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Left Overs

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  • Left Overs

    The few entries from what turned out to be a relatively quiet weekend at work.

    Thought Processes

    Me: “Ok, and what style would you like it in?”
    SC: “Um….ham….ham.......ham moonie?”
    Me: “…Harmony?”
    SC: “Yeah.”

    You know, that was actually rather fascinating. I could actually reverse engineering your entire thought process based on this one simple exchange. Allow me to elaborate and present the entire thought process of the caller step by step:

    “Omigawd, PANTS. I’m getting pants! Pants! Seriously, YAY FOR PANTS! Oh, oh, wait, the phone is talking….talking….size? Size….size….ah ha! 28! I’ll tell them 28! There, I told the phone 28! ……the phone is asking something again….style? What style do I want? Style…..uh….I want….oh that picture is pretty. I want that one. What’s it called? Ha….ha…..har….ham….I can’t read it! The word is too big! Brain hurt! Ok, ok….deep breaths. I can do this. I’m a big girl now. I dressed myself this morning! Deep breaths. Word too big….break it down. Make it smaller. If I break it into lots of small words I can read it! Let’s see……ha….har….harm…..ham….HAM! OH GOD YES HAM! I love ham. Ham is awesome. I wonder if we have any ham? I hope we have ham. Oh boy, ham. If I could have some ham right now that’d be so sweet. God I love ham. I’d rub it all over my chest and-FOCUS! Focus! Need the pants first. Pants first. Ham later. Mhmm…ham. Pants! Ok, ok. So it’s ham first….then….mo…mone…mone….moone….moonie! HAM MOONIE! Tell the phone ham moonie! Quick! The phone is saying something….it’s a big word. Oh God I don’t know what that word was. Just say yes, just say yes. Tell the phone yes. Pants!”

    ….ok, actually, I’m not sure if that’s a disturbing glimpse into the way their mind works or the way my mind works.


    Me:“Alright, I’ll have the On call call you back”
    SC: “Great. What was your name?”
    Me: “<My name which does start with an M but certainly has no K, U or second M in it.>”
    SC: “Mikum?”
    Me: “No, it's Mi-“
    SC: “Thanks, Mikum! <click>”

    Is there no end to the indignities I must endure?

    Security Check In

    On Duty Guard: “I’m going on patrol till midnight.”

    Considering it’s currently 2am, that’s a rather impressive mission statement. But unless your patrol car is a Delorean I’m not quite sure how you’re going to pull it off. Unless you mean midnight tomorrow? In which case I guess I must applaud your dedication. Sadly, I won’t here this evening when you finally return. But don’t worry, I’ll instruct <co-worker> to prepare an appropriate welcome back gift for you. Perhaps a nice little gift basket with the bath beads and those funny little cheese wedges that no one likes. You know, the ones that come in the red plastic wheel.

    Behold my Talent

    Me: “Ok, and your phone number please?”
    SC: “What? Can’t you do ANYTHING?”

    I can do many things. My talents are vast and astounding. However, extracting your personal information from the surface of your mind using formidable psionic powers over a telephone line is not one of them. Regardless of the wide spread mistaken belief of our callers.

    I’ll tell you what I can do though. I can hang up on you for being a cankerous buttcrack and then spent the next 10 minutes mentally dangling you crotch first above the piranha exhibit at Sea World with a beef jerky cockring on.

    On you that is. Not me. I try not to wander around in public with cockrings on. They chaff.

    Wasting Time

    SC: “I think it’s ridiculous that I have to call the police for this! Why don't you have security guards?!”

    I think it’s ridiculous that you’d rather argue with me for 5-10 minutes over something that’s not going to change ( IE: My answer to your inquiry. ) rather than taking the 20 seconds to call the police yourself. Oh, you also vowed to call the office on Tuesday to complain about the injustice that is me not taking responsibility for you and calling the police for you on the bad bad men outside.

