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No I'm not in fact lazy.

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  • No I'm not in fact lazy.

    It's a grocery store fact is you lift heavy things up all the time and after years of dealing with horses and lifting hay bales it doesn't bother me at all.

    Thing is, my finger is literally an interesting blend of black purple and blue due to it quite clearly being broken. I don't care honestly. It's not the first time I've broken a finger or even the first time I've broken that particular finger. And hey, now my left pinky matches my right in crookedness. I can't bend it at the moment and I even buddy wrapped it with scotch tape because its Easter weekend and I don't feel like waiting 8hrs in the ER for someone else to properly buddy wrap it because the walk-ins are closed.

    Frankly, if you could lift it out of the basket (that you've been carrying all around the store) you can lift it right back in after I scan it. Or here's an idea. Let my packer I just called do it. But noooo, he wants me to do it. Because 'all of us young people are so lazy. We should learn to do things ourselves'. My entire hand is swollen from my pinky finger to my middle to the point that I can't even grasp the hand scanner and its a myriad of colours the human body is not supposed to turn. It's not like it isn't obvious that lifting shit is a bad thing to do with that hand right now.I was allowed to come to work on the grounds that I didn't do anything to screw it up further. My manager finally snapped (I was on the till across from the customer service desk to keep an eye on me) and stomped over legged my arm up to wave my hand in the customers face. Informed him that I was on light duties due to injury and he believed that I had already offered a satisfactory alternative if the SC couldn't carry his own groceries. (In that tone of voice that's polite but still hints that he's being an asshole)
    One of the regular customers offered to break the guys hand and ask him if it was still being lazy when he refused to carry his groceries in that polite and curious tone of voice (after the customer ran off of course, otherwise that might be a threat)

    The picture is from two days of icing and anti-inflammatories. It was broken between where it attaches to the hand and the first knuckle. I realigned it and bound it. (The other crookedness is from previous breaks horseback riding where I didn't bother and just got back on)
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    "It's a joke not a dick. No need to take it so hard."

    “Here’s $10, go to Walmart and buy a houseplant. Carry it around to make up for all of that oxygen you waste.”

  • #2
    Ugh, I've had a similar experience, but it was when I was wearing a hand brace. Repetitive motion and picking up heavy things while twisting your wrist is a bitch. So when I scanned a bookshelf and politely (with a smile!) said the customer could place it back in the shopping cart, she asked if I was just "lazy or something". No, but I also don't feel like awkwardly wrestling a 40-pound bookshelf from a position where I would have to bend to reach. Trying not to injure my back and all.

    Fortunately, most customers aren't that obtuse.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Glad to hear your manager stepped in!

      My mother developed one of those repetitive strain injuries during her time as a cashier at a grocery store. Her boss told her to either come in to work her shift or don't come back at all. She went in with one of those elastic braces on her arm and a sign that she put up at her register explaining to customers why she "might" be moving rather slowly. From what I remember, she had no problems at all ... other than customers who were angry that she had to be there in the first place.
      Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
      ~ Mr Hero


      • #4
        Ouch. Hope it feels better soon. I've never had a broken bone as a result of being entirely too risk-adverse. Can't even imagine trying to work with one.
        "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


        • #5
          I had hand surgery this time last year. The occupational therapists said they see many people with my job (vet tech) and dental hygienists. Very common, according to all of them. There are some jobs that are super hard on particular body parts.

          SC's are just showing their ignorant asses to the rest of us.


          • #6
            "Ok, please step off to the side and wait here for weeks until my hand heals. Or you could could, you know, pick it up yourself."


            • #7
              What I hate are those customers who, when I helpfully inform them they don't need to lift heavy items (cat litter, 24-packs of water) onto the belt because he have a hand scanner, say something to the effect of, "Oh well, my exercise for the day!" I'm sure they'd feel different if they had to wrestle those damn things back into the carts a hundred times a day.


              • #8
                I don't normally put heavy or big awkward items on the belt


                • #9
                  Quoth Monterey Jack View Post
                  say something to the effect of, "Oh well, my exercise for the day!" I'm sure they'd feel different if they had to wrestle those damn things back into the carts a hundred times a day.
                  My exercise for the week is taking the groceries up 4 flights of stairs when I get home.

                  I don't even take the bulk 20 pack of toilet paper out of the trolley. I know they have the ability to select it on the screens so they don't need to even try to scan it. It's the same with the big bottles/tins of oil, dog food and bulk bottles of water. Pretty sure there are more that I haven't thought of.
                  A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. - Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!


                  • #10
                    We had a cashier that was pregnant (I think about 4-5 months at the time) get told by the customer, "Oh, you want me to do your job for you?", when she asked him if he could lift a heavy item and put it back into his cart.
                    "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

                    "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters


                    • #11
                      I had an exterior fixator bar attached to my arm quite a few years ago. It was due to a really bad wrist/arm break that also saw me have a steel plate attached to the bone. I'd just gotten a job as a cashier and I was determined to work. Most of the customers were awesome and could fully understand why there were some things I couldn't lift, but there were a few that should have thanked their lucky stars that punching them would have hurt too much. One bitched me out because I was struggling to put their 2L pop into bags - I could barely lift the damn things into the bags in the first place, but I managed. Just not fast enough for this asshole -_-

