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When is it okay to be rude?

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  • When is it okay to be rude?

    So yesterday at work things were pretty dead most of the day. It's summer and we just recently ended the $5 foot long promotion so things have been dead around here.

    Due to this, we typically have fewer people on for a given shift than we did during the special. For example from 5:00-10:00 we would typically have at least three people on during the special, now we have two. The exception is, people who are being trained don't count as being "on shift." Primarily because they can't do the workload of a fully trained employee.

    So around 6:30 we have one of the few rushes of customers we have had all day. Pretty much everyone in the store is in a rare good mood, including the customers.

    I had been training the new guy since two, but since we had just gotten a decent rush of customers in I decided to move him down to the register where he wouldn't slow the sandwich making process up (it typically takes someone a few shifts before they get to full-speed sandwich making.)

    Both me and the other guy on the line have been working here awhile, so we were pumping sandwiches down at a pretty good clip, faster than the new guy could ring them up, actually (but he was still doing register way faster than he could have done any sandwich making task.)

    We've trained him to do cash drops already, but some of the intricacies are lost on him. For example, when you do a cash drop, the drop has to be verified by another employee before it is dropped into the safe. When it came time to do a cash drop during this rush, he just grabbed a $100 bundle of $1s from the register, typed in a $100 drop, and dropped the bundle into the safe.

    This wasn't a smart move, but this guy was in the Army for three years after High School and aside from that he has never held any other job. He's never worked a cash register before, handled cash drops or et cetera. So honestly, I'm not going to berate the guy for messing something up when he's totally inexperienced, no one is great at their job when they are totally untrained and inexperienced.

    He even realizes what a numbskull move he's just made, because he instantly "Ack, I just dropped almost all our 1s into the safe." I just tell him that I will open the safe as soon as I can, and for him to tell me when we are actually out of 1s. If I'm going to have to stop in the middle of the rush to open the safe and replenish 1s it is going to slow down the line any way, but on the off chance we finish up the rush without using up the 1s, there won't be a slow down so I opt for not filling 1s until we run out or the rush is over (whichever comes first.)

    For a few more customers, things are moving smoothly, but then we run out of 1s. Around this time, today's SC is getting his sub started.

    He wanted a foot long Spicy Italian, toasted. Unfortunately for him, I had just made three subs for a woman, and she wanted them all toasted. I had three foot long subs in the toaster, this means you're looking at over a minute's toasting time. There's no way to make this time shorter, the toaster can't work "faster." If he wants his sub toasted, he has to wait that minute or so. While those three subs are toasting, I have one customer waiting to get veggies on his sub. I also have one customer waiting to get change at the register (because the 1s are now gone.) I politely tell the customer waiting for veggies that I need to open the safe to put some 1s in so that we can make change, he says it is no problem.

    I quickly open the safe, put the $100 in 1s back in the register and put $100 in 20s into the safe. Right as I finish that, the toaster goes off. I take the three foot longs out so they don't burn, and the other guy on the line puts the SC's Spicy Italian into the toaster. I finish up the one guy's veggies, then start on the woman's three subs. She happens to get a lot of different veggies on each of the three subs. This means right about the time I'm finishing the first of her subs, the SC's Spicy Italian comes out of the toaster. The other guy on the line takes it out and then starts helping me put veggies on all the subs, since the SC is the last customer of the rush.

    In quick order we finish up the woman's subs, but right around the time we are finishing the SC says, "Hey, who's like the manager here?" I tell him I'm the assistant manager, and that the store manager is xxxx and is not in right now. We finish the woman and I start on his sub. Before telling me what veggies he wants, he just says, "Well, this is the slowest Subway experience I've ever had, and you guys don't have like any customers in here."

    Not feeling like any sort of confrontation, nor caring enough to explain that he just saw us make three subs for one customer and that the dining room is full of people we've just served, I just say, "Sorry about that, what would you like on your sub?" He rattles off the veggies and as I'm putting them on, he keeps at it. "You guys should really hire some new people, because this place is really slow."

    I'm just letting it roll off me, because honestly I'm in a good mood and don't really care that he is in a bad mood. Then the new guy pipes in, and says "Hey, I can't get the register to open, what's wrong?" I say "Hold on, one second." Because I'm finishing this guy's sub up. I finish it, and then look over at the register.

