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You're taking a picture of me with your phone?

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  • You're taking a picture of me with your phone?

    This was back when I first started working at my job. I had been there for less than a month. I had been walking around the store putting some things back on the shelves, and came across these two men. They must've been in their mid to late 40's at least. I think I talked to them, not sure. I got a bad vibe off them though.

    Later when I was up at my register they came through my line. The one who looked older was taking stuff out of the cart, and the other guy was just standing there. If I remember correctly the one who wasn't doing anything was saying stuff about me(being pretty or whatever...weird stuff..). I've been looking down the whole time because I didn't want to look at them, and I was concentrating on what I was doing. Well I looked up and saw the younger looking guy with his cell phone out, pointing at me. The light next to the camera was on, so he was OBVIOUSLY taking a picture or recording me. I looked down quickly. He said something along the lines of "Give me a pretty smile" and i just sort of mumbled "No" while still looking down.
    I had no idea how to handle it...After they left and I went and told the woman working at the front desk about it. She called a manager and I told her, and I got really upset and started crying, so she let me have a break for a little while. They later called security up and I told her, and she said if I saw the guy in there to tell whoever was at the front desk.
    So I few days later I saw him again and told them. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I believe they spoke with him. I saw them once after that, but I haven't seen them since

    And something that happened somewhat recently. The lady wasn't unpleasant or anything, but what she asked to do was a little annoying. I rang up her order of A LOT of clothes, told her the total, and she said that can't be it, that she added them all up in her head before she came up. So, we went through a few LARGE bags looking at every tag, adding up the prices. Finally it came out to the total I gave her(with tax), and she was like "Oh, I must've just added wrong" ...Hmm..really? She was nice about it, and thankfully I didn't have a line the whole time she was there taking out every article of clothing. Afterwords she asked if we could take tips because of how patient I had been, and I said unfortunately no, we don't. So she thanked me a few more times and then left with alllll her clothes

  • #2
    Semi-related. I was studying in Asia recently and an elderly man was taking pictures of my friend and me on his phone. It wasn't too creepy (I was used to getting gawked at for being omgnotasian), but a month later I was getting off the train to go to class on my last day and the man was in the station... and proceeded to show me the pictures, and try to get to me to go out drinking with him. At 9am.

    It's apparently sort of normal overseas (if weird) and gives off more of a curious vibe than a creepy one, but if that happened to me here in the States, the men would have ended up tackled with the phone stuffed into a dark and hidden place of theirs in two seconds flat. That is creepy and weird, thanksverymuch. (Maybe if he was young, polite about it, and good-looking...? Nah. Still weird.)

    ...Thanks to this post, I've discovered I'm not a people person. Guess you learn something new every day.

