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Marrital hell...

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  • Marrital hell...

    Let's play grown-ups

    So here's the deal, we do NOT handle custodial disputes. That is between you, your most hated ex-spouse, and your over-paid lawyer. You don't want her to walk in your home and take the girl? Change your locks. Yes I'm aware it's 3AM and no lawyer is willing to assist you at this hour. No it's not my problem.
    sc: so no one is going to help me. *lather rinse repeat. lather rinse repeat. repeat repeat repeat...*
    AHHH!! My sound advice: call a lawyer in the morning. If your ex starts a fight with you, call us. But NO, we are not going to make sure you're the only one who gets to see your daughter.

    PS: Act like an adult and stop using your child as leverage against your spouse. I understand that you hate each other, but that's why you're getting a divorce. It isn't the kids fault that you're a crappy human being, leave her out of it. Comprende?!


    I know it's hard when your girlfriend's husband assaults you and vandalises your car, but for the love of Jehovah/Satan/Allah!!! Stop. Singing. Stop singing now. You are actually the piece of crap in this situation, and I have to stay on the phone with you for an indefinate sentence so that you aren't viciously bludgeoned (which you probably deserve) by an angry man with a tire iron. So, here's the deal, stop singing along to Bob Marley's "Fight for your right", cause seriously, you're epic struggle here is something you brought entirely on yourself.
    PS: DO NOT audition for American Idol, Simon Cowell would not have a snide comment for you... He would be so flabbergasted by your lack of talent that his head would simply implode.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...

  • #2
    Quoth NightWatch View Post
    PS: DO NOT audition for American Idol, Simon Cowell would not have a snide comment for you... He would be so flabbergasted by your lack of talent that his head would simply implode.
    Then surely we WANT him on American Idol?


    • #3
      Quoth NightWatch View Post
      Let's play grown-ups
      I'm fed up with silly neighbour disputes.

      Here's one for you.

      Neighbour 1 :N1
      Neighbour 2: N2

      N1 puts up lighting in front garden
      N2 complains to N1.
      N1 swears, throws light to ground breaking it. (its his light)
      N2 then phones the fuzz.
      Guess who had to sort out that waste of time?
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        What exactly is your job title?
        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


        • #5
          First off, I like Simon C., he's the only person more bitter, cynical, and hateful then me. And that is quite the accomplishment. (Don't worry, I only use my powers for good!)

          Secondly, I'm a dispatcher for a police agency. If you want to know more then that, we will have to battle to the death. But I'll probably win, hehe!
          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

          ...Beware the voice without a face...


          • #6
            Quoth NightWatch View Post
            First off, I like Simon C., he's the only person more bitter, cynical, and hateful then me. And that is quite the accomplishment. (Don't worry, I only use my powers for good!)

            Secondly, I'm a dispatcher for a police agency. If you want to know more then that, we will have to battle to the death. But I'll probably win, hehe!

            Simon Cowell is one of my personal heroes. Him and Gordan Ramsey.

            Also, police dispatch <twitch>. I talk to a *lot* of cops and dispatchers over the course of my shifts and some of the urinal cakes they put up with awe me. Then I put up with them by proxy when they call me looking for a lawyer.

            Well, that and the corpses. Always the corpses. I love how polite and cheerful some of the officers stay when they call me about corpses. ><


            • #7
              Quoth NightWatch View Post
              So, here's the deal, stop singing along to Bob Marley's "Fight for your right", cause seriously, you're epic struggle here is something you brought entirely on yourself.
              I know the Bob Marley song. I enjoy the Bob Marley song. However, all I can hear in my head right now are the Beastie Boys!
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Well, that and the corpses. Always the corpses. I love how polite and cheerful some of the officers stay when they call me about corpses. ><
                Hehe! I love the corpse stories! I have some seriously fantastic ones, and if you ever wanna hear about, I'll regail you with all sorts of fantastically gory,bloody, gooey stories. you can email/message me anytime. I'm hear all night anyway, *sigh*
                "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                ...Beware the voice without a face...


                • #9
                  Quoth NightWatch View Post
                  Hehe! I love the corpse stories! I have some seriously fantastic ones, and if you ever wanna hear about, I'll regail you with all sorts of fantastically gory,bloody, gooey stories. you can email/message me anytime. I'm hear all night anyway, *sigh*
                  No fair, we ALL wanna hear the gory, bloody, gooey stories!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
                    No fair, we ALL wanna hear the gory, bloody, gooey stories!
                    Yeah! Bloody corpse stories for all!

                    Quoth Pagan View Post
                    I know the Bob Marley song. I enjoy the Bob Marley song. However, all I can hear in my head right now are the Beastie Boys!
                    .... "to paaaaarty!"

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Quoth NightWatch View Post
                      Hehe! I love the corpse stories! I have some seriously fantastic ones, and if you ever wanna hear about, I'll regail you with all sorts of fantastically gory,bloody, gooey stories. you can email/message me anytime. I'm hear all night anyway, *sigh*
                      Just give fair warning for the squeamish & have at it! Corpse stories are often funny, and almost corpses are even funner.
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                      • #12
                        Quoth NightWatch View Post
                        Hehe! I love the corpse stories! I have some seriously fantastic ones, and if you ever wanna hear about, I'll regail you with all sorts of fantastically gory,bloody, gooey stories. you can email/message me anytime. I'm hear all night anyway, *sigh*
                        I'll trade you corpse stories for interesting collecting stories....might not sound like much, but they encompass everything from roadkill to nudist beaches...*makes hopeful face*


                        • #13
                          Off Topic...or not, but I much prefer Simon Cowell. I get sick and tired of those other two judges blowing sunshine up everyone's butt. The criticism is there to HELP the singers. Constantly telling them how pretty they look and how they're a little pitchy, is going to help them in the long run.

                          Back on topic, I want to hear some corpse stories...
                          "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                          George Carlin


                          • #14
                            Quoth NightWatch View Post
                            Hehe! I love the corpse stories! I have some seriously fantastic ones, and if you ever wanna hear about, I'll regail you with all sorts of fantastically gory,bloody, gooey stories. you can email/message me anytime. I'm hear all night anyway, *sigh*
                            I can do the same , um well I have like two that are actually good. And then there is the smell. Oh lord the smell it never goes away.

