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And people wonder why I drink?

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  • And people wonder why I drink?

    I am in a foul mood. Utterly unpleasant today, really. But for once I am not here to rant about my personal life. Oh no. I am focusing my disgust, contempt and disdain for so many things in my life upon some of the more unpleasant SC's I have crossed path with recently. Enjoy, but please be warned....much bile is about to be spewed. Safety plastic gear is available in the lobby.

    No. No you're not.

    At The Bar, our restrooms are for our customers only. They are not public restrooms, nor do we feel they should be. They get messed up enough by our paying customers--we don't need freeloading yahoos helping to foul them. And keep in mind, if someone simply buys a soda or a bottled water, we will then consider them a paying customer.

    So the other day, this mouth breather comes ambling in.

    TOAD: "Where's your bathrooms?"
    JESTER: "I'm sorry sir, but they're for our customers."
    TOAD: "Well, I WAS going to be one, but now I'm not."

    And he storms out.

    Okay, Mr. Ugly Tourist, let's get something straight. You were NOT going to be our customer. You were coming in to drop a load, nothing more. Had you been planning on being a customer, you might have said something to the effect of, "Oh, I plan on dining and drinking here as soon as I take care of nature." Or something similar but more monosyllabic in your case. But as you had absolutely no plans of actually buying a frickin' thing from us, you couldn't think of any retort snappier than that.

    Good luck finding a toilet before you soil your shorts as badly as nature has soiled your brainpan.

    Lies, lies, and more lies.

    The other day I was bartending on the roof deck of The Bar. Working at that time were myself behind the bar and New Server on the floor, with two more servers due in shortly but not there yet. I was finishing up my shift, waiting for my relief, and so was stocking the bar, as is my job. New Server had about 3 or 4 tables, so was a little busy, but not out of his depth.

    As I walk from the beer cooler to the bar with a case of beer in my hands, I cross paths with a party of four who are heading towards the exit. And one of them approaches me and says, and I quote, "We're nice people, we tip well, but we are leaving because you don't have enough staff up here." And out they went in a huff.

    Let's examine each part of this guy's statement.

    First, we had enough staff to wait on them. They may have sat there all of a couple of minutes before they decided they were being ignored. Had they said something, say, "Excuse me, can we get someone to wait on us?" myself or New Server would have had no problem helping them out, and doing so promptly, swiftly, and with great care. They decided they were better than that, and to make a scene.

    Secondly, I find that in 99% of the cases, people that make a point to say great they tip....don't. It's like the people who are always talking about sex....generally they are the ones getting the least.

    And finally, the first part of this guy's statement. That they are nice people.

    Well, no. You're not. You, sir, are a douchenozzle of the highest order. Because a NICE person would have politely pointed out to some staff member that they might have gotten overlooked, and could someone please wait on them. That is what *I* would have done. I, you see, am a nice person. Nice people give staff a chance to correct the initial mistake of overlooking a table. Fuckwompers like yourself make a point of showing how self-important they are as they storm out in grandiose fashion.

    And thank you, sir, for doing so. Because now none of my staff has to deal with serving a quartet of baboon fellaters like you and your friends. Frankly, we don't want your business anyway. I hope you went down the street to the Crappy Restaurant With Nasty Food and enjoyed your self-righteousness, and thoroughly enjoyed the disturbingly violent bowel movement you would have received later that night.


    In Florida, while you can smoke at open air establishments, you cannot smoke inside an enclosed restaurant. The law has been on the books for several years now. Sometimes, though, we deal with people who don't realize it, for various reasons, usually not being from Florida. And most people are pretty fine with it once we tell them, as that is the way a lot of places are these days. They may not like it, of course, but they know we are merely doing our job.

    But then, there are people who are just flaming idiots.

    A big old boy ambles into The Bar one day. He walks right past the hostess stand where several staff are standing and into the bar area. Which is fine. That happens all the time. While in the bar area, Big Old Boy breaks out and lights up a cigar. Seeing this, the bartender politely jumps into action.

    BARTENDER: "Sir, I'm sorry, but you can't smoke in here. It's the law."
    BIG OLD BOY: "What? That's ridiculous. Someone should have told me that when I came in!"

    And he stormed out.

