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SC and i wasnt even on the clock!

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  • #16
    Quoth Soulstealer View Post
    How could you take the dog out in public? Everyone knows the pink coat is the doggy signal for a ninja master off his medication.
    Oh, yeah! And the name Girly is just to throw you off. Sounds like she should be off getting her toenails painted (pet-icure?) and her highlights touched up!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #17
      I used to work for an animal hospital. The only "breeds with reputations" there were Chows and Chihuahuas, but more of them were snuggle puppies, than not. For some reason, I was the only tech willing to work with Dobies or Rotties (more snugglers!), and the only dog that ever truly tried to bite me was a shepherd mix, but he was abused to start with. I also remember one toy Poodle that would not let any of the other techs touch her but me, and she would crawl into my arms every time.

      Of dogs who have owned me: A German Shepherd would threaten to bite me only when I carried him into the bathroom for a bath. The first time, I bit him back. A Dobie and I had alpha "discussions" for a few weeks after I first brought him home from the pound until he learned that *I* lead the pack. A Rat Terrier that I took in after his owner died loved everybody but me. He did bite me a few times, but he was my responsibility, and I was not going to foist him off on somebody else. I just made sure he was well muzzled anytime I had to take him anywhere in the car.

      The six (!) dogs I have now are all snugglers, even the littlest Pom that seems to think my thumb is a chew toy/pacifier at bed time <grin>.
      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


      • #18
        My sister used to have a pitbull named Buster. I loved that dog, he was the friendliest dog I've ever met. But I can see why people train them, he was STRONG, they used to use a harness to walk him becuase when they used his coller, he would pull so much he would black out. I miss that fuzzball.
        Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time

