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Sure! Just let me endanger myself for your convenience

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  • Sure! Just let me endanger myself for your convenience

    We had exercise equipment displayed. Some of it was on a really, really high shelf above other displays. (Like ten feet up) Stupid? Yes. My fault? No.

    SC: Hi, I want to see that exercise bike up there.
    Me: This is about as good as it gets; I'm afraid I can't get it down for you.
    SC: What? How will I know if I want to buy it if I can't try it out?
    Me: I'm sorry, sir. I know it's kinda stupid to have those up there, but I'm not getting them down myself. They're really heavy and it'd be really dangerous for me to try and get any of it down. I can call my manager, if you really want it down, and we'll see about getting it for you.
    SC: This is stupid! Can't you just get it down for me now?
    Me: No, sir. I'd probably just hurt myself. I can go get my manager if...
    SC: I don't have time for that! Having those up there is stupid. *Turns to walk away*
    Me: Sorry, but it's not my fault...
    SC: Go to hell!

    *Dreams of pulling an exercise bike down on his head*
    Last edited by Apathy; 05-08-2008, 04:19 PM.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?

  • #2
    Not only was the customer stupid/sucky, but the even more so the guy whp created the plan to stock it their.


    • #3
      Quoth Apathy View Post
      Me: Sorry, but it's not my fault...
      i agree the customer was sucky, but i have a problem with the above line.

      You're there as a representative of the store. People don't care if the problem is your fault or not, they want you to fix it because you're the one helping them. I agree with the line about you getting assistance to getting it down, but i think your attitude may have contributed to his SCness.


      • #4
        You kidding me? what "attitude" was he suppsoed to have? The OP even agreed it was a dumb scenario, and then explained in a seemingly calm rational manner that no, he couldn't bring down the item, at risk of personal injury, then offered to get a manager. How else should he have handled it?
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          I'm on the fence regarding the last line.

          The "it's not my fault" line just seemed like an unnecessary addendum to the actual conversation. The customer was done, the CSR re-engaged the customer with a line that could be construed as sarcasm

          Tact is your friend in these situations. You both think it's stupid, why take the customers comment personally?
          Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


          • #6
            Quoth CorDarei View Post
            You're there as a representative of the store. People don't care if the problem is your fault or not, they want you to fix it because you're the one helping them. I agree with the line about you getting assistance to getting it down, but i think your attitude may have contributed to his SCness.
            I disagree. While yes, the OP is a representative of the store and is there to help customers, pointing out that he is not at fault for the placement of the display doesn't justify someone treating him poorly and behaving like a child.
            I personally don't think Apathy was showing attitude by stating it wasn't his fault, and surely the mentioning of that was not what contributed to the SCness, but rather a shitty attitude from the SC to begin with.


            • #7
              I'll take the middle of the road on this one, I guess.

              Rather than "It's not my fault", perhaps you could have tried, "I agree with you, but I had no control over the setup." I've used something similar regarding complaints about heavy items placed on the highest shelves where they couldn't be reached without a ladder. It has the same meaning, but it's more likely to draw a positive response because it starts with "I agree with you".

              I realize you'd pretty much already done this, but it doesn't hurt to emphasize that you agree with the customer when they actually are in the right. A for the idiot who decided to put that stuff up there, and I think the rest is customer frustration combined with wording that wasn't necessarily the best choice on your part.


              • #8
                It's always fun to have debates going around.

                Clearly, I'm on my side. This guy was a total jerk to me from square one.
                (If that didn't come across, it's because this happened some time ago and I was reminded of it - so the conversation is the best I could remember; although, I'm pretty sure it's very close to what actually happened/was said.)

                Anywho, this SC was acting like it was my fault that the displays were up there, and I should rectify "my" mistake by engaging in dangerous behavior.

                I offered to go get my manager, and together maybe we could manhandle one of those things down, but this wasn't good enough for the SC.
                Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                • #9
                  Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
                  You kidding me? what "attitude" was he suppsoed to have? <snip> How else should he have handled it?
                  I dunno, from the way i read it, it seemed his attitude was of an employee who is burned out on their job. And as far as how else he could handle it, i would have done this:

                  Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                  "I agree with you, but I had no control over the setup."
                  instead of the I agree with part, i probably would have said Unfortunately, and then reiterated that i can get assistance to bring the bike down so it can be looked at.

                  But as Apathy said in a later post, the guy was suck from the beginning. So mebbe that's why i read the post differently too, because i would be on the defensive against anyone bringin' teh suck.


                  • #10
                    I'm with Apathy in that once an SC establishes their are a major jagoff, they are no longer entitled to any extra consolation, sympathy, or hospitality.. particularly when their gripe is over something you have no control over. I find no problem whatsoever with Apathy's response in that instance and in fact feel the SC probably deserved a tad more spite and sarcasm. Then again, I am terminally jaded and likely unemployable in any sort of customer-service related field.
                    I will never go to school!


                    • #11
                      I like to agree with idiots who say everything is "stupid" if it's about something that actually is stupid. It kind of takes the wind out of their sails when you won't argue with them or try to defend the store.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        I'm on the side of the employee in those situations. When a customer treats someone like crap and expects them to fix something that they have absolutely no control over, I think it's perfectly acceptable to point that out. I know for a fact that it is absolutely infuriating to have to take crap because of someone else's poor choices. I get enough of that at home thank you, I don't want to deal with it at work when dealing with people who don't know me or think I somehow have power over how things are set up.
                        We Pick Up the Pieces


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Apathy
                          Me: Sorry, but it's not my fault...

                          i agree the customer was sucky, but i have a problem with the above line.

                          You're there as a representative of the store. People don't care if the problem is your fault or not, they want you to fix it because you're the one helping them. I agree with the line about you getting assistance to getting it down, but i think your attitude may have contributed to his SCness.

                          It doesn't matter a hill of beans in a rain storm what his so-called attitude was or wasn't. There are limits to what a retail worker can do to help a customer. Getting down a heavy excercise bike all by yourself is NOT one of them!


                          • #14
                            Had similar thing happen to me years ago, when there were no such things as flat-screen TVs and LCD TVs.

                            Lady: Can you pull that display TV out for me so I can see the connections on the back?

                            The TV she was referring to was a 32-inch screen, very heavy and bulky, and it was on a top shelf, about 5 feet off the ground or so.

                            Me: That TV's a little too heavy for me to handle on my own. I can call somebody over to help me though.
                            Lady: If you don't want to do it, I can always go someplace else.
                            Me: I'll be happy to do it. I'll just need somebody to help me
                            Lady: (cat-butt face and a gusty sigh) I'll just go to Wal-Mart instead.

                            I hope she did go over there, I hope she did buy a big TV from them, and I hope the thing broke soon after she started using it. No way I'm going to drop a 32-inch TV on my head to save a sale.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              I agree with Apathy.

                              There is no difference between Apathy saying that it's not his fault, and the many of us, while trying to enforce corporate policy, saying "I did not create the policy, but if I don't enforce it I will lose my job."