    Now, let me see if I understand you, for I am not that bright, sir, and only went to Arizona State University. It is our job to inform every person that walks in, who is not even visibly smoking at the time, that they can't smoke in the establishment? Or are you implying, rather, that we should have used our psychic abilities to know that you were planning on relaxing with a stogie, and thus should have informed you of the legal obstacles to your plan?

    Um, yeah. Right. I don't think so. I fervently wish that the next time you light up wherever you damn please, you offend the delicate olfactory senses of a biker nicknamed Earth Crusher, and he shoves that cigar so far down your gullet that you start sneezing smoke rings.

    Fun With Parking

    Outside of The Bar are a very small number of metered parking spaces. Everything else in front of the bar is a yellow curb. Meaning, of course, that you can't park there. Period. And we try to be nice and tell people this. But of course, not everyone appreciates it. Like these tourons:

    JESTER: "Um, sir? You can't park there."
    DRIVER: "What? Why not?"
    JESTER: "It's not a parking spot. The curb is yellow. The City will ticket you."
    DRIVER: "Well it's not painted all that well."
    JESTER: "Sir, I'm just trying to help you out. Park there if you want, but the City will ticket you."

    Frankly I hope they tow your ungrateful ass. I am not the City nor a City employee. I was just trying to help you not get ticketed, but since you seem to think I am the cause of it, screw it. Park there. Park there for days. Don't blame me when you get ticket, towed, impounded, or anally probed. No, the City doesn't do that last one. But a boy can dream, can't he?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Quoth Jester View Post
    Fun With Parking
    JESTER: "Um, sir? You can't park there."
    DRIVER: "What? Why not?"
    JESTER: "It's not a parking spot. The curb is yellow. The City will ticket you."
    DRIVER: "Well it's not painted all that well."
    JESTER: "Sir, I'm just trying to help you out. Park there if you want, but the City will ticket you."

    Frankly I hope they tow your ungrateful ass. I am not the City nor a City employee. I was just trying to help you not get ticketed, but since you seem to think I am the cause of it, screw it. Park there. Park there for days. Don't blame me when you get ticket, towed, impounded, or anally probed. No, the City doesn't do that last one. But a boy can dream, can't he?
    The front drive to our store is a fire lane. People try all the time to park there because they'll "only be a minute."

    The nastiness that ensues when we inform some customers that they must park in the lot in the back....

    Not to mention that these twerps are completely blocking the entrance/exit when they do this...
    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


    • #3
      Ah the general public.

      They doth protest too much!


      • #4
        I hate running my grandfather to the pharmacy or the wine store. There's plenty of perfectly good parking spaces, especially for people who have handicapped stickers like the one that you insist on bringing from your wife's vehicle every time I drive you around. But no, you're only going to be a minute, and your legs get stiff, so I should break the frickin' law and park in a fire lane while you're inside...

        Honestly, I love my grandfather, he's my favorite relative, but this little trait of his really pisses me off.
        "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


        • #5
          My neighbor makes me do that, "Oh park by the curb, I'm only getting some cigerettes." Uh huh...a pack or a carton take three bags?


          • #6
            Quoth Jester View Post
            I"We're nice people, we tip well, but we are leaving because you don't have enough staff up here."

            All lies.

            My weekend has been a lot of lies.

            *hugs* for Jest, and I hope things get better.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                I fervently wish that the next time you light up wherever you damn please, you offend the delicate olfactory senses of a biker nicknamed Earth Crusher, and he shoves that cigar so far down your gullet that you start sneezing smoke rings.
                Sneezing? On, no. I'm hoping for farting smoke rings!

                .... it doesn't help that I find the scent of cigars to be one of the more disgusting smells ever, not counting actually physical decay.

                Quoth Aethian View Post
                My neighbor makes me do that, "Oh park by the curb, I'm only getting some cigerettes." Uh huh...a pack or a carton take three bags?
                See, for those types, I will gladly let them off at the curb, but there is no way on earth that I'm going to actually wait for them there.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  Between that and the "baboon fellaters" I was doing this:
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    I like you in a bad mood, you're brutal and it makes me giggle.
                    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                    ...Beware the voice without a face...


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post

                      BARTENDER: "Sir, I'm sorry, but you can't smoke in here. It's the law."
                      BIG OLD BOY: "What? That's ridiculous. Someone should have told me that when I came in!"

