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Why is that SC's tend to make a simple task into a complicated situation?

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  • Why is that SC's tend to make a simple task into a complicated situation?

    It's Sunday. We don't open until 12:00, but the employees come in at 11:00 to open up the store. Unfortunate me, answers the phone just a little after 11. I get this little gem of an SC.

    The lady starts off saying that she has a ring on layaway. Fair enough. The first thing that pops into my head is that she wants to know when it's due (an annoying task to do, but an easy one). I was wrong.

    She has a ring on layaway and then goes on about paying for it with Paypal and having it shipped to her. Sounds a little odd. I thought she might have won something from us off of eBay (like a local who just wants it shipped). Wrong again.

    She had talked to someone, they had told her that she could pay with Paypal and get it shipped. She also launches into this sob story where "they recently lost someone in the family." Really. I don't care. I put her on hold and ask the assistant manager. She knew nothing of it.

    I get back on the phone with her, told her that the best thing to do was to call the owner tomorrow when he comes in (the main manager is on vacation). A simple enough task for them to do. Apparently I was wrong. Again. The assistant manager, nor I, wanted authorize this kind of transaction. Paypal charges fees to receive money. It would have thrown off the books and computers as well.

    There was a bunch of ladies cluckin in the background, I don't know who I was talking to, but it wasn't the lady who had put the ring on layaway (she was one of the women in the background). Well, the layaway lady was saying that she could send her *sister* to come in and get the ring. I got the gist that they were not in our immmediate local area, but the sister lives closer to the area. I said that couldn't be done because the person who *put* the ring on layaway needs to come in and present ID, as well as have the receipt (which isn't required, but nice to have). Showing ID when picking up an item is store policy and I can't break it for anyone. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

    I put them on hold and ask my assistant manager. She shook her head no (before I even asked the question). The assistant manager a pretty laid back gal, but strict when it comes to store policies. I get back on the phone and tell them that the *one* who puts the ring on layaway is the only who can pick it up. That way, not weirdo can come in and get your stuff. She starts going on about the death in the family. Again. I don't care.

    Then she comes back with the zinger. . .


    Yes. This was her big comeback. We go from someone else picking up a layaway to a car accident. Well, let me put it this way. If there was a car accident. Simply call the store and tell us your situation. We'll understand. We'll happily EXTEND your layaway, push the due date back a months or so, until you are able to come in and get the item.

    She also goes on about how she's a good customer and comes in a lot and spends hundreds (yes, hundreds) of dollars here. Sorry lady, I've known people who come in a spend over a thousand on just one ring . . . all at once . . . without putting it layaway . . . and they're repeat customers . . . (they're an old, wealthy retired couple, very nice people).

    And plus, I've had two deaths in the family since I started working here. I still came in. I've known co-workers who had deaths in their familys. They still came in. And all we were wanted her to do was come in a pick up a ring off layaway (instead of making it some big complicated situation).
    This area is left blank for a reason.

  • #2
    If they didn't make it into a complicated situation, they wouldn't be SUCKY customers. They'd just be customers.

    I miss normal customers, I think they are almost extinct.
    "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
    "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


    • #3
      Oooh. The whole "pay with PayPal and have it shipped" thing is setting off all sorts of alarms with me.

      Most people are fine, but she sounds like someone trying to run a scam. I sure as heck wouldn't ship anything except to a verified location.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Can't she just send a check or money order?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          Can't she just send a check or money order?
          Probably because Paypal has a nasty habit of not returning people's money when they realize they got scammed and file a claim. Sure, you'll get a ruling in your favor but if the scammer cleans out their Paypal account they can't get dime one of your money back.
          "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


          • #6
            It's not PayPal's fault that there's no money to return. It works the same against buyers as sellers.

            As a buyer, always use a credit card to fund payment for maximum protection. As a seller, always ship to verified addresses and accept funds from verified accounts, but either way, if the customer is a scammer and knows what they're doing, you're still likely screwed.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Since I both buy and sell and eBay, I love and hate PayPal. I got screwed out of my money a couple of times (thankfully, not large amounts), so I absolutely don't pay through my checking account unless it's someone I buy from regularly.

              And the runaround I got my one buyer over a frickin' sewing pattern, because I refused to ship anywhere but the verified address, was over the top.

              All of which, in addition to the big increase in fees, makes me hesitate to sell anything on eBay anymore.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                If it's not going to sell for at least $30, then it's probably not worth it to list on eBay these days. That's the threshold my work has set, and anything less than $20 is losing money on time and materials.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth uknz76 View Post
                  If they didn't make it into a complicated situation, they wouldn't be SUCKY customers. They'd just be customers.

                  I miss normal customers, I think they are almost extinct.
                  Quoted for truth. I think people like making things difficult for some reason.
                  For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
                  -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


                  • #10
                    Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                    Then she comes back with the zinger. . .

                    "WELL WHAT IF THERE WAS A CAR ACCIDENT?"
                    If there was a car accident where you couldn't get to the store, than I hope a piece of jewelry would be the last thing on your mind.
                    I for one salute this parkade ninja of yours. ~ Gravekeeper

