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Pocket money.(longish)

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  • Pocket money.(longish)

    Hey this is a strange thing that's common amongst our SCs.
    I'm going to vent on it, because drives me nuts.

    Now I'm a relatively happy wage slave, I'll help the customers and Sc's to the best of my ability.
    This I will say now I don't mind doing if it's for a genuine reason, especially if it's a mistake on our companies part.

    Though this 'experience' I got on my last shift is a pristine example that many of these situations that have me running from pillar to post, aren't really worth bothering about.
    I really start to think Why?

    All I can think after them is "you had me running around like a mad woman on the account of a couple of quid?"

    I think I'm rambling so I'll start at the beginning.

    ?-customer with a bad sense of economics

    Me - exhausted and confused retail person.

    A woman approaches me about a return this was to do with my department and I could deal with it no problem.
    I leave the department, take her to the till and sort it out no fuss.
    I then attempt to go back to my department , because I'm not suppose to leave it.
    Problem is I got stopped by this woman as I turned to leave.

    ? "Can you deal with this as well?"

    Me "Sure what is it" (one of these days I'll learn not to be helpful)

    ?"I was suppose to get X amount off this day when I bough these good (shows the receipt )Can you give me it now?"
    "I'll just try and find a member of staff that can"(and I can find none, so I'll have to deal with it)

    I explain I don't know,I'll try but Iwill have to find someone higher up to authorise it.
    So I attempt to find a staff member who can do it.

    As this
    A)issue was nothing to do with me department, or even the actual company I work for I literally can't do it, unless I don't fancy keeping my job.

    B)Although she was right, this mistake occurred nearly a week ago, in a different store, another reason we can't do it.(she didn't bring it up at the time of purchase)

    So I run around and finally find a staff member who does work for this area.

    At this point I should mention I'm already in trouble, because I've had to leave my department unmanned (really big no no) and it is pretty busy on my bit .

    If any of my managers or god forbid a test shop come in I'm in the deep sh#t, but I'm not allowed to ditch the customer and problem to someone else either.

    I query the problem and get told to find her super, one problem where is she?

    More running around (literally) ensues , after five minutes I finally find her, explain, patiently wait for her to listen and hopefully come deal with this because I literally am not authorised to deal with it.
    Her response go find her boss,, the customer is still stood waiting and none to pleased about it.
    So again I run around can't find the next one up, and decide f#'k it I'll just contact their big gahoona instead (store boss) because I'm stick of being told go find another person to deal with it.
    I explain the situation for the forth time, over the phone after getting hold of his mobile.
    This guy to his credit is a good guy.
    If you work hard he respects it and rewards it ,and will back you up against Scs.
    If your a time waster , or extract the Micheal.
    Well lets just say you never want to get on the wrong side of him ever.

    For once I'm glad the customer can't hear what is said on the other end of the line.
    Basic message ,mistakes from our store deal with it, and get back to my own department.
    If it's not our store, not our mistake to clean up, and we are not cleaning up that stores mess again.
    (this branch has a habit of sending unsatisfied customers to our store for us deal with).
    So I turn round explain why I can't do it to the customer ,she not happy understandable as she's had to stand around all this time.
    Looks at her receipt and says
    "well it's not worth it for that amount"
    I return to where I'm suppose to be after twenty five minutes absence.
    How much was that episode for ?
    Guess £20 , £10 ?
    No, £1.50, about $3.It would have cost her more than that to come down town and park!
    I don't get some of our customers , there putting things right costs them more to come out and sort it that ignoring it would..
    Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.

  • #2
    Quoth going gaga View Post
    I don't get some of our customers , there putting things right costs them more to come out and sort it that ignoring it would..
    But it's the principle !!!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      You know, I could understand, 'hey, I noticed this mistake after I left but it costs more to drive back & fix it; I'll wait until I go back next week.' If you're going to be there anyway..... But after 15 minutes? Frankly, my time is more valuable than that, I'd ask if there's a time factor and if I could do this later. But then, that's the reasoning behind my screen name.
      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


      • #4
        Just think, you're getting paid to exercise! Most folks have to pay to go the gym.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