    Best part of all? You’re not even a tenant of <client, a property management company>. You’re just some jar squatting butter walrus from next door. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to hear what you think of their afterhours policies. In fact, tell them I said hi. Mention me specifically by name if you can. I could use the client feedback about how I dared to follow their instructions to the letter even in the face of frothing adversity.


    SC: “Uh….I wanna place an order?”
    Me: “Ok, can I have your name please?”
    SC: “….uh……um……I wanna place an order.”
    Me: “…yes, but can I have your name please?”
    SC: “Uh….<same name as me>.”

    Right, I’ll be legally changing mine then. I’m not entirely sure what I should change it too…….oh right. Mikum. There we go.


    Overheard whilst walking to work this evening:


    Keep walking. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.....there are some questions I don't want to know the answers too no matter how loud.

    and now I rest... -.-

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Thought Processes

    Me: “Ok, and what style would you like it in?”
    SC: “Um….ham….ham.......ham moonie?”
    Me: “…Harmony?”
    SC: “Yeah.”

    You know, that was actually rather fascinating. I could actually reverse engineering your entire thought process based on this one simple exchange. Allow me to elaborate and present the entire thought process of the caller step by step:

    “Omigawd, PANTS. I’m getting pants! Pants! Seriously, YAY FOR PANTS! Oh, oh, wait, the phone is talking….talking….size? Size….size….ah ha! 28! I’ll tell them 28! There, I told the phone 28! ……the phone is asking something again….style? What style do I want? Style…..uh….I want….oh that picture is pretty. I want that one. What’s it called? Ha….ha…..har….ham….I can’t read it! The word is too big! Brain hurt! Ok, ok….deep breaths. I can do this. I’m a big girl now. I dressed myself this morning! Deep breaths. Word too big….break it down. Make it smaller. If I break it into lots of small words I can read it! Let’s see……ha….har….harm…..ham….HAM! OH GOD YES HAM! I love ham. Ham is awesome. I wonder if we have any ham? I hope we have ham. Oh boy, ham. If I could have some ham right now that’d be so sweet. God I love ham. I’d rub it all over my chest and-FOCUS! Focus! Need the pants first. Pants first. Ham later. Mhmm…ham. Pants! Ok, ok. So it’s ham first….then….mo…mone…mone….moone….moonie! HAM MOONIE! Tell the phone ham moonie! Quick! The phone is saying something….it’s a big word. Oh God I don’t know what that word was. Just say yes, just say yes. Tell the phone yes. Pants!”

    ….ok, actually, I’m not sure if that’s a disturbing glimpse into the way their mind works or the way my mind works.
    You... need a vacation... Not a small vacation... a major vacation... Say, a change of job?


    Me:“Alright, I’ll have the On call call you back”
    SC: “Great. What was your name?”
    Me: “<My name which does start with an M but certainly has no K, U or second M in it.>”
    SC: “Mikum?”
    Me: “No, it's Mi-“
    SC: “Thanks, Mikum! <click>”

    Is there no end to the indignities I must endure?
    Do they ever listen? lol

    Behold my Talent

    Me: “Ok, and your phone number please?”
    SC: “What? Can’t you do ANYTHING?”

    I can do many things. My talents are vast and astounding. However, extracting your personal information from the surface of your mind using formidable psionic powers over a telephone line is not one of them. Regardless of the wide spread mistaken belief of our callers.

    I’ll tell you what I can do though. I can hang up on you for being a cankerous buttcrack and then spent the next 10 minutes mentally dangling you crotch first above the piranha exhibit at Sea World with a beef jerky cockring on.

    On you that is. Not me. I try not to wander around in public with cockrings on. They chaff.
    Might have been expecting caller ID to work. Right. Maybe. No? Defiantely not? But the man said the candy was in the car!


    SC: “Uh….I wanna place an order?”
    Me: “Ok, can I have your name please?”
    SC: “….uh……um……I wanna place an order.”
    Me: “…yes, but can I have your name please?”
    SC: “Uh….<same name as me>.”

    Right, I’ll be legally changing mine then. I’m not entirely sure what I should change it too…….oh right. Mikum. There we go.
    Hmm... At least they know what they want, thats a plus. but it's a minus cause they don't know how.