    Right now, there is still the woman who has three subs waiting to be rung up, I leave the SC's sub on the counter and walk over to find out what is wrong. The register is out of receipt paper, without receipt paper, the drawer won't open. So I tell my other co worker to fill the receipt paper, and start explaining to the trainee what to do in this situation. This is when the SC out of nowhere yells, "DUDE, JUST FINISH MY SUB, QUIT TALKING TO THAT IDIOT AND GET MY SANDWICH FINISHED."

    On his part, this is totally stupid, because his sub is finished No, it hasn't been wrapped. But that takes under five seconds. Furthermore, until the customer in front of him has been rung up, and until he has been rung up and paid, he doesn't need his sandwich wrapped up and in his hands. If he had kept his mouth shut and let me fix the register, then the moment he paid, his sub would be in his hands, easily.

    But because he yelled in the store, and called one of the employees an idiot, I decided right then and there it was time to get a little bit rude with this guy. I tell him, "You need to calm down. If you can refrain from shouting or name calling, I'll let you check out. Otherwise you can leave."

    He replies, "This is FUCKING RIDICULOUS." Considering I had just asked him to stop yelling, and now he's yelling "fucking" in a dining room that has several small children in it, I've decided he won't be getting a sub from us today. In a calm voice I just tell him, "Alright, out, now." He starts bitching more, "YOU GUYS ARE SLOW AS SHIT, I WANT MY SUB. I'VE WAITED HERE FOR LIKE TWENTY MINUTES, GIVE ME MY GOD DAMN SUB AND I'LL GET OUT OF HERE."

    At this point I tell him that he hasn't paid for the sub yet, it isn't his sub. That because he refused to behave, he's not being served by us today. He keeps yelling and at that point I just tell him what I tell people when things get to this point, "If you don't leave immediately I'll call the police and have you removed for trespassing."

    Now, this guy's behavior isn't really what interest me, it is just the general concept of berating service workers when you perceive your service to be bad. Me, I work on the general concept that I don't yell or act rude towards anyone who hasn't acted rudely to me first.

    I've been in restaurants where I've had to wait a ridiculously long time for my food. One restaurant, it was one hour after we'd ordered, our drinks hadn't been refilled in twenty minutes, our server hadn't updated us on the status of our food in half and hour. I go up to the front of the restaurant and ask to speak to a manager, I explain to him, "Hey, I don't want to be rude but we ordered an hour ago and we haven't received our food or even heard anything about it." The manager comped us the meals and the server apologized.

    I have no idea why the service was slow, it could have been the waitress' mind was fried, it could have been a problem in the kitchen, whatever. Either way, the restaurant did mess up. But just because someone messes up service, that doesn't entitle you, as a customer, to name call or yell. That's just my philosophy.

    Does it entitle you to make a complaint? I think so, a calm, reasonable complaint like the one I made to the manager.

    However, I've gone to dinner with other friends that will flip out over issues like that, or even issues which are less grievous. I've had a friend yell at a waitress over his steak being under cooked, to my horror. I just totally do not understand that, if your food is messed up, or you are unhappy with your service you do have a right to say something but I don't feel any level of bad service entitle you to start yelling--unless you have been treated in an overtly rude manner or something of that nature.

    This particular SC, yes, it took him a bit longer than usual to get his sub. Usually, toasting times aren't like 90 seconds, but when a customer has three subs, that might happen. There was nothing we could have done to increase the speed he received his sub.

    The woman with three subs, and the guy who was in line when the register ran out of 1s--they were actually delayed by a screw up in the line. They were justified in some minor annoyance--but they remained polite the entire time, and never voiced any real dissatisfaction. Like normal human beings, they recognized sometimes the line moves a little slower. This SC noticed the jam-up in the line, and for some reason he associated that with the reason it took him a little longer to get a sub.

    Even if the delay was entirely our fault, that doesn't entitle him to start yelling at the staff, just my opinion.

  • #2
    I think you were in the right. My two cents, but, hey, I'm willing to forgive a minor 90 second wait. Some asshats... just need to be yelled at.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Sometimes, when all else fails, a customer MUST be patient cause let's face it-shit happens.


      • #4
        Good work. SC's really need to be taught that being a douche isn't going to get you what you want (even though it does).

        I say you were totally in the right. And we can hope that the guy went home, cooled down, and though, "Man, I was a total asshat for no reason." Probably not, though.
        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


        • #5
          IMO you were justified in refusing him service the moment her started swearing after you asked him to calm down.

