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Actually funny, but still a "who cares?" moment

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  • Actually funny, but still a "who cares?" moment

    Our stores used to have those fountain drink/coffee punch cards -- buy a drink to get your card punched, so many punches earns a free drink. For some reason, we stopped getting new punch cards to give out. We still honor them if someone manages to dig one up, but we don't have new ones to give out.

    I had an older man come in to purchase a couple cups of coffee. He asked for a punch card, so I told him that we've run out and not received any new ones.

    He made a snide remark about our company being that hard up for money.

    I just shrugged, "Whatever you want to think, I guess. I don't really care, personally. All I can tell you is that we no longer have any cards to give out, but still honor them if someone brings one in."

    A couple of days later, he comes in and purchases another couple of cups of coffee. He informed me that he wrote a letter to the main office about it, and that they would be issuing more punch cards.

    I just smiled back, "Okay, well that's good for you, I guess."

    He actually looked a little disappointed that I had no more of a response. He silently shuffled off looking like I took the wind out of his sails. It was kind of funny. I just laughed to myself.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    He probably saw things going a lot diffrent in his mind. Like the other customers in the store being so greatful that they hoist him up on their sholders or something.


    • #3
      I would have replied along the same lines. "Okay, thanks.". Really, it takes a lot more than that to get any retail veteran jumping for joy I would think. Had he said "I wrote a letter demanding you get paid $20.00 an hour and they're going to do it!" then yes, I'm sure you would have given him a more enthusiastic response.
      "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
      George Carlin


      • #4
        Good for him! My mom is an avid user of those coffee punch cards at the local C-store, and I use them now and then. They can be invaluable if you drink enough coffee.

        That said, it sounds like you really deflated his sails for that day. *snicker*

        And, of course. . . "At least he wasn't sucky about it!"


        • #5
          Whatevers important to them, I guess.
          I wish my customers would write letters to head office asking for certain things, at least they would get listened to a bit better then the staff, as we wait.. and wait.. for certain fixtures and the ability to actually fit all our stock out on the selling floor rather then keeping it in storage cause they are lazy with giving us fixtures..
          - Boochan


          • #6
            He seriously wrote a letter for punch cards? Oy.

            Wait. He sent a letter, and a couple of days later he says they're going to be sending more? Me thinks he's got a case of wishful thinking going on there. I doubt anyone's actually read his letter in those couple days. Hell, sent to corp. it might be weeks for a response. Funny how he deflated like that though.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Should have told him....

              "Great, that means fewer customers per hour that I have to serve"

              "Oh yes, those seconds that it takes to punch the card can up to minutes while somebody digs their old card out of their wallet or purse"

              "Thanks alot, I really like not having to work so hard".
              SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"

