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Money money money and other woes...

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  • Money money money and other woes...

    So, my latest work (still at the cd store, still disliking it--but hey, I have an interview in an hour or so!) rant.

    UNFOLD YOUR MONEY, PEOPLE!: Seriously, fishing out balled up $1s and $20s and tossing them down on the counter where I have to uncrumple and count them is seriously obnoxious. Don't huff about how you're in a rush and how long the line is...alllllll that time you were waiting? YOU COULD HAVE UNFOLDED THE MONEY YOURSELF! You would be gone by now! Super rude, thanks.

    "How much do I have?": How do you not know how much money you have? At least three times a day I get someone bringing a ton of cds to the register and then after I ring them all up and tell them the total tossing a wad of money and change down on the counter --"do I have enough?", usually the answer is no and from there we get to do the "which ones don't you want" dance. Usually this makes my line grow to epic proportions while they decide between shitty cds 1, 5, and 23--debating to me about each one. I want to scream "they're all shite, I wouldn't buy any of them"--but I can't. The same people are usually in a rush.

    "But that's not what it says it costs!": reading COMP-RE-HENSION!!!!! people! No, that sign does not say "everything in the store on sale $10 or under" not argue with me. "Select items" does not mean "everything"---well, what is "select items", gee--I don't know but I would guess not the #1 selling rap cd or recently released dvd. Probably it's select because it's old and shit no one else wants!


    Have to run, I'll add more on later. Share your money related customer rants!

  • #2
    When I get wadded up bills, you better believe I'll take my sweet, sweet time unfolding and uncrumpling them. Oh, and I'm also a stickler for keeping my drawer a particular way, so they'll all have to be faced the same, as well.
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #3
      Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
      When I get wadded up bills, you better believe I'll take my sweet, sweet time unfolding and uncrumpling them. Oh, and I'm also a stickler for keeping my drawer a particular way, so they'll all have to be faced the same, as well.
      That's how I was taught to handle money at my first cashiering job - always face the bills, it makes it easier to count them, and also makes it easier to spot counterfeits. I've done it ever since, even on my own personal cash.


      • #4
        Quoth Nekojin View Post
        That's how I was taught to handle money at my first cashiering job - always face the bills, it makes it easier to count them, and also makes it easier to spot counterfeits. I've done it ever since, even on my own personal cash.
        I do the same thing, since I worked in retail when I was in highschool, and when I was helped cash out at the end of the night I'd have to sort the bills so that they were all face up and in one direction.
        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


        • #5
          This may be universal, but where I come from, males who flash their big wads of cash (and yes, I am talking about the guy I'm dating, as he does this at the bar all the time and I yell at him that someday when he isn't looking, someone's gonna steal it!) are trying to look cool.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            This is an SCness I will forever be safe from performing. Forever and ever.

            I almost never go more than a few feet when getting cash before I order it in my wallet. (I move away if there's anyone behind me). The only time I don't do that is if I get money back in a drive through and need to move on to somewhere else. Then I put it in my pocket - and at the first opportunity, take out my wallet and get everything in order.
            The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


            • #7
              Quoth Nekojin View Post
              That's how I was taught to handle money at my first cashiering job - always face the bills, it makes it easier to count them, and also makes it easier to spot counterfeits. I've done it ever since, even on my own personal cash.
              Quoth Stormraven View Post
              This is an SCness I will forever be safe from performing. Forever and ever.

              I almost never go more than a few feet when getting cash before I order it in my wallet. (I move away if there's anyone behind me). The only time I don't do that is if I get money back in a drive through and need to move on to somewhere else. Then I put it in my pocket - and at the first opportunity, take out my wallet and get everything in order.

              Same with me. It has to be a certain way.

              At work, the Manager and Asst Manager both just toss the money into the bank bag. I am not going to complain about. I just fix it, when I count it out.
              Last edited by powerboy; 04-03-2008, 06:59 PM.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Where I used to work, all money had to face up and in the same direction. You could get written up if you didn't follow this. I always made sure when training new girls to tell them to face their money the same way when they placed cash in their tills. Always got a bit of a weird look (been known to make them redo it bill by bill if they didnt listen), but made it easier for them at the end of the night.
                "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


                • #9
                  It irks me when they toss their money onto the counter, a good two feet away from my easy reach. Makes me feel.....wery wery inferior.... They are obviously too good to show some common decency to a poor ol' wage slave.