    As a side note, I think I know your name
    Last edited by Jacen; 05-19-2008, 01:59 PM. Reason: Stupid BBC. Naughty BBC. You did bad, BBC. Go sit in the corner.
    MMO Addicts group


    • #3
      Quoth Jacen View Post

      As a side note, I think I know your name
      It's not terribly hard to figure out. For it is common and mundane, surprisingly. -.-


      • #4
        "Mikum? Nah.. he's plenty loud enough already"

        Sorry.. that was the best I could think of..
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper

          Overheard whilst walking to work this evening:


          Keep walking. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.....there are some questions I don't want to know the answers too no matter how loud.
          I can't beleive you weren't the least bit curious about the reason for that statement.
          "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

          Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            Behold my Talent

            Me: “Ok, and your phone number please?”
            SC: “What? Can’t you do ANYTHING?”

            I can do many things.
            Sadly, however, I doubt I can do anything for you, as you cannot be redeemed through mere human intervention.


            • #7
              Quoth Trayol View Post
              I can't beleive you weren't the least bit curious about the reason for that statement.
              I didn't say I wasn't curious, just that if there's anything working in downtown Vancouver has taunt me over the years its that you don't always want to know the answer to these questions.....

              Quoth marty
              Sadly, however, I doubt I can do anything for you, as you cannot be redeemed through mere human intervention.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                I can hang up on you for being a cankerous buttcrack and then spent the next 10 minutes mentally dangling you crotch first above the piranha exhibit at Sea World with a beef jerky cockring on.

                On you that is. Not me. I try not to wander around in public with cockrings on. They chaff.
                The mental images I'm getting...

                I don't know whether to laugh or hide under my bed.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  It's not terribly hard to figure out. For it is common and mundane, surprisingly. -.-
                  It's Bob!

                  (Actually, I know what your name is. It's the same name as Co-Irker M (the guy, not the girl)).

                  Have you noticed that, since Bob is supposedly such a common name, you rarely meet people with that name? Funny.
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Perhaps a nice little gift basket with the bath beads and those funny little cheese wedges that no one likes. You know, the ones that come in the red plastic wheel.
                    I like that cheese. At least the stuff in my supermarket. Comes in red wax. It's soft and tastes yummy on Wheat Thins. Mmm...


                    • #11
                      Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                      It's Bob!

                      (Actually, I know what your name is. It's the same name as Co-Irker M (the guy, not the girl)).

                      Have you noticed that, since Bob is supposedly such a common name, you rarely meet people with that name? Funny.
                      it's probably the same as my name... either that or something close...
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        The sad thing is I have a friend who I would shout this out in public. Not because he'd be thinking it, or because he'd be doing anything to warrant saying it, but just to see the look on my face. Oh gods, the things he says to make me look horribly embarrassed.
                        "Have muck knowledge, but no certainties. Live. I am sorry, Sorianna." -Gverion

                        Check out my DeviantArt Site
                        Or my Webcomic!


                        • #13
                          My old boss was a Bob.

                          And I used to knew someone who had an uncle Bob, who was a cop.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            ….ok, actually, I’m not sure if that’s a disturbing glimpse into the way their mind works or the way my mind works.
                            I don't think that's disturbing at all... made me fall out of my chair laughing, but not disturbed!
                            Wasting Time

                            SC: “I think it’s ridiculous that I have to call the police for this! Why don't you have security guards?!”
                            Best part about this quote? Guess what most security guards that work in my jurisdiction do at 3 in the morning? "Oh... we could do it ourselves, but we'll just call the cops and watch em for a while. Yeah, that'll work awesomely!"

                            I think I've said that before, actually.... course, they were the phallic suckers from a novelty shop around here.... made a LOT of people do nervous glances, though...

                            On another note, I think I know your name now... I believe it's the same as mine...

                            And I'm pretty sure it's not Robert or Keith.
                            Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


                            • #15
                              i think its mathew...
                              oh and the cock ring thing... killed me for 3 hours

