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So here's where I get screamed at, berated, and LP has to be called (REALLY long)

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  • So here's where I get screamed at, berated, and LP has to be called (REALLY long)

    I'm going to try and make this as concise as possible, since it could potentially stretch to an epic length.

    Last night a man comes to my lane with four sets of blinds. I scan them, give him his total and he starts ranting about how that's impossible.
    I show him the receipt that has one item at $8, two at $24.99, and one at $39.99.
    No no no, these were AS-IS items, despite the fact that they had no markings as such and no AS-IS price tags.

    I check the items again just be sure, because sometimes AS-IS coworkers forget to black out the original barcodes and don't put the price tags in obvious places.
    Turns out they're not priced for AS-IS and I call the department.

    Me: I just called the department and he's going to have to come over to take a look at them, because he said only one is an actual AS-IS item.
    SC: Come with me! Walk over there and I will show you to your face the sign!
    Me: I can't leave here and even if I could I couldn't change the price. Someone from that department is coming over anyway.

    The coworker comes over and mentions he's going to have to take the items back to the department to make sure, and the customer goes with him.
    Keep in mind that while the coworker is over at my register checking out the items the customer is in the background ranting about what the prices are supposed to be, how he'll show the coworker "to his face" what the sign said, where he found them, etc.

    They leave and I breathe a sigh of relief, hoping he doesn't come back to my lane.

    They come back and I die a little inside, but see they're going to the lane next to me where one cashier is taking off another who is going home.
    The cashier who is being relieved is finishing up a transaction and the SC has just jumped the line when the cashier coming to take over for the other one (we'll call her T) tells the SC he's going to have to wait in line.

    SC: I already waited in line and I'm not waiting any longer!
    T: Sir, I'm sorry but I'm not going to shove these people aside just to accommodate you.
    SC: FINE!

    Then he makes his way over to my line, while I'm finishing up one transaction with one other customer in line.
    I finish with the one customer and start on the next one before the SC makes his way over to me.

    SC: I'm back, ring these up.
    Me: We'll just have to wait until I'm finished with this customer.
    SC: I already waited!
    Me: And I've already started with his things (five WHOLE items, omg) so it'll just be a minute.

    I finish with the customer and go to ring up the SC's stuff, which has now been marked with AS-IS prices.
    Let me point out that items cannot typically be priced for AS-IS on the spot, since they have to go through some process before hand. I'm not certain of what the process is, but I know it exists.
    Considering this, the coworker obviously made a large accommodation for this man that he didn't have to, so in essence the customer should be very happy, because he basically just got something (brand new) that someone left behind in that department for a significantly reduced price.

    Now, the coworker's writing was not very legible, and I thought the items were priced as $5 for one, $6 for another, $7 and $8, so that's how I rang them up.
    I tell the SC the new total and he grabs the receipt (at my work they print as you scan so you can check them before actually completing a sale) and flips when he sees that one is at $6.

    SC: It's $5! Can't you see that!
    Me: I thought it said $6.
    SC: They're the same damn thing! Can you not see?
    Me: Yes, I can.

    I void the whole receipt, since voiding AS-IS items is a pain and it would have been easier this way, and the SC chimes in with, "You must really hate your job."

    Apparently the fact that I voided everything to make things simpler is an indication that I hate my job.
    I re-ring the items and give him his total for the third time, then swipe his card when he nods.

    Me: Sign here please.
    SC: If you hate your job so much you should just quit.

    At this point I turn away because I'm not about to get into it with someone and I just want him gone.

    SC: What's with the attitude!? Do you hate your job or something?
    Me: Sir, are you going to sign the slip?

    At this point T has already called a supervisor and tells me so.

    Me: Someone has been called. Are you going to sign the slip?
    Me: And someone is coming. If you're not going to sign for the items I have to take them back.

    The SC rips the items from my hand like a four year-old and yells, "They're mine!"

    Me: Not if you don't sign the credit card slip.
    SC: I'm not signing anything!
    Me: Ok.

    I go about ringing through other customers, and at this point he supervisor has arrived and is talking to the SC.
    The supervisor had no clue what was up, so he was just asking what the problem was, and the first words out of the SC's mouth were, "She doesn't like her job! If she hates her job so much she should just quit! It's not like she does it very well anyway."