                  • #10
                    Count me in as someone who organizes her money. As soon as it's outta the ATM, it goes in my wallet, in order by denomination, faced, and usually so the ickiest looking bills are set up to be spent first. When I carry it in my pocket, I do the "MI" roll, according to my father - smallest bills on the outside, so I don't look like I'm carrying more than a wad 'o' ones.
                    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                    • #11
                      Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                      When I get wadded up bills, you better believe I'll take my sweet, sweet time unfolding and uncrumpling them. Oh, and I'm also a stickler for keeping my drawer a particular way, so they'll all have to be faced the same, as well.
                      Huh. I really should try doing that. When I started at Wendy's I would mix up a customer's change about once a week. Fortunately(?) the customers always caught it, and in the process I learned how to spot the difference between scammers and honest customers. It seems that's kind of a "school of hard knocks" lesson I wrong?
                      Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                      • #12
                        Payment aggravation:

                        -putting cash on the counter when I clearly have my hand extended to receive it. You can bet your change is going on the counter instead of into your outstretched hand.

                        -waving your money/credit card in my face before I've even totalled the sale. I just ignore it until I'm ready to take the payment.

                        -reaching over the customer counter and putting your payment on my workspace counter. This usually happens when my attention is on the register, so I don't see it, and they get all offended that I don't know the random $20 next to my stapler is their payment.

                        (and it's sad that this one has happened enough for it to be a peeve)
                        -throwing your credit card at me. Usually the wrist-flick horizontal spin. I just watch wherever it falls (like I'm going to dignify that with trying to catch it), pick it up, put it on the counter and say, "looks like you dropped this."


                        • #13
                          Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                          I'm also a stickler for keeping my drawer a particular way, so they'll all have to be faced the same, as well.
                          I used to do this too when I worked on registers - no-one ever made me, just my OCD manifesting :P
                          ONI HEUIR NI FEDIR


                          • #14
                            "How much do I have?": How do you not know how much money you have? At least three times a day I get someone bringing a ton of cds to the register and then after I ring them all up and tell them the total tossing a wad of money and change down on the counter --"do I have enough?",
                            Seriously WTF? And people can't even count their own money?

                            If I was in that situation and someone tossed a bunch of money on my counter and asked if they had enough, I think I would just look at them and say, "I don't know, do you?"

                            I was also very anal about my register looking neat. All the bills had to be flat and facing the same direction and lined up perfectly. If someone gave me a crumpled bill God help them. And then whenever I went on break one of my managers would take over my drawer, and they always just tossed bills in willy nilly. I'd come back and almost have a heart attack, unable to concentrate on anything else until I had rearranged and flattened all the bills. I mean, the managers would complain about anyone who had a messy drawer, but then they created a disaster area out of mine. The funny thing is that I am so obsessed with order and cleanliness wherever I work, but my house is an absolutely chaotic mess and always has been.
                            Last edited by Sableonblonde; 04-04-2008, 12:39 PM.


                            • #15
                              i agree; don't hand me wadded cash and DON'T look at me crosseyed when i ask you to unfold it.

                              if you want proper change, count the crap out/have it ready and decipherable, rather than just toss me a bunch of bills/coins and expect me to spend x minutes straightening them out. that's YOUR job, not mine; be grateful that i'm honest and will return any amounts over you hand me-one day you might not be so lucky.

                              yes, i will slide your card back to you on the counter-you handed it to me that way, and that's how you'll receive it. don't look at me crosseyed if i ask you if you want a receipt, it's a courtesy, and i have no way of knowing whether you actually want it or not. say yes or no, it won't kill you.

                              if i tell you your card was declined, i'm doing it fairly quietly out of respect for your privacy; don't get pissy with me when this happens. i don't control your spending habits, YOU DO. if you overcharge, it will get declined eventually. keep that in mind.

                              also, don't raise a big stink when i cannot change out your big bills; we're not a bank, and have a limited amount of change for a given day/weekend. if that's a damn problem, tough cookies, sparky; maybe you should have considered asking for reasonable denominations, rather than grab that $100, thinking us lowly peons would gasp in awe when you flash it.

                              i've held them before, and no, i didn't have an auto-orgasm during the experience.
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