                      And he stormed out.
                      In my opinion, what happens in some of these cases is the SC gets embarrassed and some people don't know how to handle embarrassment. He probably felt that way when he was informed - even though he was informed politely - and he reacted badly - he made an illogical statement and stormed out rather than just saying, "I'm sorry." or something to that effect and extinguishing the smoke.
                      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                      • #12
                        Quoth DesignFox View Post
                        The front drive to our store is a fire lane. People try all the time to park there because they'll "only be a minute."
                        Of course, this is why I love being a volunteer with the local police department. I get to drive up to these 'I'm too special to obey the law' idiots and tell them "Move or get a ticket."
                        What a wonderful thing humanity is-- passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, fully of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all... delicious! -- LaCroix


                        • #13
                          Quoth mischugenah View Post
                          Of course, this is why I love being a volunteer with the local police department. I get to drive up to these 'I'm too special to obey the law' idiots and tell them "Move or get a ticket."
                          Well, the fire dept isn't far from us. The fire marshal WILL ticket these people. We try to make it out like we're saving them from that, but they still don't listen.
                          I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post

                            Lies, lies, and more lies.

                            As I walk from the beer cooler to the bar with a case of beer in my hands, I cross paths with a party of four who are heading towards the exit. And one of them approaches me and says, and I quote, "We're nice people, we tip well, but we are leaving because you don't have enough staff up here." And out they went in a huff.
                            I saw something like this on Friday afternoon. My bf picked me up from work and took me to dinner. (aw, sweet, huh?!) We go to a pretty nice seafood restaurant that is always busy, no matter what time of day you get there. Anyway-it's packed, but we get seated within 5 minutes. No biggie, we are patient...we've both worked as wait-staff in our teen/early adulthood years. As the hostess is seating us, and walking away, this older 'gentleman' behind us leans over and tells my bf, "I hope you brought snacks while you're waiting." Huh? We just kinda look at each other, and my bf says 'they're busy huh?' Not really wanting to make conversation with this guy--it's been a long week, and we're having dinner together, starting our weekend off relaxing. The guy mumbles the whole can hear him talking to his wife, "I'm never coming back here.." etc. blah blah...
                            He complains LOUDLY the entire time he's there. Which we must've gotten there not long after he and his wife- the guy had a salad plate on his table, only half eaten. I know he wasn't starving. We ordered our drinks, salads, and appetizer when the waitress made it to our table-oh, I don't know, about 2 minutes after we sat down... c'mon pal, the place is busy, yeah-but the service was still pretty good. Everytime someone walked past the guy's table, he'd complain louder and louder, about how busy it was, and how long it was taking. Dude, shut up! I was getting irritated with the guy, and I wasn't even waiting on him. After we were there around 5-10 minutes, the waitress brought the guy's and his wife's food. It does take a few minutes TO COOK something, when you order it. This wasn't a fast-food place, where some things are pre-made.
                            All in all, he just wouldn't shut up. Finally the manager came to his table and told him his meal was free. I really think that was his intent the entire time. And as the guy was getting up to leave, he leaned over and told my bf, "I left them a good tip...plant your cotton early this year... chuckle chuckle..." I looked at him with the Death Glare and was thinking, "shut the f** up."
                            Our drinks, salads and appetizers came out within 5 or 6 minutes of our order, and then our meal came out before we even finished our appetizer. The service was terrific! My bf left a 20% tip for our waitress.
                            Some people just love to complain, no matter what.....


                            • #15
                              In somewhat defense of the second guy, I would never ask for a server to wait on me. I don't think I should have to flag a waiter/waitress down to be waited on, except if it's for something a bit out of the ordinary. I once waited over a half an hour for a waitress to wait on me, she even came over to our table.... to ask us if we were using the extra chair. I didn't point out to her that she had been ignoring us for a half an hour, because not only should I not have to, I wanted to see how long it would take her to realize it. And we were sitting outside, and she was the only one serving tables in our area (and was serving all the tables around us) -- the other server was serving tables around the corner. After 45 minutes I ended up getting PO'd enough to get up and leave and complain to the manager, which if you know me means I'm REALLY REALLY pissed off. We ended up getting everything on the house and the waitress got yelled at, apparently it wasn't the first time.

                              That said, I'll wait a good 10 minutes before I start getting annoyed that I haven't been served yet.