    To keep things short (like that's even an option at this point) I should mention that the SC repeated that line no less than a dozen times. I wish I were making that part up, but I'm not.
    I think the SC liked the fact that he had an audience, since I had to check out customers while he ranted about me, berating me like I wasn't even there.
    Oh how much fun that was.

    I'm miffed at my sup for not pulling him aside or not telling him to watch his tone and choice of words, but when he let me go out for a smoke after all this completed I was over it, and chalked it up to a temporary lapse in judgment. No biggie; I'm a big girl and I can handle it.

    At one point the SC says something and T steps in.

    T: You know, you came up to us from the start and were rude. You were rude to me and tried to get me to force other customers out of the way to serve you and you were rude to her as soon as you walked over to her.
    SC: This is none of your business.
    T: I'm sorry sir but it is.

    for T, the savior of all things just.

    Me: J (the sup), you know what, I'm not serving this man anymore. He's standing here berating me and I'm not doing it.
    J: That's fine. Sir, if you'd like I can take you over to another register and I'll ring these items up for you.
    J: You're not going to be waiting, I will be ringing up your items so you won't be waiting in any line, and no one is overpowering anyone here, because she has th right to refuse to serve anyone.
    SC: No, you're letting her overpower you. Are you the manager?
    J: I'm not the department manager but I am the supervisor in charge of this department as the manager is not in right now.
    SC: Then you're above her, right?
    J: No one is above anyone here, but I am the supervisor.
    SC: Then she is your worker! Tell her to do her job! She can't refuse me service and he HAS to serve me!
    J: No sir, she doesn't.
    SC: Yes she does! A worker does what a superior says now tell her to do her job and stop letting her overpower you!

    At this point I turned away again, but I could hear J make mention of how he was taking offence to the SC's insinuation that I was controlling him. J also made it clear that I didn't have to serve the SC, and that he was trying to resolve the situation but the SC wasn't allowing it.

    The SC then asked for a manager above J, and he called the DM, who used to be my manager and who hired me. She has since moved to be the manager of another department, but the point is she knows me well.
    LP is also called because the SC is now flailing his arms, yelling louder, getting more aggressive.

    Basically all LP did was stand there just in case something happened, but in my opinion considering the way this man was behaving LP should have been escorting him out.

    SC then repeats to LP and DM the part about me hating my job, and bitches that I'm not allowed to refuse service to him.

    DM: Sir, that's where you're wrong. If a cashier doesn't feel comfortable serving a customer they don't have to and no one can or will make them.
    SC: Yes you can make her! She has to serve me! She is the worker and she does what her superiors say!

    At one point the DM says to the SC something along the lines of, "I'm going to talk to the cashier and ask her what happened, because I don't know the situation."

    The SC demands she talk to me in front of him, and DM refuses.
    The SC wants to know what the "outcome" of this is going to be. Meaning he wants to know if I'm going to get fired. Not likely, buddy.
    DM tells him that's not his business, and all of that will remain between her and myself.

    DM pulls me aside and asks me what happened and I tell her, after which she agrees with me that I was in the right for refusing to serve him.
    DM asks if I went for my break, and I tell her I did, but after a few minutes of being back at my cash lane my supervisor comes over and closes my lane down and says, "Go for a smoke."

    While I was talking to the DM, J had another cashier ring up the SC (not T, as she wouldn't do it either).

    It pisses me off that LP just stood there, basically with his thumb up his butt and didn't say a word, and it pisses me off that this man still got the items, which were reduced in price significantly even though the AS-IS coworker didn't have to do it, and will probably get in trouble for it.

    Thankfully today is my day off, but I know that when I go in tomorrow my manager (if she's working) will be asking me about the situation.
    Not a damn thing is going to happen to me and my manager is just going to want to know what went down, but I will make it clear to her that LP needs to grow a pair and make logical decisions about when a customer should be escorted out of the store.

    Call me crazy but I think berating and belittling coworkers and creating a ruckus that lasted no less than 15 minutes is cause for asking someone to leave.
    Had I done something to the SC to justify his reaction I'd say differently, but that's not the case.

    I'm spending my day off looking for a new job.
    I may not hate my job like the SC so loudly proclaimed over and over again, but I certainly don't love it enough to have to put up with this crap any longer.

