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Do what you want, but we don't have it!

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  • Do what you want, but we don't have it!

    Ok, I think there's something going on. Usually when people ask for something, like a memory card or whatever, and we don't have it in stock anymore, they just say 'ok, or 'I look somewhere else' or ask when we get them again. However, I noticed that there's some behavioral change. I don't remember it being full moon 4 times in the same month, so it can't be that. I am left rather clueless, yet intrigued.

    So here's a few of the different reactions to 'the opposite of what they want to hear'. I only work weekends, maybe my coworkers have a few nice ones as well.

    The waiting game

    Coworker and me are behind the counter, no customers, lady enters. She asks me for a phone she asked us to reservate. And if I could go and check. Sure, I ask for the name, couldn't find it. Ask what type of phone it was, she didn't know (it was for her son). Ask coworker if he knows anything, coworkers says he can only search when he has the type of phone so he can see if it's here or still in the other branch.

    She can't give us the info we need, so we say we can't do much for her and that we give her a call when the phone with her name and number arrives. She says ok, me and CW go back to work, but the customer is still standing there, looking at us. So I just look back from the corner of my eye, so did CW. Eventually CW says: It won't arrive today, they never deliver on weekends...

    Me: Did she think we would say it was a joke or that it would magically appear if she waited longer?
    CW: Either that, or she just has a very long brain processing time.

    But I came all the way from...

    I don't care if you came swimming all the way from Great-Brittain or the US for all I care, that doesn't change the fact that we don't have that certain item in stock. You think that because you come from 'far' (such a relative term) I will say I actually lied and have it to compliment you on your awesomeness to get your rear moving to get a luxury item? No. And no, huffing, sighing and talking to me in such a way like it's my fault that I didn't know you would be here, won't make the item in stock go from 0 to 1. 2nd time: Travel as many miles as you want, it will NOT suddenly appear on my counter.

    I'll add another 'dislike' point for the fact that aforementioned customer confused me. I thought retail workers were the low scum of the earth and now I am suddenly expected to be psychic?

    Another additional bonus: Next time call if we have it, ask another branch (we have at least one in every village in this area), or do something else that requires common sense. It's really not hard, please try... It really is hopeless right? If it's logical, it is not an option.

    I demand to have it!

    Tough luck! Sir, I liked you when you came in. Not because you were a wannabe entitlement whore wanting to belonging to the prostitutus entitlimentis elitaris (the one with the fancy cars and high paychecks and other expensive stuff, that kind of info is always freely given by customer), also not because of the fact that you tried to look down on me despite being an inch taller than me and also not because of the fact you were threatening a little, but simply because of the fact that you were sweet in your attempts to be all high and mighty which resulted in a total fail.

    I smell your insecurity and your lack of preparation and courage to duke it out with a retail worker with the intention of gaining more than you pay for. But isn't it easy to win from a 5'5 girl with a soft voice and a slightly introvert personality due to a bit of shyness that still hasn't wore off when dealing with customers? No, not if that girl is probably 1,5 times your weight and has arms with the same amount of muscles like your legs. And of course the discovery that you aren't worth my sweet helpful introvert personality because you're an ass.

    No we don't have the phone that you want. No I also don't care that your carkit in your brand new Mercedes won't take other kinds of phones because it doesn't work with Bluetooth. No, demanding to get that phone will not work... yes I can get it from another branch, no not today. I do not have it here now! No, I also don't give a crap about your money, whether you pay €300 or €1500 for the stuff you want, I will still get my same amount per hour, maybe a few € difference because of the target list... For the last time, for the love of all that's sweet, good and holy, I do not have the phone you want today. No, threatening won't help. I hate you, I want to claw at your throat for so long that your head will fall off so I can stick it in a place belonging to your anatomy where the sun doesn't shine.

    It are always the idiots that make me less nervous and shy instead of the normal customers. Oh well, people find it cute and they come back whenever they need something

  • #2
    OMG that first woman was actually doing the prolonged silence thing they do on the phone only it was in person!! Maybe she forgot she was actually in the store.


    • #3
      People do that at our store all the time, as well. Like it's our fault Nintendo doesn't ship out Wiis to their liking. Wlkjdnflksdj. :[
      This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.