          Also IMO you could have waited to explain the thing about the receipt paper until after the last customer had been rung up, but then again that customer was just being a douche for not being able to wait the few extra seconds that it takes to explain that to someone :P


          • #6
            Quoth Apathy View Post
            Good work. SC's really need to be taught that being a douche isn't going to get you what you want (even though it does).

            I say you were totally in the right. And we can hope that the guy went home, cooled down, and though, "Man, I was a total asshat for no reason." Probably not, though.
            That's one "luxury" of this type of business. We're pretty high volume, with a low sales per customer, so any individual customer acting like an asshole isn't going to be catered to as much as might make sense in a low volume business where each individual customer is a significant % of sales.

            One of my favorite stories about customer relations involves Southwest Air CEO Herb Kelleher responding to a customer who had sent in many angry, SCish letters complaining about the staff, he just informed her that there were many other major airlines that would be happy to have her business.

            Quoth Chanlin View Post
            IMO you were justified in refusing him service the moment her started swearing after you asked him to calm down.

            Also IMO you could have waited to explain the thing about the receipt paper until after the last customer had been rung up, but then again that customer was just being a douche for not being able to wait the few extra seconds that it takes to explain that to someone :P
            I should have clarified that when I started explaining the situation to the trainee, the other co-worker took over the register, so we weren't delaying people getting rung up. He honestly just seemed very confused about how things worked, and seemed to genuinely think that his food was being slowed down by me spending a few seconds to speak to someone (when that simply wasn't the case.)
            Last edited by Broomjockey; 05-18-2008, 01:41 AM. Reason: multi-quote


            • #7
              I completely agree with your reasons. I work as a waitress and I don't particularly like being yelled when they are not happy with their food, even if everything is done correctly.

              1. I did not cook the food so I do not feel the need for you to yell at me, I am not going to go out and yell at the chef's, even if they screwed up, so why should I have to be yelled at.

              2. Yelling at me is going to get you nowhere fast, so talk to me as a rational person and I will do everything in my power to make the rest of your experience better.
              Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


              • #8
                kind of off topic but i think it goes with the story

                back story
                I use to work subway and have still a taste for the food.
                after grabbing gas today i decide to run and a get a foot long real quick for my dinner/lunch and head home
                now its lunch time in the restaurant so its kind of busy and the couple next me is alittle slow because one doesnt speak english
                i order my sandwich from one guy who hands off to another guy and disappear into the back,
                guy two double checks me order and discovers there is no chicken left so he runs in the back to get some
                apparently he has to prep a new case because he doesnt run back
                this is strick number one, i know for a fact while yes you should prep if you have the staff (*which they diud they had 6 people in the line) you run out and drop off the needed amount then prep
                girl one takes over my sandwich
                i tell her again what it is but that the guy ran in the beack to get more
                i then tell her i dont want it toasted but i do want cheese, swiss please
                she asks if i want it melted, i say no just the plain cheese please
                she then pushes my sandwich down the line to the veggies
                I say um ok well no lettuce sphinage please, and plese dont forget my swiss
                she ignores me and starts putting the sphinage
                strike two i know unless necessary, like you have no more cheese you odnt skip it
                she takes my veggie order
                now i want banana peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, heavy tomatoes and onions, green peppers, olives, and pickles
                she says heavy onion and green peppers?>
                i say no heavy tomatoes and onion
                heavy onion and green peppers right?
                I repeat heavy tomatoes and onion
                she says ok
                and gives me regular tomatoe, heavy onion and heavy green pepper
                sigh strike three i said nice and slow
                no she doesnt put on my pickles or olives, does most of the guy behind mes order then runs off to find my chicken
                but she didnt give him his orgeno
                now chick two comes up smiles and asks if my veggies are done
                i smile back and say no im missing pickles and olives, oh and the other girl didnt give me my cheese, she applogises finishes my veggies and gets the cheese
                she asks if its a veggie i say no the girl just popped my chicken in to the microwave
                she applogises glances behind her sees it still has a few seconds and turns to guy behind me and asks if hes done.
                Now hes was checking his cell phone while the other girl was finishing his sandwich so he didnt see the lack of orgeno and just tells this girl that the other girl helped
                i smile back at her and tell yeah she just forgot his oregano when she ran back
                the guy thanked me for noticing and the other girl appologized again
                i tell her its not her fault
                she gets my chicken puts in one, puts on my dressings and salt and pepper and asks the guy if he need anything, he was talking to someone behind him so i smile to her again and tell her oh the other girl did that already its just under the lettice, she looks again and see his mayo the guy laughes behind me and says i have a good memory and thanks me for noticing.
                I turn back and still smileing say oh its ok i just didnt want your sandwich ruined because you didnt notice something. I actually use to work for subway which was why i was alittle annoyed about my order being screwed up.
                The girl over heard this and started appoligicing prefusesly for the trouble.
                I smile at her and sooth her and say' Its not your fault, you double checked verified and made sure our order where complete, what another worker did to my order isnt your fault in fact you fixed it. The mistackes are minor and to my taste any ways.
                The guy thanks me one more time for double checking his order for him i get rung up and i leave
                heres what really peeves me
                I have not worked at this kind of job in over a year
                and i remember the guy behind me's order to the tee, even now, and ive had to deal with pizza orders for the last 6 hours (if you want to know, 6inch, white, italian, american cheese, lettice, olives, mayo, mustard, salt and pepper, and oregano)
                and second this store is run by my ex boss, who watched me correct the girl who did most of my order, from hearing distance, was in hearing distance the whole time, and didnt seem worried at all that some one left to get chicken and didnt come back at all and i didnt get chicken until just before it was wrapped up.
                the second girl is really nice, and i have delt with her a few times in the past, and she always does my order right.
                this is the one time my order was messed up
                Last edited by Sliceanddice; 05-17-2008, 07:31 AM.