  • #2
    OMG. That SC just was a total control freak. What should he care if you like your job or not. One thing if someone asks me because they want to apply for a position at my company.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Wow. Just wow. I feel for you. This was definitely a sucky situation. How I wish your LP would have had a set big enough to not only throw him out but also not give him his discounted items.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Grrrr.... I hate when SC's make comments about you hating your job! I wish we could tell em "No, I do not hate my job. Just miserable asshats like you that feel the need to throw temper tantrums like a 3 yr old."

        Sorry you had to put up with him for as long as you did hun. If I see anyone acting like that with one of my employees I ask them to lower their voice/knock off the language ect. or please leave. I have no tolerence for overgrown 3 yr olds on a power trip treating my employees like that.


        • #5
          Take comfort in knowing that this jerk will end his days talking to his shoes and eating garbage tartar.
          "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


          • #6
            "Call me crazy but I think berating and belittling coworkers and creating a ruckus that lasted no less than 15 minutes is cause for asking someone to leave.
            Had I done something to the SC to justify his reaction I'd say differently, but that's not the case."

            That's what I was thinking as I read your post. He should've been kicked out as soon as he asked you if you hated your job. I hate managers that can't stick up for their employees.


            • #7
              I think my response would have been.

              "Either sign your slip for these items or they go right back on the shelf."

              Good God, stop whining like a bloody idiot and TAKE YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE!!!
              /rant off
              I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


              • #8
                Somebody should have told him to leave the store NOW. All of you were being harrased & the fact that management didn't tell him to leave boggles my mind. Idiot customers at Wal-Mart have been ordered to leave for doing a lot less than what he did.
                After enduring that for 5 minutes I would have walked away. There's no reason to put up with that kind of nonsense.
                That guy was a classic bully.


                • #9
                  Here's the situation in which I wonder what's going on in that guy's head. It's not like he's a reasonable person who has reasonable thoughts like most of us.
                  He probably won't realize that he was totally in the wrong here.
                  Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                  • #10
                    wow, and I thought my managers were spineless sometimes.

                    though on the bright side we are allowed to refuse service to anyone... we just have to document why (granted, if we excessively refuse service for trivial reasons you'll get in trouble, but as long as your rules are reasonable for refusing service, mine are excessive profanity, personal insults against me or coworkers, prank calling, and any threats against me or the company.)

                    that said, clearly the SC in the original post has never heard the concept of "we reserve the right to refuse service" or the concept that managers can't really force employees to do anything... all they can do is give them the option of do the job or be fired... and I seriously doubt that the store is willing to lose an employee over some idiot who was an asshat towards a cashier. Managers may be spineless, but they're typically not stupid.
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Wow, what a total crock. If it was up to me that asshole would have been kicked out of the store.

                      Is it me or did I sense a lot of sexism coming from that guy? Especially the part where he kept going on about the "you are letting her control you!" stuff.
                      My Fur Affinity Page:
                      My Weasyl Page:


                      • #12
                        You're much more patient than I. After about the second "You must hate your job,", I might say "You know what? Thanks to people like you, I do! Now sign your sales receipt and take your items, or off you fuck."

                        My BTMF goes on the fritz at the darndest times.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          We has a SC who ranted about how awful our service was when he deiced to argue over the price of every item. We save the order and the MOD and a cashier walked around the store with the SC. Well the prices were right and the MOD went to the Cust. service desk to pull up the order and ring him out. SC started bereatign the MOD, and by chance the LP guy was in the CS desk back room/storage. After a minute the MOD asks him to be quieter, SC becomes louder and the LP guy chimes in and asks him to be quiet or leave. SC is eventually asked to leave by MOD and even after we lell him we will have the police come and remove him he still argues how that is illegal. LP picks up phone to call cops and guy runs out. He later complained that we were rude to him.


                          • #14
                            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                            How I wish your LP would have had a set big enough to not only throw him out but also not give him his discounted items.
                            When my manager eventually asks me about the situation I'm going to bring up the fact that LP did nothing to attempt to diffuse the situation and only stood there.
                            That and ask for a department transfer.
                            I'm looking for a new job, but for the time being I've had it with cash. People are too fucking nuts for my tastes and I'm done with them.


                            • #15
                              Any customer in the store on my shift that was refused service by any cashier would have been told to leave, period. Anyone displaying that sort of behavior would have been ejected the minute they started to tell us that we HAD to do anything.

                              The only two things I HAVE to do are stay a human and die.