      • #4
        Quoth LoneWolf View Post
        But I came all the way from...
        Yeah, I got this a lot. Guess what, EW?
        1. I don't care.
        2. It doesn't matter.

        You drove for an hour to get here? That's nice. You should have called first. No, there's none in the back room. I understand that you think there is, but that doesn't change reality.
        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


        • #5
          Quoth jerkface11 View Post
          OMG that first woman was actually doing the prolonged silence thing they do on the phone only it was in person!! Maybe she forgot she was actually in the store.
          That was one of the things that repeatedly cracked me up in the call center. They ask for something, you tell them it's out of stock/not possible/not policy, etc, and they just go "ok..." and ask if you can help with anything else, they repeat first request.

          LISTEN, idjits. You ask for info, I give it, the rest is up to you. I don't care what you do with your newfound information--you can go repeat it to all your friends via tin cans and a wire for all I care, but the information will not magically change if you hold you breath for 8 seconds and hop on one foot (i always assume that's what they're doing during that silence).

          The magical hop of silence does not work on this plane of existence. Deal with it.
          "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

          My pony dolls:


          • #6
            these people need the same very short lecture my mother gave me growing up when I'd ask for something twice or try to trck her into giving me a different answer... i can even quote her "you asked me a question, I gave you an answer, that is all that is required, nowhere is it written that you have to like the answer I give you"
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Smileyeagle, that sounds like something my mommy would say, too.

              Ah...moms. They can be so wonderful.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                "you asked me a question, I gave you an answer, that is all that is required, nowhere is it written that you have to like the answer I give you"
                I don't think Mum came up with that one yet! Dude, I am SO using that on her next time (just to pick on her).
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  "you asked me a question, I gave you an answer, that is all that is required, nowhere is it written that you have to like the answer I give you"
                  Sounds exactly like my response to "I've got a question."
                  "I have an answer. It may not be one you like, but I have one nonetheless."
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Got one of those last week.

                    SC: But I was in [City about 40 Km away] and they had tonnes yeterday!
                    Me: Well maybe you shoulda bought it there then?
                    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Apathy View Post
                      No, there's none in the back room. I understand that you think there is, but that doesn't change reality.
                      Reminds me of the guy who came in to ask me how he'd be able to tell, without coming into the store, if we had Wiis in stock.
                      "There's no way, short of calling us. I would, however, suggest not waiting until almost closing time to find out, as we get shipments in the early morning to afternoon. Wiis are usually gone by lunch, with how few we get in stock at a time."
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth Apathy View Post
                        . No, there's none in the back room. I understand that you think there is, but that doesn't change reality.
                        i know you all are going to hate me... but the hotel I work at quite literally does have a magic back room... granted it doesn't have any extra rooms in it, but with the exception of extra beds it has everything you would need in the room, blankets, towels, toiletries... and there is nearly an endless supply of everything.

                        sorry if my hotel is leaving your customers unreasonable expectations
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          Quoth Juwl View Post
                          Sounds exactly like my response to "I've got a question."
                          "I have an answer. It may not be one you like, but I have one nonetheless."
                          A friend of mine made that into a game. You state "I've got a question." and other people have to come up with an answer and state "I have an answer". You then proceed to ask your question and people then answer. Hilarity ensues. One of my favorites was "What's marriage ?" "Broken dishes".

                          However, I don't think a customer would take this kindly.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #14
                            Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                            OMG that first woman was actually doing the prolonged silence thing they do on the phone only it was in person!! Maybe she forgot she was actually in the store.

                            Happens all the time.

                            Usually accompanied by a blank stare.
                            I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                            -- Steven Wright


                            • #15
                              Quoth TonyDonuts View Post
                              Happens all the time.

                              Usually accompanied by a blank stare.
                              In this case it was a blank stare which went from me to my coworker. When my coworker was about to speak she started to look all excited.

                              It's the first time that it happened to me, I didn't know how to react at first lol. I think I rather have them leaving angry for no reason so I can whisper something not so pleasant or wonder about my faith in humanity. Either way, I then know how to react.

                              Maybe I have to get used to a new type of customer. One's never done learning.

