of perv's.
            But... ALL those letters to Penthouse reported that adult bookstores were staffed by loose, lovely, nubile virgins who go crazy over dumpy, balding, smelly and cheap old guy losers with creepy pickup lines and eagerly want to lock the doors and try out everything in the store or depicted in some flick - especially with two of their gorgeous and willing young coworkers in that secret room in back with all the velvet couches, mood lighting, expensive furnishings, booze and sexy music.

            You mean those letters were fakes?
            "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
            .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


            • #7
              You know, your story just reminded me of a police report I read. It seems there was a robbery in an adult novelties store, and the robber tied up the employees using the bondage gear sold by the store, apparently quite heavily. There was mention of using heavy cutting equipment to free some of them, as the crook had taken the keys with him.

              Blah...can't find a link to it. I remember it because it seemed funny to me that a robber would take that much time to, um, kit out the employees.
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                Quoth SportinGoods View Post
                9. "Can we use the restroom?"

                Now I say we, because it was never just one person who had to use the toilet, but always a couple. When I explain to them that we don't have a bathroom open to the public they respond with shock and awe about 90% of the time. Should I really have to explain to these people why an adult store doesn't have a public restroom?
                This almost made me fall off my chair laughing. I have to admit that if I worked at an adult store and a couple asked me for the bathroom, I'd probably laugh. I think that's why I'm not good with the "customer service". But it does create nice mental images doesn't?

                I look forward to more of your horror stories. ^.^
                Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                • #9
                  The delusions of perv's.
                  Please don't shatter my dreams.
                  "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                  Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                  • #10
                    Quoth SportinGoods View Post
                    9. "Can we use the restroom?"

                    Now I say we, because it was never just one person who had to use the toilet, but always a couple. When I explain to them that we don't have a bathroom open to the public they respond with shock and awe about 90% of the time. Should I really have to explain to these people why an adult store doesn't have a public restroom?
                    Sure, just sign this model release...
                    ludo ergo sum


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I used to hang out with my friend when he worked at one, and for the most part, the regulars were really nice and friendly in a non creepy way, but there was one guy who would not stop hitting on me. I wouldn't even look at him and he wouldn't stop hitting on me. I didn't mind hanging out but if I worked there I would have had to be at least kind of nice, so I'm glad I didn't.
                      "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                      • #12
                        There's a huge porn shop around here with a full "Arcade" (and by arcade, I mean several stalls where you insert money and watch however many minutes of different types of pornos).

                        I feel for the poor employees who have to clean those arcades out. I really do.

                        Edit to add: What kind of sick fool tries to bring babies or small children into these stores with them? I'm sorry, but there's no excuses allowable here, not even a "We couldn't find a babysitter" or whatever. That's just wrong to bring babies and small children into adult stores.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Oh please please tell me you're kidding...there CAN'T be parents that awful...?!


                          • #14
                            Quoth blas87 View Post
                            What kind of sick fool tries to bring babies or small children into these stores with them? I'm sorry, but there's no excuses allowable here, not even a "We couldn't find a babysitter" or whatever. That's just wrong to bring babies and small children into adult stores.
                            I'm with the customer on this one. What's the big deal with a child too small to know anything being in a porn shop. As long as the parent(s) keep it quiet, that is.
                            Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                              What's the big deal with a child too small to know anything being in a porn shop. As long as the parent(s) keep it quiet, that is.
                              Well it makes other customers uncomfortable specifically. The last thing the majority wants to see is a child especially a baby or a early age toddler in a store specifically meant for adults who want to view sexual action. It's just awkward. Really it's like (Due to this being somewhat graphic please highlight between the lines. Thank you.)

                              It's like having sex with your SO while your parents are in the room. It's awkward.

                              Point is, an adult shop is just that. An adult shop. Not a kids shop.
                              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