                • #9
                  Pardon my confusion, but when was Mazthoril rude? I know he said he was rude, but the words did not read as such. I will assume they were delivered in a calm manner.

                  If telling someone in a calm way to simmer down (or anything else they don't want to hear) is rude, then we have let the SCs win. As this is a part of my job, I don't want teh SCs to win this one. Rational people get to define the debate, not the loudest.

                  And I bet this SC is that jerk you see on the road who passes you up at high speeds but hits the same red light you do, and you both leave that light at the same time. Good job, sparky, that was well-wasted gas!
                  Last edited by Bramblerose; 05-17-2008, 06:55 PM.


                  • #10
                    You were 100% in the right. There is a point where it is necessary for you to stop being polite to SCs, and tell them like it is. That SC definitely reached that point.
                    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                    • #11
                      You were absolutely, 100 percent in the right.

                      I've said this before, but it bears repeating:

                      If a customer of mine is yelling, screaming and treating me like garbage, my response will be to give the BARE minimum of service required to keep my job.

                      If a customer treats me with respect, I will go WAY above and beyond in order to help them out of their predicament.

                      A specific example of this would be when airlines cancel or delay flights due to weather or other unforeseen issues. A rational person will realize this is NOT my fault, and that screaming at me will do nothing to solve the problem. Sure, I understand frustration and venting, but it can be done in such a way as to work with me to find a solution.

                      In your case, you gave the guy a chance to behave - a COUPLE Of times by my count. He continued his downward spiral into suckitude and deserved to get booted out on his ass.

                      Good job!
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        It is never acceptable to be rude. Ever.

                        You can be firm in your complaint without being aggressive or intimidating. You certainly don't need to swearing and shouting.

                        Betari's box explains this quite nicely.
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                        • #13
                          As they say in Road House, "Be nice."

                          Well, at least until it's time to not be nice.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bramblerose View Post
                            Pardon my confusion, but when was Mazthoril rude?

                            I believe Mazthoril was asking when it was okay to be rude to service workers. As in, the rude guy dealt with wasn't entitled to being rude, but the other two customers who actually had a reasonable delay could've been understandably miffed, but were still polite.

                            Sort of a, if your waitress completely screws up your order or something, is it understandable to yell at them. I don't think so, everybody makes mistakes. Like you said, a calm complaint should be enough. I might roll my eyes or act annoyed if something is taking long or I have to keep correcting my order (if I'm in a bad mood), which I, obviously, find acceptable, if it's caused by jerks.


                            • #15
                              There's a Subway at the convention center in Seattle that I've been to during convention. As one of three food places inside the center, it gets hit up pretty badly and their whole day is rush for four solid days.
                              Even when their line was slow moving, I never once saw someone flip out like that and we're talking people who waited an hour for their subs.

                              What kind of job does this guy have that he never gets bogged down?

